1875 – Harvey is 12 years old



Friday, January 1, 1875 – I went over to the mud lake with Albert norman and boyds boys and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day cold though and at night I went down to prayer meeting with father.

Jan. 2 – I stayed at home and I helped glenroy to thrash a little bit and I helped to do the choirs and it rained about all day and I helped to pair some apples and it is some cold and glen ditten trash much.

Jan. 3 – I went to church with pa eliza and annie and emma and orrie stayed at home and we herd a sermon by mr wiley and I read some in the testament and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day and pretty cold to.

Jan. 4 – I went to school and I helped to do the choirs and it snowed some pretty cloudy though and pa went down to argyle and took a grist and at night I helped to clean up.

Jan. 5 – I went to school and in the afternoon pa went over to grandpas and I helped to do the choirs at night and mourning and it is a nice day and at night I went down to singing school glen trashed.

Jan. 6 – I went to school and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day little cold though and glenroy thrashed all day and pa cut some apple tree wood.

Jan. 7 – I went to school and pa went out to the fort and he took out some apples and got to picture papers and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day and glenroy ditten thrash much.

Jan. 8 – I went to school and I helped to do the choirs and it in the mourning drifting nice pleasant day the rest and pa went down to argyle and took marry jane and at night I went down to prayer meeting.

Jan. 9 – We all went over to uncle johns and had a nice time and he give me a little banty and glenroy thrashed rye all day and helped to do the choirs at night and mourning and it snowed some and drifted to a lot.

Jan. 10 – I went to church with father emma and orrie and eliza stayed at home and annie to and we herd a sermon by mr wiley and I helped to do the choirs and I read some in the testament and it is pretty cold.

Jan. 11 – I went to school and father went over to grandpas to help to kill a hog and I helped to do the choirs and glenroy thrashed rye all day and I helped to load up a load of straw and it is nice day.

Jan. 12 – I went to school and pa went out to the fort and took out a load of straw and I helped to do the choirs and it is pretty cold nice and pleasent though and at night I went down to sing school and had a nice time.

Jan. 13 – I went to school and father took out a load of rye straw to fort edward and I helped to do the choirs and it is a pretty cloudy day but it is warm though.

Jan. 14 – I went to school and father took out a load of rye straw to the fort and glenroy thrashed rye all day and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day but it is windy and cold.

Jan. 15 – I went to school and father went out to the fort and took out a load of straw and glenroy thrashed rye all day and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day pretty cold though.




Jan. 16 – I helped glenroy thrash some all day though and pa took out a load of straw out to the fort and I helped to do the choirs and at night I helped pa and glen to clean up rye pretty cold weather.

Jan. 17 – I helped to do the choirs and I went to church with father eliza and jennie McDougall  went to and we herd a sermon by mr wiley and I read some in the testament and it is pleasent and cold.

Jan. 18 – I went to school and father took a load of rye down to fort miller and got 88 cents a bushel and I helped to do the choirs and glenroy thrashed rye all day and it snowed some pretty cloudy though and cold to.

Jan. 19 – I went to school and father went out to the fort and took a nother load of straw and I helped to do the choirs and at night I went down to singing school and it is pleasent and cold.

Jan. 20 – I went to school and father took a nother load of rye down to fort miller and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day pretty cold though and glen ditten thrash.

Jan. 21 – I went over to grandpas and took mary jane emma and orrie and glenroy trashed oats all day and pa stayed at home and I helped to do the choirs and it snowed all day and it is some cold to.

Jan. 22 – I went down to bedlam with pa and normey went to and we drove the colt and I helped to do the choirs and it snowed some to clearing off – cold at night and glenroy ditten trash anny.

Jan. 23 – I went down to lakeville with pa and we took down a grist and glenroy ditten trash and I helped to do the choirs and it is  a nice pleasent day pretty cold and orrie and I have got colds.

Jan. 24 – I stayed at home with orrie & pa and eliza emma and annie went to church and they herd a sermon by mr wiley and it snowed about all day and it is pretty cold though and I read some in the testament and I helped to do the choirs.

Jan. 25 – I went to school and pa helped uncle Dave to kill a cow and he went down to bedlam in the afternoon and drove the colt and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day some cold.

Jan. 26 – I went to mr wileys ordination and pa eliza and orrie went to and I went down to singing school and I helped to do the choirs and it is pleasent and cold and glenroy trashed some.

Jan. 27 – I went to school and father went down to bedlam and I helped to do the choirs and glenroy trashed all day and it is a nice pleasent day pretty cold weather though and mary jane came up and stayed all day.

Jan. 28 – I went to school and pa went out to the fort to get a load of boards to fix over the wagon house and got me a slate and it snowed about all day and I helped to do the choirs and glenroy trashed oats all day about.

Jan. 29 – I went to school and pa went up to John Reynolds in the forenoon and glenroy finished trashing oats and I helped to do the choirs and it is blusty day and cold some not much though.

Jan. 30 – I helped pa and glenroy clean up oats and grandpas folks came over and pa grandpa and I went down to bedlam in the afternoon and they was 95½ bu of good oats and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day and warm to.

Jan. 31 – I went to church with pa emma and orrie and eliza and annie stayed at home and we herd a sermon by mr wiley and I read some in the testament and I helped to do the choirs and it snowed all day about.


Monday, February 1, 1875 – I went to school and pa took out a load of oats out to the fort for glenroy and brought back some barrels and glen trashed some rye and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day.

Feb. 2 – I went to school and pa and glen drawed the buckwheat over and trashed some and mr (?) stayed at our house and I went down to singing school and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day moderating some.

Feb. 3 – I went to school and pa went down to mr wiggens and they cleaned up the buckwheat and and glenroy ditten trash and day and it rained all day about and it is a thawing and I helped to do the choirs.

Feb. 4 – I went to school and father and glenroy drawed over the rye from the haybarn and mr heath came over and the folks to and it is a pretty cold and windy day and I helped to do the choirs.

Feb. 5 – I went to school and pa went down to argyle and glenroy trashed rye all day and I helped to do the cloirs and it is a nice pleasent day pretty cold though at night & we ditten go down to prayer meeting.

Feb. 6 – I helped to do the choirs at night and morning and I helped glenroy finish trashing rye and we cleaned up and pa took down Marry habnah down to Hal launts and it is a blusty and windy day cold to.

Feb. 7 – I went to church with pa orrie and emma and eliza and annie stayed at home and we herd a sermon by mr wiley and it is a nice pleasent day pretty cold though and I read some in the testament and I helped to do the choirs.

Feb. 8 – I went to school and pa went down to bedlam and glenroy finished trashing and we cleaned up the buckwheat and they was 22½  bu and I helped to do the choirs and it is a pretty cold day and it snowed some not much though.

Feb. 9 – I went to chool and pa washed and greeced the harness and I helped to do the choirs and at night they was no singing school and ditten go down and it is a nice pleasent day and pretty cold to.

Feb. 10 – I went to chool and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day pretty cold though and normy got a licking and pa put the harness together and stayed around home.

 Feb. 11 – I went to school and pa is making himself a pair of boots and I helped to do the choirs and it snowed about all day pretty warm to and cloudy to and at night I played Dominoes with emma orrie and annie to.

Feb. 12 – I went to school and pa took out a load of straw out to the fort and came pretty near up setting and I helped to do the choirs and it is a pretty windy day and nice and pleasent though and I went down to glenroys.

Feb. 13 – I stayed at home and eliza went down to north argyle and and pa finished makeing his boots and started mine and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day pretty cold though.



Feb. 14 – I stayed at home with all the folks except eliza she went away yesterday and came back and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day pretty cold though and some windy to and they ditten anny of us go to church this Sabbath.

Feb. 15 – I went to school and pa took out a load of straw to sandy Hill and I helped to load up in the mouring and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day pretty cold at night and mourning.

Feb. 16 – I went to school and pa went down to bedlam and I helped to do the choirs and it is a fine day pretty cloudy though and pretty cold to and at night I went down to singing school.

Feb. 17 – I went to school and John nelson came here to chop wood and pa drawed it up to the house and I helped to do the choirs and it is a blustry day and it snowed some and it is pretty cold to and they drawed up 9 loads.

Feb. 18 – I went to chool and John came and chopped and pa drawed it up the wood and he drawed 10 loads and I helped to do the choirs and albert stayed all night and it is a nice pleasent day cold though.

Feb. 19 – I went to chool and John came again and chopped and pa drawed up the wood as he chopped it and he drawed 10 loads and I helped to do the choirs and it snowed quiet a lot and it is nice and warm cloudy to.

Feb. 20 – I helped to do the choirs and uncle John and his folks came over and we had a nice time and it snowed about all day and it is warm and thawing some and it is cloudy and we played checkers and had a nice time so we did.

Feb. 21 – I stayed at home with all the folks and I helped to do the choirs and I read 14 chapters in the testament and it is a nice pleasent day some cold though and last night it drifted pretty bad little cloudy to.

Feb. 22 – I went to school and pa cut some wood at the house and I helped him after school was out and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day little bit cloudy though and a little bit cold to.

Feb. 23 – I went to school and pa went down to bedlam and took a grist and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice fine day thawing quiet a lot and Norman stayed all night and we took the cattle over to the little haybarn and pa to.

Feb. 24 – I went to school and John came chopped in the woods and pa drawed it in the forenoon and pa drawed wood for levi and John chopped at the house in the afternoon and I helped to do the choirs and it is thawing pretty fast. cloudy to.

Feb. 25 – I went to school and pa went down to bedlam after the grist and pa worked at my boots part of the day and I helped to do the choirs and it rained some and it is thawing pretty fast and the snow is a going.

Feb. 26 – I went to school and pa took us to school and brought us home to at night and I took my hand-slay to school and had fun with the boys rideing down hill and pa cut some wood and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day and it froze up last night to.

Feb. 27 – I went over to uncle Tom H with all the folks and fun with charley rideing down hill and the others boys and I helped to do the choirs and it snowed about all day and it is some cold to and I brought a watch chain from charley.

Feb. 28 – I went to church with father emma orrie and jenny McDougall went to and we herd a sermon by mr wiley and I read some in the testament and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day and cold to.


Monday, March 1, 1875 – I went to school and took my hand slay to school and had fun with the boys rideing down hill and I helped to do the choirs and pa finished my boots and it snowed about all day pretty cold though most of the day.

Mar. 2 – I went to school and took my hand slay and fun and pa and John nelson went down to the county house and argyle to and I helped to do the choirs and it is pretty cloudy and at night I went down to singing school and had a nice time.

Mar. 3 – I went to school and ditten take my hand slay and pa cut some wood and in the afternoon he took a grist down to bedlam and I helped to do the choirs and it snowed at night pretty fast and it is cold quite* windy.

Mar. 4 – I went to school and took a skip jack and I helped to do the choirs and pa cut some wood and pa went down to bedlam in the afternoon after the grist and it is a nice pleasent day but cold at night and last night it snowed a lot.

Mar. 5 – I went to school and the teacher came up and stayed all night and elf and fred came up and stayed all night and it is a nice day pretty cloudy though and I helped to do the choirs.

Mar. 6 – I had fun playing with the boys in the mourning and pa and I went down to argyle and north argyle and we cut some wood and I helped to do the choirs and it snowed some and it is warm to and cloudy.

Mar. 7 – I went to church with pa and eliza and we heard** sermon by mr wiley and emma orrie and annie stayed at home and I read some in the testament and I helped to do the choirs and it is soft and milk thawing some cloudy to.

Mar. 8 – I went to school and John came to chop wood at the house and pa choped to and pa took us to school and brought us home to and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day thawing some drifting to.

Mar. 9 – I went to school and at night I went down and locked up the door at the chool house and John came to chop wood and pa to choped to and pa and emma went to the funeal and I helped to do the choirs and it is cloudy and cold to.

Mar. 10 – I went to school and John came to chop and pa chopped to at the house and I helped to do the choirs and it is pretty cloudy about all day and it snowed most of the day not verry cold though.

Mar. 11 – I went to school and John came to chopt wood and pa chopped to and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day and it is a thawing quiet a lot.

Mar. 12 – I went to chool and it was the last day of chool for this term and we got some candy and John came to chop wood and pa chopped to and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day. some cloudy though.

Mar. 13 – I went down to uncle Johns a visiting with all the folks and I had some fun with fred and I got a led pencil and some gum to and I helped to do the choirs and it is a thawing pretty past some cloudy to.


*on this day, he spelled ‘quite’correctly; usually it is spelled ‘quiet’.

** ’heard’  is also spelled correctly, usually it is spelled ‘herd’ in both this journal and in later ones.

(There are more capital letters in this diary than in later ones, also some occasional punctuation).


Mar. 14 – I stayed at home with emma and annie and pa eliza and orrie went down to argyle to church and herd a sermon by mr cain and I read some in the testament and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day thawing.

Mar. 15 – I went out to fort edward with pa and we took out some rye and some oats to and brought back a barrel of flour and annie is pretty sick and the doctor came and I helped to do the choirs and it rained quiet a lot and it is a thawing.

Mar. 16 – I stayed at home and pa and I cut some wood and pa went down to bedlam after the doctor for annie and she is no better and I helped to do the choirs and will boyd came over and at night we went down to singing school and it is a thawing a lot clearing off.

Mar. 17 – I went down to billey Irvins with pa to help to move him and pa and & cut some wood and I helped to do the choirs and the doctor came and annie is a little better and orrie is a little sick and it is windy and cold and good crust.

Mar. 18 – I went down to uncle daves to ride down hill and they is good crust and pa took a grist down to bedlam and pa and I cut some wood and I helped to do the choirs and it is pretty windy and it is pleasent annie and orrie is some better.

Mar. 19 – I went down to uncle daves again and pa took a grist down to lakeville and emma went down to laurels with pa I helped to do the choirs and orrie and annie is getting better and it is a nice pleasent day and they is pretty good crust and I rode down Hill a lot.

Mar. 20 – I went up to frank Mceachrons with pa and I went over to grandpas with pa and pa went over to  * Reynolds and I helped to do the choirs and I went down to glenroys and took my Dominoes and it snowed about all day pretty cold though.

Mar. 21 – I went to church with pa & emma jenny McDougall and aunt Kate went to and we herd a sermon mr wiley and eliza orrie and annie stayed at home and I read some and orrie and annie is better and I helped to do the choirs and it is pleasent.

Mar. 22 – I went up to frank mc eachrons with pa to get a load of hay and I went with pa to take a load of moveing for mr wiggens and I helped to cut some wood and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day some cold though yes pretty cold to.

Mar. 23 – I took a grist down to bedlam and pa went down to argyle & north argyle and at night I went down to singing school and I helped to do the choirs & it is a nice pleasent day pretty cold though & orrie has got the ear ache.

Mar. 24 – I went with pa to take a load of moveing for frank Mceachron and he moved for good I went over to dock Kinneys and I helped to do the choirs and it snowed a lot all day it verry cold though.

Mar. 25 – I went over to grandpas with all the folks and they are all well and at night pa and I went down to uncle Daves and he is better and I had some fun with boys and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day drifting a lot and cold & windy to.

Mar. 26 – I went down to bedlam with pa in the afternoon and I helped to do the choirs and in the forenoon we sawed and split wood and it is pretty warm and it snowed and blowed afternoon and drifted some to.


*name unreadable


Mar. 27 – I went down to uncle Daves in the afternoon and pa went out to fort to get a load of plaster and I wend down to glenroys and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day thawing to pretty windy at night.

Mar. 28 – I stayed at home with emma and pa eliza orrie and annie went to church and herd a sermon by Mr wiley and I read some in the testament and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day thawing to quiet a lot to.

Mar. 29 – I went over to grandpas with pa and we took over orrie and annie to stay and we got 20 bus of corn and pa and I went up the road and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day thawing quiet at lot.

Mar. 30 – I helped pa to tap the trees and I carried quiet a lot of sap and pa took eliza down to her aunts in the afternoon and I helped to do the choirs and at night we all went down to singing school and it is a nice pleasent day thawing quiet a lot.

Mar. 31 – I stayed home and I carried some sap and emma and I boiled sap all day and I helped to do the choirs and I helped pa to snake some rail timber in the afternoon and it is a nice pleasent day thawing a lot and pa trimed some apple trees in the forenoon.


Thursday, April 1, 1875 –

I stayed at home with emma & pa went down Mr Mc eachrons and on down to argyle and I got fooled and I helped to do the choirs and I carried a little bit sap and emma and I boiled sap all day and it is cloudy thawing to a lot.

Apr. 2 – I stayed at home with emma and pa in the forenoon and in the afternoon pa went down to North Argyle and I went down to glenroys and I helped to do the choirs and it is cloudy and thawing and emma and I boiled sap and pa trimed apple trees.

Apr. 3 – I helped pa to sort over some potatoes in the forenoon and in the afternoon emma and I went down to uncle Daves and pa went down to bedlam after grass seed & I helped to do the choirs and it rained some and it is pretty cloudy little cold to.

Apr. 4 – I went to church with emma and pa and we went in a wagon and we herd a sermon by Mr wiley and I helped to do the choirs and the sow had seven little pigs and and it is pretty cloudy and not verry cold clearing of some.

Apr. 5 – I helped to split rails up on the hill in the follow in the afternoon and in the forenoon pa trimed apple trees and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent pretty windy though and I carried a little bit sap.

Apr. 6 – I went over to grandpas with pa and emma and pa helped him to split wood in the afternoon & pa trimed apple trees in the forenoon and I carried some sap and I helped to do the choirs and it is some cloudy signs of a storm and it is some cold not verry though.

Apr. 7 – I stayed at Home and pa trimed apple trees and pa & I sewed grass seed and I carried a lot of sap and I helped to do the choirs & albert and Norman came up and we had fun and it is a nice pleasent day pretty warm not verry though.

Apr. 8 – I stayed at home and I carried a lot of sap and eliza came home and pa trimed some apple trees and pa went up to geroge Rouses to collect a school bill and I helped to do the choirs and it snowed a little and rained to soft and mild to.

Apr. 9 – I went down to glenroys in the afternoon with eliza and emma and pa went Mr Terrys funal and pa trimed apple trees and I carried quiet a lot of sap and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice day cloudying up for rain.

Apr. 10 – I helped pa to draw out manure most of the day up in the orchard and to draw some limbs and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day and pa and I piled some brush and scattered some manure at noon & night.

Apr. 11 – I went to church and Miss garleys (?) funeal was at the church and I went with pa and emma and eliza stayed at home and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day and pretty warm to and the first lamb came.

Apr. 12 – I helped pa and glen to * of the follow in the forenoon and glenroy comenced plowing in the afternoon and pa and I burned stumps and to more little lambs came and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice day but it stormed a little pretty cloudy.

Apr. 13 – I helped pa to cut brush and burn stumps in the forenoon and glen plowed to and it snowed about all afternoon and all night to I gess and four more little lambs came and to of them was mine and I helped to do the choirs.

Apr. 14 – I went down to uncle alexs with all the folks in the afternoon and pa went over after orrie and annie and three more little lambs came and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day pretty warm to & I carried sap.

Apr. 15 – I carried some sap and grandpa and grandma came over and grandpa pa and I went up in the follow to pick stone and burn stumps and emma went over with grandpa & grandma and I helped to do the choirs and 3 more little more lambs came & glenroy plowed and it is a clouding up for rain.

Apr. 16 – I stayed at home and I helped to do the choirs and one more little lamb came and pa shelled some corn and glen plowed a little and it rained in the forenoon and in the afternoon it snowed about 2 inchs or more.

Apr. 17 – I carried some sap and pa went down to north argyle and argyle with glenroy in the forenoon and pa took 9 Doxens of eggs to the store and four more little lambs came and I helped to do the choirs and it is pretty cool and it is some cloudy.

Apr. 18 – I stayed at home with orrie and pa eliza and annie went to church and herd a sermon by Mr wiley and I helped to do the choirs and 2 more little lambs came and I read some in the testament and it is a nice day pretty cloudy and cold.

Apr. 19 – I helped pa to draw manure in the forenoon and in the afternoon I helped pa to * of the follow and glenroy plowed and 2 more little lambs came & I helped to do the choirs and it is pretty cold day some cloudy.

Apr. 20 – I helped to do the choirs and glen and I piled wood and pa drawed out manure in the forenoon and in the afternoon glen plowed and one more little lamb came and pa & I scattered manure up in the orchard and it pretty windy but pleasent.

Apr. 21 – I helped pa to pile up wood in the woodshed in the forenoon and in the afternoon I helped to draw rails kittle wood and one more little lamb came and I helped to do the choirs and it is nice and pleasent in the afternoon pretty cold though.

Apr. 22 – I went down to glenroys and pa and glen and I cut rail timber up in the woods and glen plowed in the afternoon and I helped to do the choirs and 5 more little lambs came and one was black and it is a nice warm day pretty cloudy.

Apr. 23 – I helped pa to sew plaster in the forenoon and in the afternoon Norman came up and I carried some sap and I helped to do the choirs and glen plowed all day and it is a nice pleasent day pretty warm little cloudy pa sold the cow.


*words unreadable – each time it looks like ‘read’ or ‘lead’


Apr. 24 – I burned stumps in the follow in the afternoon and in the forenoon pa sewed

  acres of oats and I dragged most of it and pa dragged some in the follow and glen plowed & one more little lamb came it died I helped to do the choirs carried sap and it rained some in the afternoon.

Apr. 25 – I stayed home with all the folks and one more little lamb came & I helped to do the choirs and I read some in the testament and it is a nice pleasent day and it is a little windy but warm.

Apr. 26 – I went down to argyle and pa drove down the cow to argyle and pa and I burned stumps and drawed stone and glen plowed all day and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day pretty cloudy part of the day.

Apr. 27 – I helped pa to build fence out by the barn and about night I helped pa to burn apple trees limbs and glen plowed all day and I helped to do the choirs and one more little lamb came and I carried some sap & it is a nice pleasent day.

Apr. 28 – I went up to william Davits in the forenoon and pa plowed the garden spot and I planted it and glen plowed and pa dragged and I went up to John armstrong and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day.

Apr. 29 – I burned some brush in the forenoon and pa plowed for glen and glen plowed and I helped pa to take up the sow to John armstrongs and one more little lamb came I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice day helped pa to burn brush.

Apr. 30 – I helped to do the choirs and pa sewed 5 acres up on the Hill and I dragged it about all of it twice and glen plowed all day and pa builded fence some and it is offle windy pretty cold to little pleasent though & whitte (?)


Saturday, May 1, 1875 – I helped pa to sew plaster in two feilds in the forenoon and in the afternoon I helped to draw manure and glen plowed all day and we brought over the cattle & I helped to do the choirs and it is cloudy and chilly.

May 2 – I went to church with pa and orrie and we herd a sermon by Mr  Kenyen and I helped to do the choirs and I read some in the testament and it is pretty windy and cloudy and cold to some.

May 3 – I went to school and it was the first day of school and grandpa brought over emma and and took back 2 pigs and glen took 2 and and pa went down after the teacher and I helped to do the choirs and it is windy and cool and cloudy.

May 4 – I went to school and glen plowed all day and pa plowed at His ground all day about and I plowed al little bit and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice day some cloudy and cold in the forenoon.

May 5 – I went to school and pa plowed about all day and glen plowed all day and I I plowed a little bit and pa burned burned brush at noon in the follow and I helped to do the choirs and it is pleasent and warm.

May 6 – I went to school and pa plowed part of the day and glen did to and pa and glen cut potatoes most of the afternoon and I helped to do the choirs and it rained quiet a lot and it is cloudy and pretty cool to & white cow had a nice calf.

May 7 – I went to school and glen plowed in the follow all day and pa fixed fence and drawed stone and stumps and I helped to do the choirs and at night I went down to sheperds bee and it is a nice pleasent day little cloudy.

May 8 – I went down to bedlam to take down old lucy to get shawed in the afternoon and glen plowed in the follow in the afternoon and eliza went down to church I helped to do the choirs and it rained some and I helped to cut potatoes.

May 9 – I stayed at home with orrie and pa emma and annie went to church and herd a sermon by Mr wiley and I helped to do the choirs and I read some in the testament and eliza came home and it is a pretty warm day and it is some cloudy to.

May 10 – I went to school and pa sewed oats over in that feild by the hay barn and glen dragged and after school was out I dragged and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day but some cloudy though and glen plowed in the afternoon.

May 11 – I went to school and glen plowed sod all day and pa plowed in the afternoon and in the forenoon he dragged some and I plowed a little and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day verry warm.

May 12 – I went to school and we had a thunderstorm and hail storm to and it rained and I helped to do the choirs and pa finished plowed that feild and glen plowed sawed*  most the day and pa dragged some and drawed some stone in the follow.

May 13 – I went to school and orrie is sick and it is a nice pleasent day and warm and I helped to do the choirs and glen plowed sawd and pa marked out the field and I planted some potatoes and and I went down to uncle daves.

May 14 – **staid at home and I was pretty sick and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice warm Day pretty cloudy though and pa planted taters a boght all day and glenroy ploughed sod all day.

May 15 – I am getting better some & pa planted potatoes in the afternoon and in the forenoon pa and emma went down to bedlam and I helped to do the choirs and glen finished ploughing and it is a cloudy and cold and glen dragged the potato feild.

May 16 – I staid at home with Eliza and Orrie and a and emma annie and herd a sermon by Mr wiley and I red some i the testament and i helped to do the chores and it is cloudy 

And old Mary Jane was here a little while and Mr King Mrs Bursed (?)  i am getting better.

May 17 – i staid at home in the forenoon and i was sick and Orrie is no better and Orrie and i went to school in the afternoon and pa planted potoes and I helped to do the choirs

And glen Marked out the potatoe field and it is a nice plesent and i planted some potatoes.

May 18 – I went to school and pa finshed planting potatoes and and glen planted a few and pa and I went over to miss *** to some Saxons potatoes and I went down to uncle Daves and I helped to do the choirs and it is a pleasant day.

May 19 – I went to school and I helped to do the choirs and it rained quiet a lot and it is pretty cloudy and glen and pa cut potatoes in the forenoon and orrie stayed at home.

May 20 – I went to school and finished plowing the follow and one more little lamb came and I helped to do the chores and pa eliza and orrie went to church and it is cloudy & raining uncle glen dragged the follow about.


*probably ‘sod’

**slightly different writing, feminine script May 14-17 – perhaps one of his sisters made the entries while he was sick

***two words unreadable


May 21 – I went to school and pa went to fort edward with some potatoes and oats and glen and bill planted potatoes all day and I helped to do the chores and it is nice pleasent day and it is pretty warm.

May 22 – I went to church pa and orrie and we heard a sermon by Mr. cain and it is a pretty hot day and we went around by bedlam and got some medicine and I helped to do the chourse glen & Bill planted pots.

May 23 – I stayed at home with orrie and annie and pa eliza and emma went to church and it was communion sabbath and we went down to glens and I read some in the testament and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day hot though.

May 24 – I went to school and glen and bill finished planted potatoes and pa commenced plowed the orchard and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day and it is pretty hot to and glen commenced markeing out for corn.

May 25 – I went to school and I helped to do the choirs and and glen marked ot all day and bill and uncle Dave and pa helped to plant corn in the afternoon and it is a nice pleasent day and it is warm.

May 26 – I went to school and pa finished plowing the orchard and marked it out and glen got done planting corn in the follow and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day and the teacher stayed all night last night.

May 27 – I helped to plant potatoes and corn to and glen helped to and pa marked it out and I helped to do the choirs and we have got all done planting and in the afternoon I helped pa to make fence and it is a nice pleasent day pretty warm though.

May 28 – I went out to fort Edward with pa and we took out some pottoes and some oats to and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day and it pretty warm and at night we made a garden.

May 29 – I went a fishing down to Barkleys lake with boyds boys and albert and pa and glen picked stone and we worked the sheep and at night I went down to singing school & I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day.

May 30 – I went to church with eliza and orrie and pa emma and annie stayed at home and pa is pretty sick and I helped to do the choirs and I read some in the testament and it is a nice pleasent day pretty cool though and we ate the fish at noon and morning.

May 31 – I went to school and pa is getting some better and pa went down to bedlam to get frank shawd and he went up to uncle tom H and I went down to uncle daves and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day.


Tuesday, June 1, 1875 – I went to school and uncle tom H came over to fix and raise up the wagon house and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day and uncle Dave helped and pa is getting better I went down to uncle Daves.

June 2 – I went to school and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day and the finished the wagon house till the masons came and at night I went down to argyle and north argyle with pa and glenroy helped all day.

June 3 – I went to school and pa and glenroy fixed fence about all day and it is a nice pleasent day but it rained some and I helped to do the choirs and I went down to uncle Daves and grandpa & ma came over at night.

June 4 – I went to school and pa worked on the road about all day and after supper I went with pa to get a load of sand up to will Mceachron and helped to do the choirs orrie & emma went over to grandpas and it is a nice pleasent day.

June 5 – I went a fishing to barkleys lake with albert and Norman and orrie and emma came Home at night and pa worked on the road about all day and after supper pa and I went up to will Mc eachrons to get a load of sand warm some cloudy & I helped to do the choirs.

June 6 – I stayed at home with eliza and annie and pa emma and orrie went to church and herd a sermon by Mr wiley and I helped to do the choirs and I read some in the testament and it is a nice pleasent day.

June 7 – I went down to the schoolhouse but they was no school and I helped to do the choirs and I went down to argyle & north argyle with pa and speckle heifer had a calf and it rained about all day.

June 8 – I helped glen to plaster corn and he helped me and at night glen and I went a fishing but we ditten get many and I helped to do the choirs and pa split rails in the afternoon in the forenoon he fixed fence and it is a nice pleasent day pretty warm.

June 9 – I went to school and this is my birthday* and after supper pa went down to bedlam and pa and glen split some rails and drawed one load of sand and I hoed the potatoes back of the shed and I helped to do the choirs and it some cloudy and cool.

June 10 – I went to school and the masons came to underpin the wagon house and glenroy helped to and pa drawed the stone and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day pretty warm and red heifer had a calf yesterday.

June 11 – I went to school and Johney and alex worked all day and glen helped to and pa drawed the stone and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day pretty warm though and glenroy mixed the mortar for the masons.

June 12 – I helped to wait on the masons and they worked all day about and glenroy helped and pa drawed the stone and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day some cloudy though.

June 13 – I went to church with pa and emma and eliza orrie and annie stayed at home and we herd a sermon by mr. wiley and I read some in the testament and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice cool day.

June 14 – I helped glen to plaster his potatoes and the masons came and pa tended them and I helped to do the choirs and at night pa and I went over to Dunk McDougalls and the masons got though and it a pretty windy and cool to.

June 15 – I went to school and pa went down to bedlam and bought a cow and a bull for $65 and glen comenced hoeing the corn and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day little cloudy at night I helped pa to fix fence and spotted cow had a calf.

June 16 – I helped to do the choirs and Dunk McDougall came to shear the sheep and uncle tom H came to fix over the wagon house and it is a nice pleasent day and Dunk

ditten quiet finish shearing the sheep I ditten go to school.

June 17 – I helped uncle tom H to hold up boards and pa helped to and Dunk finished shearing the sheep and I helped to do the choirs and at night uncle tom H went home and it is a nice warm day clouding up some and I ditten go to school.

June 18 – I went to school but they was no school and we came back home and uncle Tom S and pa raised up the barn and took up the flore and spotted heifer had a calf and I helped to do the choirs and it rained all day about.


*his 12th.


June 19 – I helped uncle tom S. all day and glen helped in the forenoon and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice day but it is some cloudy and pa went out to fort edward to get a load of lumber and some window * and tom H went home at night.

June 20 – I stayed at home with eliza and emma and pa orrie and annie went to church and I read some in the testament and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day pretty warm though pretty smokey to about all day.

June 21 – I helped pa to hoe potatoes and corn all day up in the orchard and uncle tom S came at home and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day pretty warm and I ditten go to school.

June 22 – I helped pa to finish hoeing up in the orchard and uncle tom S worked all day on the wagon house and it is a nice pleasent day and I helped to do the choirs and the teacher came up and stayed all night.

June 23 – I helped uncle tom S part of the day and pa plowed out some in the forenoon and after supper and at night tom s went home and I helped to do the choirs and it rained a little bit pretty warm though some clear and I ditten go to school.

June 24 – I helped uncle Tom S about all day and pa finished plowing out up in the potato field and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice day warm to and at night pa eliza emma and annie went to argyle.

June 25 – I helped tom S. to make a wagon wrack and he got about though and in the afternoon pa took the wool out to the fort – and willy came up to paint and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day warm to.

June 26 – I helped pa to hoe potatoes most of the day and we painted and tom s came pa to help to finish up and I helped to do the choirs and it is a pretty warm day and we had to thunder showers and at night will went down home.

June 27 – I stayed at home with pa emma orrie and annie and eliza went to church down to argyle and I read some in the testament and I helped to do the choirs at rained some pretty warm to and at night pa went down after willy.

June 28 – (top of day’s entry: “l W. H)” – I helped pa to hoe potatoes all day and at night I helped pa to drive down white heifer to the bull and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice warm day some cloudy to and I ditten go to school.

June 29 – I helped pa to hoe potatoes part of the day and willy got done painting and pa took him down home and I helped to do the choirs and it rained some pretty cloudy and I ditten go to school and when pa took will home he got me a jack knife worth 30 c.

June 30 – I went to school and I helped pa to hoe some potatoes at night and mourning and I helped to do the choirs and it rained quiet a lot pretty warm though and pa plowed some out in the orchard and pa painted the new hay wrack.


* word unreadable


Thursday, July 1, 1875 (top of day’s entry: “1 Y.C”) – I helped to hoe and hill potatoes and corn and we got done hoeing and commenced hilling and at night we took old yellow cow down to uncle Daves and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice cool day some cloudy to.

July 2 – I helped to do the choirs and I helped pa to Hill potatoes and corn about all day and at night I went down to bedlam with pa and emma and we got three bunches of firecrackers and pa and got a pair of pants and it is a nice pleasent day pretty warm though.

July 3 – I hilled potatoes in the forenoon and and pa shoveled out up in our potatoe field and in the afternoon we all went over to grandpas and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day pretty warm to and I fired of frire crackers.

July 4 – I stayed at home with eliza and annie and pa emma and orrie went to church and they herd a sermon by mr wiley and I helped to do the choirs and I read some in the testament and it rained some pretty cooll though.

July 5 – I hilled corn and potatoes and pa plowed out potatoes in the forenoon and mr patten came and took 8 lambs and one calf and I helped to do the choirs and it rained a lot and pa went down to bedlam and I set out some caggage plants and I ditten go to school.

July 6 – I finished hilling in the orchard and pa plowed out potatoes in the forenoon and I helped pa to hill potatoes part of the afternoon and I helped to do the choirs and it rained some but it is pretty warm to and I ditten go to school.

July 7 – I helped pa to hill potatoes in in the afternoon and in the forenoon pa went down to bedlam to get old lucy shawd and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice warm day some cloudy and some pleasent and I ditten go to school.

July 8 – I helped pa to hill potatoes all day and and glenroy hilled corn and I helped to do the choirs and I ditten go to school and it is a nice pleasent day pretty warm though all day pretty clear to.

July 9 – I helped pa to hill potatoes all day about and I went down to uncle Daves at noon and I helped to do the choirs and it is pretty cloudy rained a little bit and glen got done hilling corn and marry lant came and I ditten to do school.

July 10 – I helped pa to hill potatoes and uncle dave helped to and we got done and we helped glen till noon and in the afternoon Norman and I went down to bedlam to get a horse shawd and pa went down to Daves to help to draw in hay and I helped to do the choirs and we got done hilling potatoes warm day.

July 11 – (entry at top: “ l  S C) – I went to church with pa orrie eliza emma and annie and we all went and we herd a sermon by mr wiley and I helped to do the choirs and I read some in the testament and it is a nice pleasent day and at night pa and I drove spotted cow down mr. Mahaffys.

July 12 – I picked burrys* with emma and uncle Dave mowed for us in the forenoon and in the afternoon I went down to argyle with eliza and annie and pa mowed and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day and I ditten to go school.

July 13 – I helped glen to hill potatoes in the forenoon and aunt mary jane and fred came and picked burrys  and in the afternoon I helped pa to rake and cock hay and at night I down to bedlam with pa and I helped to do the choirs and it is a pretty warm day some cloudy.




July 14 – I scatterd hay and albert came up and pa mowed hay and uncle Dave mowed with his machine part and we all have got done hoeing and pa and I raked and cocked up hay and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day and I ditten go to school.

July 15 – I helped pa to rake hay and I went down to uncle Daves and albert is sick and in the afternoon I helped pa and glen to draw in hay and we got that field all done and I helped to do the choirs and it is a pretty hot day and pleasent.

July 16 – I stayed at home and pa went down to bedlam to get the black horse shawd and uncle alex and aunt Kate came up to pick berrys and pa and I helped to and I helped to do the choirs and it rained some pretty warm cleared of some in the afternoon and I went down to glenroys.

July 17 – I helped glen to draw in hay in the afternoon and we got and pa went out to ft edward and albert is very sick and I went down to see him and pa went up to uncle Tom Hs for aunt Kate * done and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice day pretty cloudy though in the forenoon.

July 18 – I ditten go to church and they ditten aney the rest of us and at night we all went down to meeting down to the school house and I helped to do the choirs and it rained and pa went down to uncle Daves to see albert and he is no better.

July 19 – (entry at top: “1 R H”) – I shook out hay part of the day and glen mowed with the machine down in the meadow where the garden is and pa went down to argyle after the doctor for albert and he is a goodeal worse and pa took red heifer to mahaffeys and I went down to uncle Daves.

July 20 – I helped pa to rake hay and glen finished mowing up their and I helped to draw in hay and uncle tom H came over to lay the flore in the wagonhouse and at night pa and I went down to see albert and he is no better and it is a nice day and I helped to do the choirs.

July 21 – I went up to Deacon gilchrist after mary jane for uncle Dave & albert is no better and at night I went down their with boyds boys and we finished drawing in up their and glen mowed the lower meadow and at night pa and I raked it up.

July 22 – (entry at top: “2  Y C) – I helped pa and glen to draw in Hay and glen raked some and mowed some and glen and I took old yellow cow down to mr mahaffeys bull and albert is no better and I helped to do the choirs and it is nice pleasant day warm though and the is no school now for * week *.

July 23 – I went up to Hartford with pa to take up some wool up to the factory to get carted and at night I went down to Daves with pa and albert is no better and pa stayed all night and pa and glen finished mowing down in the meadow and I shook it up and it rained some in the mourning.

July 24 – I helped pa and glen to mow the little meadow in the mouring and at night we drawed it in and we drawed the hay in the swail in the meadow and at night I went down to see albert and he is a little better and * up here and it is a very warm day helped to do the choirs.

July 25 – I went to church with eliza and annie and pa emma and orrie stayed at home and we herd a sermon by mr wiley and at night I went down to meeting to the school house with the rest of the folks but eliza and and albert is a getting better some and I helped to do the choirs.


*words unreadable


July 26 – I helped pa to rake and bind rye and he cut it and at noon we went down to uncle Daves and albert is getting some better and glen mowed for Dave with the machine and at night I took emma and orrie over to grandpas and stayed all night and it rained and pa mended orries shoes and tapped my boots.

July 27 – (large capital letters at top of page: HARVEY. HEM) – I helped pa and glen to bind rye and they cut it and I went down to see albert and he is some worse and it is a nice pleasent day pretty warm though and I helped to the choirs and I came back from grandpas in the mouring.

July 28 – I went down to bedlam at night with pa and I went down to Daves and pa and glen helped to draw in his hay and albert is no better and pa and cut rye and I helped to bind it and it is a pretty warm day and I helped to do the choirs.

July 29 – I helped to do the choirs and pa and glen finished cutting rye and in the afternoon glen mowed down in the meadow and pa mowed by hand and albert is not much better and I went down to uncle Daves and normy came up and it is a nice warm day pretty cloudy.

July 30 – I shok up hay and pa mowed by hand and glen mowed with the machine up on top of the hill and and pa and annie went down to argyle and emma & orrie came home and we raked and cocked some Hay and albert is getting some better and it is a nice pleasent day.

July 31 – (entry at top:  “ 2 S C &  l S H) – I helped pa and glen to draw in hay about all day and at night we drove the colt and frank down to bedlam and albert is getting better and we drove to cows away and it is a nice Hay day and I helped to do the choirs and aunt Kate and Cora came up in the afternoon.


Sunday, August 1, 1875 – (entry at top: “l W C”) – I stayed at Home with eliza and annie and pa emma and orrie went to church and herd a sermon by mr wiley and I read some in the testament and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day and albert is the same and drove white cow down to uncle Daves bull.

Aug. 2 – I went to school and Martha Mcneil is a going to teach the rest of the turm and after school was out I shook up Hay and pa mowed and albert is a getting better & pa helped to draw Daves Hay of from the swamp and pa drove the colt and lucy down bedlam.

Aug. 3 – I went to school and albert is getting better and pa and glen drove the colt and the mare down to bedlam to get shawed and and I helped to do the choirs and it rained over Half of the day and pa took us all down to school.

Aug. 4 – I went to school and pa pa drove the colt and the black Horse down to north argyle and back and albert is getting better and we Had a thunder shower some pleasent and I helped to do the choirs and in the forenoon pa mowed by hand over in that swail by the little Hay barn.

Aug. 5 – I went to school and pa went out to fort edward and took to crocks of butter and brought back one barrel of flour and at night pa and I turned over Hay and albert is getting better and it is some pleasent warm and I helped to do the choirs.

Aug. 6 – I went to school and pa finished mowing in the mouring and raked and cocked it up and I helped pa and glen to draw in glens Hay and albert is the same and it is a nice pleasent day and at night we drawed in one load of rye.

Aug. 7 – I helped to draw Hay and rye in the forenoon and we Have got done Haying and in the afternoon pa and I went out to the fort and we brought Home the new buggy and I Helped to do the choirs and it is a very warm day and albert is getting better and glen cut oats in the afternoon.

Aug. 8 – I stayed at Home with eliza and orrie and pa emma and annie went to church down to argyle and I red some in the testament and I Helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day and albert is getter better considerable.

Aug. 9 – I Helped pa and glen to finish drawing rye and Helped them to draw in oats the rest of the day and we got done up on the hill and it is a nice pleasent day and I helped to do the choirs and albert is getting better all the time.

Aug. 10 – I Helped pa and glen to draw in oats most of the day and we got one peace red out over their by the Hay barn and at night I went down to bedlam in the new wagon with orrie and pa and I Helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day and I ditten go to school.

Aug. 11 – (entry at top: “ 2 R H”) – I went to school and at night we took red Heifer down to Mahaffys bull and in the afternoon pa eliza and annie went down to N argyle and drove the colt and glen cut oats in the forenoon and it rained a little and I helped to do the choirs.

Aug. 12 – I went to school and in the afternoon pa and emma went to Hartford to get the wool and it rained a little some pleasent and pa cut bushes and bryers around the fence and I Helped some and I Helped to do the choirs and albert is getting better.

Aug. 13 – I went to school and we Had a thunder shower in the afternoon and pa drove the cold down to bedlam in the afternoon and in the forenoon pa cut bryers and glen

and  lou cut oats and I helped to do the choirs and albert rod out once or twice once to day.

Aug. 14 – I helped pa to cut bridocks and bryers around the fences in the forenoon and in the afternoon pa and I went down to argyle and drove the colt and glen and * cut oats and I helped to do the choirs and it is a pretty warm day.

Aug. 15 – I stayed at Home with emma and orrie and pa eliza and annie went down to argyle to church in the new wagon and I read some in the testiment and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day pretty warm though.

Aug. 16 – I went to school and pa helped glen and lo to draw in oats about all day and they got in 7 loads and after supper I helped some and it is a nice pleasent day pretty warm though and I Helped to do the choirs and albert is getting better all the time about well I think.

Aug. 17 – I went to school and pa lo and glen drawed in 5 loads of oats and then it rained quiet a lot and pa went down to bedlam to get the old grays shawd and I Helped to do the choirs and I went down to uncle Daves.

Aug. 18 – I went to school and Jim patten came and took 10 lambs and Jim Beames folks came Here part of them and I Helped to do the choirs and it rained a lot pretty cloud to all day and albert is about well.



* name unreadable, but later referred to as “lo” (probably Lou).


Aug. 19 – (entry at top:  “3  S C”) – I went to school and pa drove the colt up to Belcher and back Home again and I Helped to do the choirs and it rained quiet a lot in the morning but pleasent in the afternoon and after supper I Helped pa and glen to turn over oats and we brought our bull with spotted cow.

Aug. 20 – I helped pa and glen to draw in oats and we drawed in 7 loads and yesterday our old sow had 6 pigs and I ditten to do school and at night it rained some and I Helped to do the choirs and we started a stack over Half up.

Aug. 21 – I helped pa and glen and lo to draw in oats and we got some Harvesting and uncle John C and fred came up to cut some Hay and the took it Home with them and it is a nice pleasent day and I helped to do the choirs.

Aug. 22 – I went to church with pa and orrie to North argyle and we Herd a sermon by mr Henning and eliza and annie & emma and we Had quiet a thunder shower in the afternoon and I Helped to do the choirs.

Aug. 23 – I went to school and pa and glen drawed and scattered manure about all day and I went down to get uncle Daves wagon and took it Home and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice cool day cloudy to.

Aug. 24 – I went to school and pa drawed out some manure and fenced the garden and at night * and * came to trash the oats and they got the machine set up and mr Mahaffeys house burned up and it is a nice pleasent and I Helped to do the choirs.

Aug. 25 – I ditten go to school and we all thrashed 224 bushels and I helped and pa helped and uncle Dave helped to and * horse got hurt bad and I went down to uncle daves after some medicine for the Horse and I Helped to do the choirs & it is a nice pleasent day pretty warm though.

Aug. 26 – I went to school and pa commenced plowing for rye over in that feild by the Hay barn and * thrashed uncle Daves oats part of them and I Helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day and after supper I went over to plow when pa came over to get his supper.

Aug. 27 – I went to school and orrie emma and annie came home at noon went to the picknick with pa and it is a nice pleasent day pretty warm and glen took most of His oats out to the fort and I Helped to do the choirs and uncle Dave came up to get 12 bags.

Aug. 28 – I helped to do the choirs and I went over to plow while pa came over to get his supper and albert and Norman came up and we had a nice time and in the forenoon glen and I cleaned up the poor oats and they was 15 bushels and it is a nice pleasent day pretty warm though.

Aug. 29 – I stayed at Home with pa emma and annie and eliza and orrie went over to meet grandpas folks to go to church down to argyle and I read some in the testament and I Helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day pretty warm.

Aug. 30 – I went to to school and I went over to plow while pa came over to get his supper and I Helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day and pa picked some fall apples at noon and glenroy went down to bedlam.

Aug. 31 – I went to school and pa went out to the fort and took out 5 bushels of apples and got 50 cents a bushel and pa plowed in the forenoon and I Helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day pretty warm though and glen helped uncle dave to dig potatoes.


*names unreadable


Wednesday, September 1, 1875 – I went to school and pa drove the colt and frank down to bedlam and pa plowed some with the colt and glen thrashed rye in the forenoon and I helped to do the choirs and it is a verry hot day and pa plowed with frank and one of the grays.

Sept. 2 – I went to school and pa plowed in the forenoon and glen did in the afternoon and plowed with with the colt after supper and glen thrashed rye in the forenoon and I helped to do the choirs and it is a pretty warm clouding up.

Sept. 3 – I went to school and glen thrashed rye in the forenoon and pa plowed and glen plowed and cut bushes in & afternoon and pa plowed with the colt after supper and glen plowed to and it is a nice day pretty warm little cloudy though and I helped to do the choirs.

Sept. 4 – I helped pa finishe digging potatoes over in the garden and pa and I plowed with two teams in the forenoon and pa finished plowing in the afternoon and and glen thrashed some and I helped to do the choirs and it is a pretty cool day.

Sept. 5 – I stayed at home with orrie and pa emma and annie went to church and the herd a sermon by mr wiley and I read some in the testiment and eliza went down to her aunt Martha at night and it is a cool day and I helped to do the choirs.

Sept. 6 – I ditten go to school and pa sewed the big peace over by the Hay barn with rye and I dragged all day on it and in the afternoon pa and emma went out to the fort and I ditten get that peace all dragged and it is a nice cool d pretty windy and I helped to do the choirs.

Sept. 7 – I ditten go to school and pa finished sewing and I finished dragging in the forenoon and in the afternoon pa drawed out most of the straw out of the barnyard and it is a nice cool day cloudy some and I helped to do the choirs.

Sept. 8 – I went out to the fort with pa emma eliza orrie and annie and we all had a nice time and it is a nice pleasent day little cloudy in the mourning and and I helped to do the choirs and I got a cane and brought it home.

Sept. 9 – I went to school and I helped to do the choirs and Jim * came and got the rest of the lambs and it is a nice pleasent day pretty warm though and pa drove the colt and black horse down to bedlam and pa cut brush in the forenoon and after supper.

Sept. 10 – I helped to do the choirs and pa and I went out to the fort and we seen the governor and lieutenant governor and they both made a speech and it rained a lot and it cleared of cold very cold.

Sept. 11 – I went to school and it was the last day of school and we all got some candy and it is a nice pleasent day pretty cool and pa worked on the road and and glen did to and the plowed and scrapped and I helped to do the choirs.

Sept. 12 - I went to church with pa emma and orrie and we drove the colt and black horse and we herd a sermon by mr wiley and eliza and annie stayed at home and I read some in the testiment and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day quiet cool though.

Sept. 13 – I helped to do the choirs and pa and I plowed and scrapped about all day around the Horse barn and I rode the Horses down to the school house to give them a drink and it is a nice pleasent day rained a little in the mourning.


*name unreadable, perhaps Patten


Sept. 14 – I helped to do the choirs and I helped pa to draw out manure and straw in the forenoon and in the afternoon pa and I went over to vendue and argyle and north argyle and it is a nice pleasent day some cloudy.

Sept. 15 – I helped pa to draw out manure in the forenoon and in the afternoon we all went down to the sabbath school picnic and drove the colt and black horse and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day some cloudy nice and cool.

Sept. 16 – I helped to do the choirs and pa and I dug potatoes out in the orchard in the forenoon and in the afternoon pa and I went down to uncle Daves to help him Kill pigs and we picked the potatoes in the afternoon and it rained some pretty cloudy.

Sept. 17 – I helped to do the choirs and I went with pa down to bedlam after the grist and we drove the colt in the forenoon and in the afternoon pa and I cut corn in the orchard and it is a pretty cold day pretty cloudy though most of the day.

Sept. 18 – I helped pa to finish cutting corn in the orchard in the forenoon and in the afternoon I helped pa to finish digging early rose potatoes and after supper we cut some pop corn and eliza went over to grandpas and I helped to do the choirs and it is a pretty cold day pleasent.

Sept. 19 – I went to church with all the folks and we herd a sermon by mr wiley and we drove the colt and I read some in the testament and I helped to do the choirs and it is a pretty cold day pretty cloudy to.

Sept. 20 – I helped to do the choirs and uncle tom H came done some puttern gobs* and I finished cutting pop corn and it is a nice cool day and it rained some not much and emma and I made me a ball and at night uncle Dave came up.

Sept. 21 – I helped to do the choirs and I helped pa to plow and and level up around the building in the forenoon and in the afternoon pa went out to the fort and took out some apples and I went down to uncle daves and it is a nice cool day rained some pretty cloudy.

Sept. 22 – I helped pa to finish leviling around the Horse barn in the forenoon and in the afternoon I helped pa to dig potatoes up in his field and emma and orrie picked them and I helped to do the choirs and it is a pretty cool day some frost last night.

Sept. 23 – I helped pa to dig potatoes in the forenoon and in the afternoon pa emma and orrie went to meeting and I helped to do the choirs and at night pa and I went down to see uncle Dave and he is no better and it is a nice pleasent day.

Sept. 24 – I went out to fort edward with pa and we got a pair of ** and we took out a load of oats for 50 cents and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasant day pretty cool though most all day and uncle Dave is some better.

Sept. 25 – I helped pa to dig potatoes in the forenoon and emma & orrie picked most of them and we dug 35 bushels and in the afternoon we all went to church and we drove the colt and I helped to do the choirs and it is some cloudy and some pleasant.

Sept. 26 – I went to church with pa orrie and emma and it was sacarment sabbath and we drove the colt and eliza and annie stayed at Home and I read some in the testament and I helped to do the choirs and it is a pretty cool day rained a lot in the mouring.


* did some puttering jobs

** looks like “a pair of fetiers and a scouth” (perhaps sythe)


Sept. 27 – I helped pa to dig potatoes all forenoon and in the afternoon we drawed in 2 loads and emma and orrie helped us some and we picked and doged 100 bushels and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice cool day pretty cloudy and glenroy Hired will bramen by the day.

Sept. 28 – I helped pa to dig potatoes in the forenoon and in the afternoon we picked them up and emma & orrie helped to and they was 2 loads and 79 bushels and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day and I scouped them and pa carried them.

Sept. 29 – I helped pa to dig potatoes in the forenoon and let them lay and I helped to do the choirs and it rained some pretty cloudy all day and morning and Will came up and pa mad a corn and a potatoes bin and the girls and I picked some puncan* seeds.

Sept. 30 – I helped pa to dig some potatoes in the forenoon and in the afternoon the girls helped us to pick them and what we dug yesterday and they was 75 bushels and it rained a lot and I helped to do the choirs and we had a thunder shower and I scoup the potatoes most and pa carryd them.


Friday, October 1, 1875 – I went down to argyle with pa and we drove the colt and I helped to do the choirs and I helped pa to greece 4 wagons and helped to fix the break on the big wagon and and it rained about all day pretty cloudy and pretty cold to.

Oct. 2 – I helped pa to dig some potatoes in the orchard in the forenoon and in the afternoon we picked up the potatoes and picked 6 barrels of apples and drawed l load of puncans and I helped to do the choirs and it is some cloudy pretty cold some pleasent.

Oct. 3 – I went down to bedlam to church in the afternoon with pa and emma and we herd a sermon buy mr curry and eliza annie and orrie stayed at home and I read some in the testiment and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice cool day some cloudy though.

Oct. 4 – I helped to do the choirs and I helped pa to pick apples most all day and we husked a little bit of corn and we picked 15 barrels and at night I went down to miss McDougalls with pa it is a nice warm day some cloudy.

Oct. 5 – I helped to do the choirs and pa and I finished diging the potatoes in the orchard and we drawed down  the pile that was up in or tater field and we dug enough to make a load and it rained some pretty cold and pretty cloudy to.

Oct. 6 – I helped pa to pick apples most all day and I helped to do the choirs and we picked 16 barrels and we took up the wagon twice in glens potatoe field for him to fill and we brought corn 79 bushels and it is a nice cool day pretty cloudy all day.

Oct. 7 – I helped to do the choirs and we drawed in three loads out of glens field 124 bushels and I helped to pick them and in the forenoon pa took the old grays to get shawd to argyle and it rained some clearing up in the afternoon.

Oct. 8 – I helped pa to pick apples in the forenoon and in the afternoon we drawed 2 loads out of glens field and we dug l load and emma and orrie picked them up and we dug 35 bushels and I helped to do the choirs and it is some cloudy nice and cool rained a little.

Oct. 9 – I helped pa to unload 6 loads of potatoes 4 out of glens field and we dug 2 loads and emma & orrie helped us some and pa drawed l load of puncans in the mouring and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day some warm and some wind clouds.




Oct. 10 – I stayed at home with eliza and pa emma annie and orrie went to church and herd a sermon by mr wiley and I read some in the testament and I helped to do the choirs and it is a pretty cool day pretty cloudy to.

Oct. 11 – I helped pa to draw in 6 piles of saxens potatoes 150 bushels and we drawed in 2 loads that glen dug 82 bushels and I helped to do the choirs and it rained some and it is pretty cloudy clearing up in the afternoon clearing off cold.

Oct. 12 – I helped pa to dig l load of potatoes in our field in the forenoon and we drawed in 7 loads for glenroy 252 bushels and I helped to do the choirs and it is a pretty cloudy day and pretty cool and at night I went down to school meeting with pa.

Oct. 13 – I helped to do the choirs and I helped pa to dig potatoes all day and emma and orrie picked them and we dug 99 bushels and glen dug all day to and it is a nice pleasent day pretty cool in the mouring and warm in the middle of the day.

Oct. 14 – I helped pa to dig potatoes and glen helped us in the afternoon and the girls picked some of them and we got done digging and glen got done to and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day warm to in the middle of the day.

Oct. 15 – I helped pa and glen to draw in corn stalks over in the Hay barn in the forenoon and in the afternoon I helped them to draw in corn Husked and to draw in some corn in the year*  to and I helped to do the choirs and it is a pretty cloudy day but nice and cool.

Oct. 16 – I helped to do the choirs and pa and I helped glen to husk part of the day and pa hent**  verry well and we boiled two kittles of feed and took out some puncan seeds and it rained quiet a lot pretty cloudy to all day.

Oct. 17 – I stayed at home with pa emma orrie eliza and annie and we ditten go to church and hent very well and I helped to do the choirs and I read some in the testament and it snowed quiet a lot last night and it is pretty cloudy to all day.

Oct. 18 – I helped pa to Husk abot all day and we Husked over 100 *** about 90 bushels and I helped to do the choirs and glen husked to and pa is no better and it is a nice warm day pretty cloudy though about all day and it rained some in the night.

Oct. 19 – I helped pa to Husk corn in the forenoon and in the afternoon we drawed puncans and pa is no better and I helped to do the choirs and glen Husked corn to and it is a pretty cloudy day and cold too.

Oct. 20 – I helped pa to finish Husking the corn in the forenoon and in the afternoon we picked the cider apples and took them down to the mill to argyle and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice warm day some cloudy.

Oct. 21 – I helped pa and glen to draw Husked corn in the forenoon 3 loads and in the afternoon I helped them to draw corn in the year and stalks and we stacked them and I helped to do the choirs and the girls and eliza boiled cider and it is a nice pleasent day pretty warm to and some cloudy.

Oct. 22 – I helped to do the choirs and pa emma and orrie went out to the fort and they drove out the colt and black Hourse and they got my shirting and pa Hent near so well and it is a nice pleasent day nice and warm to.



*means corn ‘in the ear’ (unhusked)

** hent, which means isn’t or ain’t

***word looks like ‘stoop’


Oct. 23 – I helped to do the choirs and pa Hent no better and in the afternoon pa and I went down to argyle to get the rest of the cider and pa went in and seen the Doctor and pa sold his apples and it is a nice pleasent day cloudy up though.

Oct. 24 – I stayed at Home with pa emma orrie and annie and eliza went town to argyle to church and pa Hent so well as He was yesterday and I helped to do the choirs and I read some in the testament and it is a nice warm day pretty cloudy though most all day.

Oct. 25 – I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice & cold day pretty cloudy part of the day  and pa Hent no better and in the afternoon pa and I went down to argyle after some More barrels and we drove the colt and black Horse down.

Oct. 26 – I helped to do the choirs and in the afternoon pa went down to bedlam to see the Doctor and I went with Him and pa Hent so well as He was yesterday and I Husked some pop corn and pa and orrie Helped me and it is a pretty cloudy day but cool.

Oct. 27 – I helped to do the choirs and grandma came over and in the afternoon I went down after the Doctor for pa and pa Hent so well as he was yesterday and abot night emma and I took grandma over part of the way and it is a pretty cloudy day and pretty cool.

Oct. 28 – I helped to do the choirs and pa Hent no better and the Doctor came up to see Him and mr Gilchrist came and Helped glen and I to Hed up its barrels of apples and uncle John c came to get to barrels and it is a nice day.

Oct. 29 – I went down to salem and I took a load of apples and glen took a load to and we both took 24 barrels and pa is some better and grandpa came over and the Doctor came up and I helped to do the choirs and it is a pretty cloudy & cold day.

Oct. 30 – I went down to salem with pa and we took the rest of the apples and they was 12 barrels and pa Hent so well as He was yesterday and I helped to do the choirs and I helped glenroy to draw some corn in the afternoon and at night it rained and it is a pretty cloudy day.

Oct. 31 – I helped to do the choirs and I read some in the testiment and we ditten go to church and we all stayed at Home and it is a pretty cloudy day and it snowed quiet a lot last night and pa Hent so well as He was yesterday.


Monday, November 1, 1875 – I helped to do the choirs and pa Hent no better and orrie and I dug the beets and carrots and onions and we pulled the cabbage and I helped glen to draw 2 loads of stalks and it snowed some and it is pretty cloudy day.

Nov. 2 – I helped to do the choirs and pa is no better and if enny thing getting worse I think and the girls and I took out some puncan seeds and glen commenced a drawing away His potatoes and is a pretty cloudy day and it is a pretty cold raw day to.

Nov. 3 – I helped to do the choirs and in the afternoon I (helped) glen to draw 2 loads of Husked corn and pa is a getting worse I think and grandpa came over a while and the minister came up to see pa and it is a nice pleasent day pretty cool though.

Nov. 4 – I helped to do the choirs and pa is a little better and at night grandma came over and stayed all night and glen drawed in the corn that was in the year and albert and normy came up and we Had fun playing ball it is a nice pleasent day.

Nov. 5 – I helped to do the choirs and pa Hent so well as He was yesterday and glen and I drawed the rest of the Husked corn and one load of stalks and grandma went Home and the girls and I went arount and picked up the poor corn in the forenoon and it is a nice pleasent day.

Nov. 6 – I helped to do the choirs and pa is about the same and in the forenoon emma annie and I went down to bedlam and we took down a grist and glen and uncle Dave drawed the stalks and the doctor came up to see pa.

Nov. 7 – I helped to do the choirs and they ditten anny of us go to church and I read some in the testiment and I went down to glenroys in the mouring and it is a pretty cloudy day pretty cool to.

Nov. 8 – I helped to do the choirs and orrie and I drawed one load of old rails and it is a nice day pretty cool though and in the mouring I went down to bedlam after the grist and normy went down with me.

Nov. 9 – I helped to do the choirs and pa is some better and elizas sisters girl and us and pa drawed down some wood down to the school house and a load of old rails and uncle dave brought up a buck to put with our sheep and it is a nice warm day.

Nov. 10 – I helped to do the choirs and in the forenoon I went down to bedlam to get a saw sharpened and John came to chop and pa is some better and it snowed quiet a lot and pa took eliza and her sister and girl to Hugh lants.

Nov. 11 – I helped to do the choirs and pa is getting better pretty fast and in the afternoon pa and I went down to bedlam and we drove the colt down and I got a new suit of clothes and it snowed about 4 inches last night and yesterday and grandpa came over.

Nov. 12 – I helped to do the choirs and pa is getting better and elf and fred came up at noon and stayed till night and pa and us boys drove the colt down to argyle and it is a nice pleasent day, thawing to.

Nov. 13 – I helped to do the choirs and is a getting better and I went to Miss Halls burial with all of the folks in the afternoon and glen and us drawed over the corn and we killed a sheep and it is a nice warm day thawing.

Nov. 14 – I helped to do the choirs and they ditten enny of us go to church and pa keeps a getting better I think and I read some in the testiment and we brought over the calfs from the Hay barn and it snowed quiet a lot pretty cool some windy.

Nov. 15 – I went to school and it was the first day of school and we Had a nice time and in the afternoon pa went down to argyle and drove the colt and I helped to do the choirs and is about the same and it is a pretty cloudy day pretty warm.

Nov. 16 – I went to school and pa went out to fort edward and drove the colt and frank and took out some oats at 50 cents a bushel and I helped to do the choirs and it rained some pretty cloudy to and pa is about the same.

Nov. 17 – I went to school and pa and glen banked the house and drawed some rails for 2 stock yards over in the field at the other sid of the Hay barn and it is a windy day pretty cold to and I helped to do the choirs and pa is about well I think.

Nov. 18 – I went to school and pa drawed some rails with the colt and frank and finished making the stock yard and he drawed to loads of manure and it is a nice pleasent day pretty cold and I helped to do the choirs.

Nov. 19 – I went to school and John nelson came and sawed and split wood and pa drawed most of it to the school house and pa went down to argyle after the grist and pa Hent so well and I helped to do the choirs and it is a pretty cloudy day getting warmer.

Nov. 20 – I helped to do the choirs and pa went out to the took his first load of potatoes and he drove the colt and frank at 25 cents a bushel and the girls and I put the wood in the woodshed down to the schoolhouse and it is a nice pleasent day and warm to.

Nov. 21 – I went to church with pa emma and orrie and our school teacher came home with us and we herd a sermon by mr wiley and eliza and annie stayed at home and pa Hent som well and I helped to do the choirs and it snowed some pretty cloudy.

Nov. 22 – I went to school and pa took out a nother load of potatoes at 25 cents a bushel and he drove the colt and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day pretty cold at night and mouring and pa Keeps about the same.

Nov. 23 – I went to school and pa split up the rest of the school* down in the little meadow and glenroy took a load of potatoes for pa and he drove the old greys and it snowed about all day and at night it rained some and I helped to do the choirs and pa is about the same.

Nov. 24 – I went to school and pa is about the same and I helped to do the choirs and it is a pretty windy and pretty cold to most of the day pretty cloudy to and pa killed a sheep in the forenoon and I split some kindle wood.

Nov. 25 – I helped to do the choirs and they wasent no school and emma eliza annie and orrie and I went down to argyle and we drove the old greys and I took a little grist and pa stayed at home all alone and it is a nice pleasent day petty cool air though.

Nov. 26 – I went to school and pa shoemaked some and I helped to do the choirs and it rained most all day and poured rite down to and the wind blowed pretty Hard pretty cloudy to all day but it hent so verry cold though after all.

Nov. 27 – I helped pa to fix up a petiton in under the barn for the sheep and I went down to argyle with pa in the afternoon and we drove the colt and I helped to do the choirs and it is some cloudy and cold and eliza commenced her carpet.

Nov. 28 – I went to church with pa emma and orrie and the teacher rode home with us and we herd a sermon by mr. george wiley and eliza and annie stayed at home and I helped to do the choirs and it is a cold day and cloudy to.

Nov. 29 – I went to school and at night I went down to singing school and Had a nice time and I helped to do the choirs and pa put up the little stove in the sellar and it is a pretty windy and cold day and it is some cloudy part of the day.

Nov. 30 – I went to school and I helped to do the choirs and it is a verry cold day 10 degrees below zero and it is clear though and pa drawed a load of wood to the schoolhouse and 2 or 3 up to the House from the little meadow.


Wednesday, December 1, 1875 – I went to school and I helped to do the choirs and pa went down to mr mahaffeys to see jim mahaffy and he is a little better and it is a pretty cold day 6 degrees below zero and it is pleasent.

Dec. 2 – I went to school and pa took a grist down to Lakeville and he drove the colt and frank and he took 2 bushels of buckwheat to get ground and I helped to do the choirs and it is a pretty cold day and I went down to singing school and had a nice time.

Dec. 3 – I went to school and we spoke peaces to school and pa went down to argyle to get the colt and frank shawd and then he went on out to the fort to see about the pork and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice pleasent day and warm.


*Other records show that Harvey’s father was a trustee of the school and it must have been his duty to help provide the firewood.


Dec. 4 – I helped to do the choirs and pa sawed up some school wood and in the afternoon pa and I took the buck home and we drawed out some corn stalks out of the hay barn and eliza went to weave and it is a nice pleasent day.

Dec. 5 – I went to church with pa emma and orrie and we herd a sermon by mr wiley and eliza and annie stayed at home and I helped to do the choirs and pa is got about all well and it is a pretty cloudy day and cold to.

Dec. 6 – I went to school and I helped to do the choirs and pa cut trees along Datis strevers woods in the forenoon and it is a pretty cloudy day and at night John nelson came up.

Dec. 7 – I went to school and I helped to do the choirs and pa went down to bedlam after John nelsons hog in the forenoon and took it down to his house and it is a pretty cloudy day not very cold.

Dec. 8 – I helped to do the choirs and I went to school and glenroy commenced thrashing rye and eliza went to weave carpet and pa stayed at home and done the choirs and it snowed about all day thawing though.

Dec. 9 – I went to school and glen thrashed rye all day and uncle tom H. Willie and aunt marryeliza came and pa and uncle tom H got to door fixed and I helped to do the choirs & it snowed some not verry cold though.

Dec. 10 – I went to school and I helped to do the choirs and glen trashed rye part of the day and uncle John C came up to his hous and pa went out to fort edward in a slay and drove frank and it is a nice pleasent day.

Dec. 11 – I helped to do do the choirs and glen trashed rye all day and eliza went to weave carpet and elve albert fred and Norman came up and we had a nice time and it is a pretty cloudy day and pa sawed wood and I drawed it down to the sellar.

Dec. 12 – I went to church with pa emma orrie and annie and we herd a sermon by mr wiley and eliza stayed at home and I helped to do the choirs and it is a pretty cloudy day turning colder I think.

Dec. 13 – I went to school and I helped to do the choirs and it was a pretty cloudy day and it snowed a little in the mourning and glen trashed rye and pa went down to uncle Daves to help him to kill his beaf.

Dec. 14 – I went to school and I helped to do the choirs and glen finished trashing rye and pa went to bedlam and then up to church and they put in furr new deacons and it is a pretty cold and cloudy day and at night I went down to spelling school.

Dec. 15 – I went to school and pa & glen cleaned up the rye in the forenoon and they was 50 ½ bushels and pa took a grist down to argyle in the afternoon and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice day but some cloudy and cold.

Dec. 16 – I went to school in the afternoon and uncle Dave pa and I killed the beaf and we got done in the forenoon and pa drove the colt and frank over to grandpas and I helped to do the choirs and it is a clouding up a gain.

Dec. 17 – I went to school and pa went down to bedlam and he took a crock of butter and he got himself a suit of clothes & eliza finished the carpet and pa brought it over and I helped to do the choirs and it is getting colder snowed some.



Dec. 18 – I helped to do the choirs and pa and I took the puncan seeds up to coys and glen trashed oats all day and when we came home we took a gag*of straw over to the Haybarn and it is a pretty cold day.

Dec. 19 – I went to church with pa eliza and orrie and we herd a sermon by mr wiley and emma and annie stayed at home and I helped to do the choirs and it is a pleasent day pretty cold though below zero.

Dec. 20 – I went to school and pa went down to argyle in the afternoon and he drove the colt and glenroy trashed oats all day and it is verry cold l8 Degrees below zero and I helped to do the choirs and pa went down to Miss McDougalls and she is worse.

Dec. 21 – I went to school and pa went out to the fort and he took out some potatoes and he drove the colt and I helped to do the choirs and it is a nice warm day thawing quiet a lot and glen trashed in the forenoon.

Dec. 22 – I went school and pa drove over to grandpas and then he Drove up to alex Williamson to see mary an and pa drove the colt and frank and I helped to do the choirs and the snow went about all of last night pretty clear and warm.

Dec. 23 – I went to school and I helped to do the choirs and pa went down to bedlam in the afternoon and he drove the colt and frank and pa drawed over some oats and it is a nice warm day and it is a little cloudy pretty cloudy to.

Dec. 24 – I went to school and pa went down to Jay Barkley after some drag stough (?) and he drove the colt and frank and I helped to do the choirs and I skated some with albert and it is a nice cool day colder moderating.

Dec. 25 –  I helped to do the choirs and pa and I went down to the school house to help to put up the Christmas tree and at night we all went down to the Christmas tree but eliza she ditten go and it is a nice day pretty cloudy though.

Dec. 26 – I went to church with pa emma & orrie and we herd a sermon by mr wiley and the teacher rode home with us and we got started with a wagon and we had to come back and get the slay and I helped to do the choirs and it is a pretty cloudy day not verry cold though.

Dec. 27 – I helped to do the choirs and I helped to kill hogs & pigs in the forenoon and grandma and grandpa came over and in the afternoon pa went down to bedlam to get 2 of

the horses shawd and it is a nice pleasent day getting colder though.

Dec. 28 – I went to school and I helped to do the choirs and pa took the pork out to the fort and he got me a Diary and he took glens pig one of them for him at ** and it snowed most all afternoon pretty cloudy all day.

Dec. 29 – I went to school and I helped to do the choirs and pa cut up the pork in the forenoon and in the afternoon pa went down to bedlam to get the tong & wheel mended but he ditten and we had fun skateing at school and it is a pretty cloudy day not very cold though.

Dec. 30 – I went to school and pa went down to bedlam to get the tong and wheel mended and he got a barrel of flour and I helped to do the choirs and it is a pretty foggy day and cloudy to and us boys had fun skateing.


*perhaps it’s ‘bag’

**word unreadable


Dec. 31 – I went to school and pa went down to uncle Daves in the forenoon and in the afternoon pa went down to argyle and drove the colt and frank and got a bread knife and I helped to do the choirs and it is a pretty cloudy day and foggy to and at night Morris * cattle came here and eating at our stalks and pa and I had to drive them home and us boys went a skateing at the mud lake at noon at school and we have come to a close of another year 1875 is past 1876 comes.


*name unreadable





March 7 – Miss eagleson died

March 6 – Miss White died

Feb. 21 – Mr. eagleson died

March 22 – hanna Walch died

Mar. 24 – Deacon John Gramer died

Mar. 17 – Mr. Joseph Pollock died

Apr. 6 - Mr. seth terry died

Aor. 9 – Nuss grley (?) died

May 14 – Mr Joseph king died



Cows that we have took away to bull;


June 28 – white heifer our own

July 2 – yellow cow to Mr. Mahayys bull

July 11 – spotted cow down to mr. mahaffeys bull

July 19 – red heifer to Mr mahaffeys bull

July 22 - old yellow cow  2 time to Mr Mahaffeys bull

July 31 – spotted cow mr. mahaffeys bull

July 31 - Heifer l time to our own bull

Aug. 1 – white cow l time uncle Daves bull

Aug. 11 – red heifer 2 time to Mr Mahaffeys bull

Aug. 19 – spotted cow 3 time to our own bull


1875 so many bushels of potatoes that came of any peace

of early rose potatoes  61

of late rose potatoes    12

of Jaxens potatoes       136


So many credit marks that I have had in spelling class 1875




1875 – we had so many bushels of rye

first time  21 bu

and the second time  50 ½ bu

all together in 1875 – 71 ½ bu


So many credit marks that I hat in 1875 term winter in map drawing each day


 May we planted 23 acres of corn and potatoes all to gather

We had 45 loads of hay

We had 120 doxens of rye

We had 37 loads of oats

We had about 1200 (the 1 and 2 are on top of each other, so perhaps it 2100) bushels of potatoes

We had about 600 bushels of corn

We had 71 ½ bushes of rye


892263  (?)


Pas share of potatoes that was in glenroys field and what we drawed out each day first day of Jaxons potatoes; 79 bu, 124, 35, 150 total 388


So many bushels of oats – first crop of good oats in August 224 bu

                                                               Second time in Dec.  61 bu


So many bushels of oats in first crop of poor oats in August  15 bu

                                                               Second time in Dec.  6 bushels


Sold so many doxens of eggs:

April 17 – 9 10/12; May 3 - 7 ½; May 14 – 11;  May 28 – 9; June 9 – 9; July 2 – 8 ½; July 28 – 4; Sept 14 – 14 ½    $13.91


1875 we got a south-down buck of mr Mc eachron to put with out sheep November 9


So many bushels that was on pa field of late rose potatoes; (lots of figures) total 714


Pas share of potatoes that was in glenroys field and what we drawed out each day fo sixes potatoes: 941


I left of so many time in spelling class 111111= 6 times


(He itemized each day how much money he got “for foddering the cattle over to the little Hay barn” from Nov. 19 to Dec. 31) usually 4 cents a day, sometimes 2 cents;

total: 74 cents


So many words that I miss each day in spelling:  (can’t make out the marks)


On the last page is written, in lovely feminine scrip, the following:


“To Harvey

If you go East

If you go West

Remember me

With all the rest.

     From Ettie Maxim (?)  (ink is faded)


“My pen is poor

My ink is pail

My love to you shall

Never fail for Winnie

Is my one true Love

My Lark

   My Duck

      My turtle dove.


“My grass is green

My rose is red

   This is my name

    When i am dead.

Harvey Williamson


Goose Island”