Ages as of 1/1/1908 Harvey 45, Georgia 29, Ruby 11, Roscoe 10, Marion 6, Hazel 2, Harold 1


            Wed. Jan 1: " 'A Happy new year'  We entertained company to day. Johnnie & Mary came down Orrie, Eva & Mrs. Powell came up Oscar & Sarah & little Oscar came down & Fred Durkee & his Family also and we had a good time they all went home before night. & at night Georgia went down to Jennie Burnetts Wedding below West Hebron aways and she Married Will Gordon and it is a cool day rather cloudy but not very cold a mild winter no snow on the ground to speak of some banks."

            Thur. Jan 2: "I chored around in the forenoon I scalded some meal for the pigs and in the afternoon I sorted a few potatoes and chored around and it is a nice pleasant day cool air but not very cold roads are rather rough & hard a man Telephoned out here from Fort Edward saying he would give 55¢ for potatoes the rest of the week."

            Fri. Jan 3: "I chored around got up early and intended to take a load of potatoes out to the Fort. but my leg was so lame I could’nt hardly get around. Ruby was sick & did’nt go to school she had a very high fever so we telephoned down and had the Doctor come up. her Temperature was 104½ and a very high fever he thought she was taking the 'Grip'. it is a nice pleasant day thawed a little . but cool."

            Sat. Jan 4: "Ruby is about the same or a little better she thinks she is. The Doctor came up he thinks she had the Grip & is doing well fever not so high to day I chored around sorted a few potatoes and churned. about noon it began snowing & snowed & blowed till night wind is in the east not very cold but very windy. Telephone don't work to day."

            Sun. Jan 5: "We did’nt go to church so all stayed at home & kept house Ruby seems better to day but at night she did'nt seem so well the Doctor came up and he thought she would be all right in a day or two so would’nt come back it is colder & quite cold at night wind is in the West & getting colder. Ruby has a high fever yet."

            Mon. Jan 6: "We thought Ruby was'nt so well she put in a bad night so we telephoned for the Doctor and he came up & said Ruby had Pneumonia it must have originated last night her fever is high yet the Doctor came up at night again he thinks she is doing well as could be expected her fever is high yet I don't do much but stay around the house & do the chores It is a nice day only cold and windy too. Pleasant. Roscoe went down to West Hebron & got Orrie she is staying with us awhile & at night Art & Charley Barkley came over awhile."

            Tues. Jan 7: "The Doctor was up twice to day to see Ruby he thinks she is doing or holding her own. one lung is getting hard but he thinks it is not getting any worse so he tells us Charley B. took my rig & went down to Bald Mountain after Mrs. C. Gilchrist to care for Ruby but she could’nt come and at night Eva came up from school & stayed all night. and it is a nice day it got cloudy and before night a little it began snowing & snowed quite a lot."

            Wed. Jan 8: "In the morning Charley B. came over & he and Roscoe took the old White sow over to Billys to the boar it snowed enough for fair Sleighing and I chored around & stayed around the house and Ruby is doing well so the Doctor says he came up twice to day and it is a nice day not very cold thawed a little but got colder at night at night Marion was sick too."

            Thur. Jan 9: "In the morning Charley Barkley came over early & helped to load up a load of potatoes & Charley took the load out to Glens Falls at 65¢ per bu and I stayed around the house & sorted a few potatoes Ruby is doing well but Marion don't feel a bit good she is feverish and it is good sleighing & a beautiful day got quite cold at night."

            Fri. Jan 10: "I chored around Ruby is getting along nicely & Marion don't feel every good by times & again feels fair and in the afternoon Roscoe took a small grist down to West Hebron & brought up Eva from school good sleighing now for the amount of snow & it is a nice pleasant day only cold and at night it is’nt quite so cold I guess."

            Sat. Jan 11: "In the morning after I done the chores Roscoe & I loaded up a load of potatoes & we took them out to Fort Edward to Hotel Hudson 55¢ per bu of 60 # and the sleighing was good all the way and we got home about night. at night Will Irwin came over & got 10 # Butter @ 30¢ per # and Ruby is doing nicely but Marion did'nt feel very well all afternoon it is a nice pleasant day clear & warmer at night."

            Sun. Jan 12: "In the morning Roscoe took Orrie & Eva down home and Ruby & Marion are both feeling better to-day but Georgia is almost down sick aches all over so we all stayed at home or did'nt go to church it rained quite a lot the roads are sloppy & icy now."

            Mon. Jan 13: "Georgia is no better she was about sick all day I stayed around the house all day it is cloudy & getting colder all day wagons going by to-day some sleighing yet around here. Ruby sets up some & had her clothes on to day."

            Tues. Jan 14: "In the morning after I done the chores I loaded (or Roscoe & I) up a load of potatoes & I took them out to Fort edward 46 bu @ 55¢. and I got a few barrels and it is good sleighing out that way I got home about night the folks are all doing well Roscoe stayed home from school to see to things while I was gone it turned out to be a nice day quite cool but pleasant."

            Wed. Jan 15: "In the forenoon I chored around threshed some buckwheat & drawed up some corn from the lower barn for the pigs & a small grist and in the afternoon I took a small grist down to West Hebron & got a horse shawd & went to Orries to see Eva she is sick and when I got home Roscoe had came home from school sick. Head ache, sore throat & Fever about as Eva is.  It is a nice pleasant day but cool nice wheeling to West Hebron sleighing West of us & Wheeling East of us."

            Thur. Jan 16: "Roscoe is sick in bed all day Will Madison was going by so I had him stop & see Roscoe he left some medicine for him. He vomited some but says he don't feel very sick I chored around I threshed some Buckwheat & sorted a few potatoes. A man was along buying Potatoes paying 60¢ to be delivered at Fort Edward. & it is a nice warm day it thawed a very little but got colder at night again."

            Fri. Jan 17: "Roscoe is no better he is in bed all day Dr. Madison did'nt come along in the forenoon and in the afternoon (our phone was'nt in order so I went up to Mrs. Weirs & Telephoned down to Dr. Stillman and he got up here about dark. he said he thought Roscoe would be all right in a day or two I chored around all day sorted a few potatoes & threshed a little buckwheat. it is a cold raw day sleighs & Wagons both going"

            Sat. Jan 18: "In the morning after I got the chores done I loaded up a load of potatoes & I took them out to Fort Edward at 55¢ at 60 # and got 12 barrels and 600 # Bran and I went in a sleigh rather poor sleighing part way I got home about night & Roscoe was better he sat up part of the day and it is a beautiful day clear & thawed some but cold at night & windy."

            Sun. Jan 19: "We did'nt any of us go to church so all stayed at home and kept house. Roscoe is getting better it is a cold & windy day out sunshine pleasant where the wind did'nt blow Wind was in the north."

            Mon. Jan 20: "Roscoe is getting better I guess he was up all day I chored around sorted some potatoes & in the afternoon Johnnie & Mary came down awhile and it is a cold raw windy day the sleighing is poor around here nearly all wagons and a pedler came along & I bought some gloves from him for the children etc. warmer about night."

            Tues. Jan 21: "In the morning I got up early and done the chores & then loaded up a load of potatoes & took them out to Fort Edward 43 bu @ 60¢ per bu. at the car I went in sleighs poor sleighing coming home. it is a dandy day. clear & warm thawed quite a lot. Ruby went to school & Roscoe was out doors."

            Wed. Jan 22: "I am not feeling very well to day so did'nt do much but chore around it is cooler to-day very good wheeling around here but the sleighing is all gone now."

            Thur. Jan 23: "I am feeling some better to day I sorted a few potatoes & threshed a little buckwheat it is a nice winters day not very cold and no signs of any sleighing children are all very well."

            Fri. Jan 24: "I chored around and it was so cold that the children did'nt go to school windy & a raw day I am not feeling very well to-day cold chills We got the chores done."

            Sat. Jan 25: "I am not feeling very well to day about sick cold schills but got the chores done with Roscoe's help. In the afternoon Roscoe went down to Dewey's Cornells & got his little 'Bobs' and it is a cloudy cold raw day & rough too."

            Sun. Jan 26: "I was sick a bed all day & the Doctor was up to see me he said I had the Grip and Charley Barkley came over and done or helped Roscoe & Georgia to do the chores. Roscoe went over after him in the morning it thawed some & at night it began raining queer winter weather."

            Mon. Jan 27: "Charley Barkley came over again & helped Roscoe & Georgia to do the chores to-day and I am some better I guess sat up awhile Ruby & Roscoe went to school but Marion stayed at home it is a cold raw windy day it rained hard in the morning but soon turned colder & kept getting colder all day quite cold at night Mr. McEachron came up to see me. Charley got a small grist ground for me at Argyle."

            Tues. Jan 28: "I am about the same some better I guess. Net Barkley came over & helped Georgia to Wash and Charley helped Roscoe to do the chores and it is a cool day. the children all went to school and it is a cool day no sleighing yet. rather rough wheeling"

            Wed. Jan 29: "I am better to day I got out in the afternoon & chored around some in the morning Charley came over & done the chores  and I am feeling better only it is pretty cold I done the chores at night."

            Thur. Jan 30: "I chored around and Billy & his man came over & threshed the buckwheat or the rest of it & they got it done about 3 o'clock & then they went home & in the afternoon Georgia & Hazel & the babe drove down to Orries at West Hebron & it is the coldest day this winter so far but it is pleasant & no wind but cold in earnest. at night  Roscoe & I went up & borrowed Theodores Spring Wagon to go after the Piano to-morrow."

            Fri. Jan 31: "In the morning I got up early & done the chores and went out to Fort Edward after the Piano but before I got out there I got word that it had not arrived but went on out to the Fort & got pay for my Butter and brought home the Buckwheat Midlings the hills were icy & I had hard work to get home or up the hills it is a nice pleasant day but cold at night we took the wagon home & Lula Holmes came up to stay awhile or to Monday morning."

            Sat. Feb 1: "I chored around cleaned up 20 bu of the buckwheat and sorted some potatoes and boiled or cooked a kettle of feed or meal for the last for the pigs and it snowed nearly all day & part of last night it blowed all in bunches in the forenoon and in the afternoon it stilled down & snowed on the bare spots a little about night Roscoe drove over & seen Will McNeil about butchering next Tuesday he said he could come."

            Sun. Feb 2: "It blowed a hurricane nearly all night in the morning the snow was all piled up & lots of bare ground not much sleighing I guess Roscoe took Lula over to Charley Barkleys and it is a cold wind too. We did'nt go to church so all stayed at home and kept house."

            Mon. Feb 3: "I chored around all day at one thing and another and got ready for butchering and sorted some potatoes and it is a rough windy day & kept getting colder at night we had a snow squall but cleared of cold Billy and his man came over & chopped for me back up on top of the hill in the woods and they got their dinner here."

            Tues. Feb 4: "I got terrible cold in the night. In the morning Will McNeil, Charley & Net Barkley came over to help me to butcher it was cold no mistake we began after 9 o'clock & got done a little after noon 11 of them every thing went of nicely only the cold weather frost stuck every thing fast most it is a very cold day no mistake 3º below at dark here. but nice & pleasant & no wind."

            Wed. Feb 5: "I got up early and done the chores and then we loaded the Pigs & Butter and I took them out to Glens Falls Pigs at 7.30 per cwt. & Butter at 30¢ per # and when I got back to Fort Edward the Piano man was there & we loaded it into the sleigh and started for home we got home about dark and it was so late we did'nt onload it so left it in the sleigh all night and it is a fierce cold day but got some warmer at night Mr. Danforth the Piano man stayed all night It was snowing at bed time."

            Thur. Feb 6: "It snowed last night about 8 inches very cold so the snow is very light but fell even .We got the Piano onloaded, onboxed and up into the house all in good shape. Billy & Edgar drove up & Charley Barkley & Charley McGeoch came over & we all got it in shape and Mr. Danforth rode down to West Hebron with Charley Barkley it is a windy day the snow is drifting some and at night getting colder."

            Fri. Feb 7: "In the morning after I got the chores done I went up in the woods and drawed some wood it is very windy up to the woods and drifting to in places in the afternoon I broke the reach and had to quit it kept getting colder all day good sleighing now. I put a nother reach in that will do for awhile I guess."

            Sat. Feb 8: "In the forenoon I chored around cleaned up some buckwheat & sorted some potatoes & put up a small grist and in the afternoon our folks all but me went down to West Hebron I cleaned up the most of the buckwheat and chored around and it is a cold raw day kept getting colder all day & some windy too below zero at night & getting colder."

            Sun. Feb 9: "It is almost cold as ever but clear & pleasant & no wind. We did'nt got to church any of us so all stayed at home & kept house. We had to keep the oil stove down in the cellar nearly all day it was so cold we are having Winter in earnest now."

            Mon. Feb 10: "I drawed wood from up in the back woods all day I came down through the big side hill and I got all that was cut drawed down to the house 4 or 5 cord such as it is and it is a nice pleasant day only cold it warmed up a little in the middle of the day & was some warmer at night."

            Tues. Feb 11: "In the morning I got up early and done the chores and then we loaded up a load of potatoes and took them and a 175 # of Butter out to Glens Falls to Higley potatoes at 1 cent a # but I sold 2 more loads for 75¢ per bu and it is a beautiful day clear & thawed some near the bear ground but lots of snow out to Glens Falls. Georgia was about sick to-day."

            Wed. Feb 12: "In the morning I got up early and done the chores & then Roscoe & I loaded up a load of Potatoes and we took them out to Glens Falls 51 bu @ 75¢ per bu to Higley and we brought home 2 barrels of Flour & some empty barrels 13 and it was cold in the morning and frosty but got warmer at noon & was thawing quite a lot in the sun at night it looked like a storm."

            Thur. Feb 13: "There was no school to day (Teacher sick) so Roscoe drove down to West Hebron & got the grist & he took a cutter and I chored around sorted some potatoes and he got back before noon and it rained some very icy crust on the snow in the afternoon I sorted some potatoes and cleaned up the rest of the buckwheat about 57 bu in all."

            Fri. Feb 14: "In the morning I got up early and done the chores & loaded a load of potatoes & started before day light for Glens Falls I got up there about 11 o'clock and the load went nice after I got 2 miles away but it was fierce coming home around here good out to the villages warm raining at night & the water is running now."

            Sat. Feb 15: "It rained & thawed last night and all day the snow is gone but a few banks to bad to loose our sleighing it is a wet & nasty day no mistake there was meeting at out church but we did'nt go the wind blew from the south water is very high. It got some cooler at night."

            Sun. Feb 16: "We did’nt go to church any of us so all stayed at home and kept house and it is a nice pleasant day only cool and rough roads again. It was sacrament sabbath at our church."

            Mon. Feb 17: "I went up in the woods and cut small wood all day along the fence I cleaned it all as I went it was up along Berts lien fence and it is small wood clear & thawed some but cold south West wind made it seem cool."

            Tues. Feb 18: "I cut wood about in the same place all day up in the woods on the north side of the hill & I got the little stuff all cut on that side & Billy came over & cut some on the same side into cord wood it is nearly all cut and it is a cold day & very cold north wind it was fierce up chopping in the forenoon but we kept at it. It is a good time to chop now."

            Wed. Feb 19: "I chored around nearly all day sorted potatoes part of the day and it snowed nearly all day but not very hard in the forenoon but it came right down in the afternoon I went after the school children in a cutter but it cut through the snow is light as feathers. the wind blew some but not to drift much. It has snowed 8 or 10 inches any way but is very light."

            Thur. Feb 20: "In the morning after I done the chores I loaded up the Buckwheat and then took it out to Fort Edward in a sleigh the snow does'nt pack it is so dry & mealy. I had 2050 # at 1.80 & got some ground & took out 100 # of Butter at 30¢ per # and It was night when I got home it is a nice day only cold."

            Fri. Feb 21: "Billy & Rob Hughey came over & cut 2 big trees into cord wood and Georgia, Hazel & the babe went down to West Hebron to Mrs. Powells and I stayed at home & got dinner for the men & sorted some potatoes & chored around and it is a nice pleasant day only quite cold a good winters day good fair sleighing around here now at night I "

            Sat. Feb 22: "In the morning I got up early and done the chores and then we loaded up a load of potatoes and Roscoe & I took them out to Glens Falls at 75¢ per bu. and it was good sleighing all the way. and we brought home a load of barrels and got home about dark & it is a nice day only pretty cool some cloudy it did'nt thaw much."

            Sun. Feb 23: "Ruby, Roscoe, Marion & I went to church and we heard a sermon by Mr. Willard McEachron & his text was in John and we stayed for Sabbath school and Georgia & Hazel stayed at home with the babe and kept house and it is a cold day cloudy & snowed a little fine but did'nt amount to much cold winters day fair sleighing."

            Mon. Feb 24: "In the forenoon I chored around and sorted some more potatoes and in the afternoon I went up to the woods & cut cord wood up on the big side & got the wood nearly all cut on that side but a few trees. and it is a nice pleasant day only cold the snow is mealy but thawed some in the sun cold at night & at night Ruby, Roscoe & I went over to the church to a social & we all had a good time it was cold too Georgia kept the children"

            Tues. Feb 25: "In the morning after I done the chores awhile & the sun got up Roscoe & I loaded up a load of potatoes & I took them out to Sandy Hill at 75¢ per bu. and it was cold but pleasant I got home about night and it is good sleighing now all the way. some warmer at night & looks like a storm."

            Wed. Feb 26: "It snowed 8 inches last night & in the morning it got warmer & packed the snow & it rained some at night and I sorted potatoes part of the day and drove up to the woods to break out a road the snow is soft now. it looks wet & is quite sloppy at night & at night we went over to Charley Barkleys awhile and it rained some."

            Thur. Feb 27: "In the morning I got up early and done the chores and then we loaded up a load of potatoes & I took them out to Fort Edward at 85¢ per bu & it was fine sleighing & thawed quite a lot but got colder at night I got home early & brought home some bran."

            Fri. Feb 28: "In the morning I got up early and done the chores & then we loaded a load of potatoes and I took them out to Glens Falls @ 85¢ per bu and I brought home the last of the barrels and I got home about dark good sleighing all the way but it is going fast in the afternoon."

            Sat. Feb 29: "In the forenoon Roscoe & I drawed the apples from the barn cellar to the house cellar and sorted some potatoes & chored around and in the afternoon I went down to Argyle to Town Caucus. Theodore Gilchrist named the County delegates and I named the District delegates and when I came home I sorted a few potatoes it is a nice pleasant day thawed a lot the sleighing is getting poor in places but cold at night. At night We all went down to West Hebron to an Exhibition and it was cold too."

            Sun. Mar 1: "We all went to church & we heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron and his text 1 Peter the 4 chapter & the 10 verse and we stayed for Sabbath school and it is a nice day it got warmer & was cloudy in the afternoon and began snowing about night."

            Mon. Mar 2: "It snowed quite a lot last night & was raining in the morning but frooze as it came and made a hard icy crust on top of the snow no danger of drifting it was heavy on the trees it thawed some but not enough to melt the ice from the trees & it is a cloudy day and I sorted some potatoes & chored around. cooler at night."

            Tues. Mar 3: "In the morning I got up early and done the chores & then we loaded up a load of potatoes & I took the load out to Glens Falls at 85¢ and I got home early and got the chores done before night and at night we had some company here for Supper. Rev. McEachron & Anna McGeoch, Johnnie & Mary, David Fosters folks, Edd Pollocks, John McKernons, Hiram Reynolds & Theodore Gilchrists & Orrie & Eva came up to day I guess they all had a good time. It was the nicest sleighing we have had this winter all the way to the Falls cool at night."

            Wed. Mar 4: "I chored around sorted some potatoes and we did'nt get up very early and in the afternoon Roscoe & Marion took Orrie & Eva down home at West Hebron and at night Roscoe & Ruby & I went over to a party or Dance and it is a cool day did'nt thaw much to day."

            Thur. Mar 5: "In the morning I got up early and done the chores & then we loaded up a load of potatoes and I took them out to Glens Falls 60 bu at 85¢ per bu and I had to wait a long time to get onloaded the sleighing is good but it thawed  some I did'nt get home till late after dark."

            Fri. Mar 6: "In the forenoon Roscoe & I took a grist down to Argyle and we got it home with us and when we got home Mina cow was calveing & down in the barn yard we got her in the stable the calf seemed smart but she was sick and it snowed all afternoon about & rained again & frooze as it came & formed a hard crust again."

            Sat. Mar 7: "Roscoe & I drawed wood from up in the woods down to the house it was rank on the horses breaking out a road through the hard crust we got 5 loads down & then Roscoe took Ruby down to West Hebron she is going to stay at Orries a few days and it is a warm day thawed some but kept cloudy nearly all day so the sleighing is good yet."

            Sun. Mar 8: "We all went to church & we heard a sermon by Mr. Mc Eachron and his text was in First Kings & the 4 chapter some where I think and we stayed for Sabbath school and we went in a sleigh & it is good sleighing and it is a nice day some cloudy it thawed quite a lot. Mina cow died at night the calf died in the morning."

            Mon. Mar 9: "Roscoe & I drawed wood nearly all day from up in the woods down to the house we got the cord wood all down & 1 load of the poles and Dale Gibson came down & got ½ ton of rye straw at $3.00 we helped him to load it and it is a nice pleasant day it thawed a lot the most of any day I guess but it is good sleighing yet around here yet."

            Tues. Mar 10: "We finished drawing up the pole wood from up in the woods to the house and we finished drawing all we have cut and I guess it will be enough and before night Roscoe & Marion drove down to West Hebron & got Ruby and it is poor sleighing down at West Hebron but fair sleighing around here yet. cold last night & cold to-day but thawed some in the sun it is a pleasant day but cold in the shade."

            Wed. Mar 11: "In the forenoon I cut limbs into stove wood & poles into cord wood and in the afternoon Will Lundy came down & got ½ ton of Rye Straw and then Roscoe & I took a grist down to Argyle & left it and it is a nice day sleighing is getting poor in places & the south wind blew hard all afternoon it cut the snow & softened the icy crust on the snow and Wood sawyers are getting near here"

            Thur. Mar 12: "In the morning We went down to Argyle and got the grist & when we got home I cut wood or poles into cord wood & stove wood and in the afternoon the Saw Machine came here Allen & Crosier & sawed the wood 8½ cords & Walt Lant came over & helped me to hand it on and we did'nt get started till after 2 o'clock & got done before night and the sleighing is going fast it is a nice pleasant day and warm too. Wagons going now."

            Fri. Mar 13: "In the morning We went down to John Barkleys woods & got some dry wood for the school house ½ cord and then we got ready to draw manure & put on a load and in the afternoon we drawed 5 loads of Horse Manure up in the back Buckwheat field & we used a sleigh but it was very sloppy it went fast to day a heavy South wind it cut the snow in the fields pretty fast."

            Sat. Mar 14: "In the forenoon Roscoe & I went down to the Lower barn & got the truck wagon & rack & took a Ton of Rye straw up to Mr. John Reynolds we made 2 loads of it $6 a Ton and in the afternoon I chored around fixed a place for the calves 3 calves came to-day Roscoe took the saw over to Tom Griffins to get ground and at night Roscoe & I went down to Argyle & seen a Basket ball game very Muddy."

            Sun. Mar 15: "We did'nt go to church so all stayed at home and kept house & James Sloan came along & stopped and stayed till after dinner and made us a visit & it is a pretty cloudy day rained some nasty & muddy too snow is going pretty fast now it acts like spring Jersey cow had a calf it was dead."

            Mon. Mar 16: "I chored around cut some limbs at the door and sorted some potatoes it is a cloudy & cool day we had a big blow in the afternoon snow & wind it lasted nearly ½ hour it was fierce while it lasted at night it was colder Willett Gillis & Horace Howard was here & got ½ ton of rye straw each. Jersey cow got up to-day."

            Tues. Mar 17: "I cut limbs at the door & sorted potatoes and chored around it is a nasty time no mistake. It snowed quite a lot now & then through the day or afternoon. it is March weather alright Roscoe got throwed off the Black Horse & got his side hurt some."

            Wed. Mar 18: "I finished cutting the limbs at the door and chored around & sorted some potatoes and it is nasty weather in earnest snow & it is wet too. The mail man did'nt get around to day he took sick before he got a great ways around and it is hard going rough wheeling."

            Thur. Mar 19: "I sorted potatoes now & then all day about and chored around  it is a cool day rough going the snow don't thaw very fast March weather alright I split some wood at the door."

            Fri. Mar 20: "In the morning we took the Hay rack of the wagon and put it back in the barn down to the lower barn and I split wood awhile at the door & put on a load of manure up on the back buckwheat field & got stuck & had to go around so gave it up & when I came down I found Frank Lester & I sold my apples to him & he took them with him and I split wood at the door & sorted a few potatoes in the cellar and it is a cool day but pleasant & got muddy but was a cold day in the shade."

            Sat. Mar 21: "I split wood at the door nearly all day and Roscoe helped some and in the afternoon Georgia, Marion & Hazel went down to West Hebron to Orrie's & she went up to see Lula about living out and it is hard going muddy & rough too, it is a pleasant day & thawed a lot in the sun but it is cold nights."

            Sun. Mar 22: "Ruby, Roscoe & I went to church and we heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron and his text was James 4th chapter & the 13 to 15 verses and Georgia & the rest of the children stayed at home and it is a windy day and the roads are very muddy frozen in the morning Heavy South wind."

            Mon. Mar 23: "I split wood at the door nearly all day and sorted potatoes a little while in the cellar and it is a very windy day wind is in the South it acts very much like rain & did rain before night and  it is very muddy going now."

            Tues. Mar 24: "I split wood part of the day at the door and I sorted potatoes down in the cellar part of the day and it is another windy day only the wind is in the West it is cooler it cleared off in the morning it is very muddy going now. Will Irwin came over & got 16 # of Butter."

            Wed. Mar 25: "I finished splitting wood at the door and chored around and sorted some potatoes and it is a nice day only cool & windy to. March weather in earnest."

            Thur. Mar 26: "In the forenoon I took the butterfly drag down to Dewey Cornell's and some other things to get repaired or made over new and Billy rode down with me & got his saw repaired and we went on further & looked at some young cattle & tried to buy them on the Phone but did'nt and it is a very windy day & when we got back I sorted a few potatoes roads are very muddy & hard going now. it is a warm windy day & cloudy."

            Fri. Mar 27: "I chored around and sorted potatoes awhile and in the afternoon Georgia & Marion went down to West Hebron and I kept the youngsters till school was out and it is very windy and looks some like rain roads are in a very bad condition now.."

            Sat. Mar 28: "I chored around fixed a little fence and sorted potatoes and got them nearly all sorted Roscoe helped me some and we got ready to go up to Johnnies and it came on rain & we gave up going The babe was'nt feeling very well toward night It is a very warm day sun came out after the rain warm as summer nearly it cleared of nice but the roads are fierce."

            Sun. Mar 29: "We did'nt go to church so all stayed at home and kept house the babe did'nt feel very good last night and don't feel very good part of the day it is a cloudy day some cooler to day."

            Mon. Mar 30: "In the forenoon I drove down to John McKernons & looked at 2 Heifers and did'nt get home till after noon a while and in the afternoon I chored around cut some apple tree wood. and Georgia drove over to Billys to see about hiring one of the girls but did'nt find them at home it is pleasant but some windy."

            Tues. Mar 31: "In the morning Roscoe & I went up to Johns & got the heifers and drove them home and I chored around and cut up some apple tree wood it rained some and was windy cold last night backward weather now. & very bad roads around here In the forenoon I went down to Deweys and got the new Harrow & reach it rained a little before I got home."

            Wed. Apr 1: "In the morning I got up early and done the chores & then I drove the team on the old Family wagon out to Fort Edward & left them & took the cars for Glens Falls & done some business there & to Sandy Hill and came back to Argyle and met my man & done business with him & then came home & I brought Georgias Soap & Premium home and it is a nice clear day but cold enough for winter & windy too."

            Thur. Apr 2: "In the forenoon I looked over my books & tried to balance them and in the afternoon I drawed some manure up in the orchard and drawed the apple tree wood down to the house and it is a cold raw & windy day no mistake It snowed some last night but it thawed away before night the children have bad colds."

            Fri. Apr 3: "Hazel was'nt so well to-day so we telephoned down to the Doctor & had him come up & see her and it is a cold raw windy day I sawed some wood at the door I cut some brush out back of the house and it is backward weather no mistake at night Hazel seems better."

            Sat. Apr 4: "In the forenoon I chored around and Georgia & Roscoe drove over to Billys & hired one of his girls & the children seem some better to-day in the afternoon Roscoe & I went up along the back woods & tore down some old board fence & read it out to put up a new wire fence and it is another cold & windy day. March weather in earnest."

            Sun. Apr 5: "Roscoe, Ruby, Marion & I went to church and we heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron and his text was Matthew the 15 chapter & part of the 18 verse I think and we stayed for sabbath school and Georgia kept the little ones and it is a nice pleasant day but cold no wind to-day for a wonder. looks some like rain. the roads are drying off fast fair going now."

            Mon. Apr 6: "In the forenoon I drawed a little manure and some brush up in the orchard and in the afternoon I drove up to Belcher and got the horses shawd and got the grass seed and it is very muddy. some are ploughing and it is a nice warm day some cloudy but a nice day In the morning Roscoe went over to Billys & got Anna May. Morg Peacraft came along & bought 6 calves to go to morrow."

            Tues. Apr 7: "In the forenoon I chored around am about sick with a cold and sowed the grass seed on the rye up on the long field and in the afternoon Roscoe came home & helped me to load the calves & we took them down to Ben Donaldsons 6 of them & 1 for C. A. McGeoch and it is muddy going yet and it is a nice pleasant day. drying up fast now."

            Wed. Apr 8: "I am about sick with a cold and did'nt do much but the chores it is a nasty time no mistake it rained nearly all day & came right along part of the time too not very cold."

            Thur. Apr 9: "I chored around my cold is not much better and in the afternoon Georgia & Hazel went down to West Hebron to see about getting work done sewing & papering Roscoe came home sick from school and it is a windy day roads are very muddy."

            Fri. Apr 10: "In the morning I chored around and then sowed the grass seed on the rye in the field cross from the barn & in the afternoon I drawed out some manure and I then brought up the wagon to the cellar door & loaded up a load of potatoes and it looked some like rain at night wind blew hard from south."

            Sat. Apr 11: "I got up early and done the chores and then started for Glens Falls with a load of potatoes & I got home before night and it was good going nearly all the way and it rained a little in the morning but cleared off and got colder & terrible windy the worst wind we have had yet blew a lot of fence down Drying up the mud fast."

            Sun. Apr 12: "We did'nt go to church any of us so all stayed at home with the children and I went up to Mrs. Weirs & seen Alex he looks bad no mistake but is doing well he thinks and it is a nice day only windy again as usual and it is a cold wind for the time of year."

            Mon. Apr 13: "In the morning I got up early & done the chores and then we loaded up a load of potatoes & then or by that time it was snowing right down & kept at it till 9 or 10 o'clock it snowed 2 or 3 inches but all went off soon after dinner but I did'nt take the load I sowed some grass seed on where I seeded last spring up on top of the hill back of the barn & in the afternoon I went down in the lower fallow & began plowing & it plowed in fine shape. it cleared off and got colder at night we left the potatoes out doors but covered them up in good shape."
            Tues. Apr 14: "In the morning I got up early and done the chores & then took the load of potatoes out to Glens Falls at 2.00 per bbl 180 # and it went very good I got home before night awhile and it is a nice day only cool air quite cold at night."

            Wed. Apr 15: "In the forenoon I plowed nearly all the time down in the lower fallow it came on rain about 11 o'clock and rained all afternoon wet time I cut some seed potatoes colder at night Edgar came over awhile & got his Hide."

            Thur. Apr 16: "I plowed nearly all day down in the lower fallow sod & for potatoes our oat ground is to wet to plow yet and at noon I cut a few seed potatoes it is cold & windy no mistake for the time of year it is a backward spring."

            Fri. Apr 17: "In the morning it was frozen hard so I or we loaded up a load of potatoes and I took them out to Fort Edward 85¢ for 60 # or 92¢ for 65 # and I got home in good season I cut a few seed potatoes and it is a nice pleasant day some warmer and the roads are pretty fair."

            Sat. Apr 18: "In the forenoon I plowed down in the lower fallow and in the afternoon Roscoe dragged awhile till it came on rain & I fixed some fence down around the cow pasture and it came on rain about 3 o'clock or before & rained nearly all afternoon or the rest of the day and it is some cooler nasty again."

            Sun. Apr 19: "Roscoe, Ruby, Marion & I went to church and we heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron and his text was the 18 & 19 verses of the 14 chapter of John and Georgia stayed at home & kept the babes and it rained some but cleared off partly & got colder too."

            Mon. Apr 20: "In the forenoon I plowed awhile down in the lower fallow till it came on snow so I quit & in the afternoon I went out awhile & it had'nt all thawed off yet & did'nt till night and it is a cool day & is cold at night. We took our milk to the cheese factory for the first"

            Tues. Apr 21: " In the forenoon I chored around it frooze quite hard and I went down to the cheese factory the boiler was out of gear the flues leaked so we had to Telephone to Sandy Hill for a man to come out & fix it in the morning Roscoe went down to West Hebron & got Jim Lowe to paper & paint here & in the afternoon I finished plowing down in the lower fallow and went up & began up in the back fallow and plowed till night it is very wet and at night we went down to the Factory a man was there repairing the boiler he got it done about 12 o'clock it is a cool raw day & windy."

            Wed. Apr 22: "In  the forenoon I went up about 9 o'clock after it thawed out & plowed till noon in the back fallow & in the afternoon I went on the road & worked the roads and it rained a little but cleared off & got warmer nice & warm roads are very muddy now."

            Thur. Apr 23: "In the forenoon I went down & dragged the lower fallow Roscoe dragged part of it & I fixed some fence and in the afternoon I marked it out one way & part of it the other way and it is a nice warm day acts like spring now."

            Fri. Apr 24: "In the morning Edgar came over & we went at planting potatoes down in the lower fallow and planted nearly all day & it is a summers day grass is starting now. In the forenoon Roscoe took Jim Lowe home he got all done here."

            Sat. Apr 25: "In the morning Walter came over & we planted potatoes all forenoon & cut awhile after dinner & it kept on raining so Walt went home & I cut some more & chored around it is a nice warm day the rain did'nt amount to much but kept one from work."

            Sun. Apr 26: "Ruby, Roscoe & I went to church and we heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron & his text was Luke 8 chapter and the last clause of the 11 verse and we stayed for Sabbath school  and Georgia stayed at home and kept the rest of the children and it is a fine summers day some cloudy & windy too but a warm wind."

            Mon. Apr 27: "In the forenoon Walt Lant came over & he & I planted potatoes down in the lower fallow & got nearly done & I finished them after dinner & then I went up & plowed in the back fallow for oats it is just in pretty good shape plenty wet yet. and it is a nice warm day. Hot enough for showers Roscoe is not feeling very well he has pains & lameness like Rheumatism."

            Tues. Apr 28: "We had a Terrible heavy Thunder shower last night 2 or 3 of them & it rained a lot too. & in the morning after I done the chores we loaded up a load of potatoes & I took them out to Fort Edward I onloaded at 2 places and Roscoe is not feeling very well to-day he had a fainting spell & fell on his face on the floor & cut his lip quite badly & it swelled up he don't feel right & isn't I don't think but sleeps good nights I got him some Medicine on my way home."

            Wed. Apr 29: "Roscoe is sick I telephoned down for the Doctor & he came up the first thing & he came up again about night & Roscoe was in bed all day & had a terrible head ache & his Heart did'nt beat regular and was quite sick and I went up & plowed awhile up in the back fallow and it is cloudy & very wet yet too. at night Johnnie & Mary came down & stayed all night."

            Thur. Apr 30: "Roscoe is about the same the Doctor was up to see him he thought he is some better I plowed some up in the back fallow and it is warm the horses sweat to-day Fred Patterson came along & left a horse for me to take on trial it is a nice day it looked some like rain & did rain at night."

            Fri. May 1: "Roscoe is some better the Doctor came up to see him and I plowed the new horse all day about & I plowed quite a chunk in the back fallow it is wet in places yet and I got pretty near done plowing up there. it is  very windy & cool I plowed all day with gloves on it dried of fast on top."

            Sat. May 2: "In the forenoon I finished plowing up in the fallow & drawed over a load of manure to try the new horse and then took some wire fence up back and in the afternoon I dragged with the spring tooth in the sheep field instead of plowing it. it dragged up in good shape and I got over it. it's some warmer & cloudy & looks like rain I concluded to keep the horse. it began raining before night. Roscoe is getting better the Doctor did'nt come up to-day I had a chance to sell 2 or 3 load of potatoes at night on the Telephone 85¢ for 60 #"

            Sun. May 3: "The ground was covered with snow in the morning but it soon thawed away & Roscoe is getting about well We did'nt go to church any of us so we all stayed at home and kept house and it is a cool day for the time of year. Winter again I guess."

            Mon. May 4: "In the forenoon I sowed the oats up in the back fallow & Mat. Powers dragged all day and he got done & in the afternoon I drawed a few stone up back and then I sowed part of the grass seed on the fallow & it came up a wind so I had to quit It is a nice day some cloudy & windy."

            Tues. May 5: "In the morning I loaded up a load of Potatoes they helped me & I took the load out to Sandy Hill up to Mr. Huntoon 50 bu @ 85¢ per bu of 60 # and it is a nice pleasant day only a cold air cool enough for snow almost. I got home in good season."

            Wed. May 6: "In the forenoon I dragged over the oat ground again up back & took out the seed oats & grass seed & the Phosphate and in the after noon Jim Lant came over and drilled in the rest of the oats & he got all done and at night it came on rain & in the afternoon I sowed the rest of the grass on the fallow & fixed some fence around the sheep pasture and it is a pretty cloudy day but warmer. cool enough yet."

            Thur. May 7: "It is a wet day I chored around drawed a little manure and in the afternoon Edd Pollock came down & sheared the sheep 11 and a man came here from Dunhams Basin & got some second Potatoes 22 bu @ 50¢ per bu and it is a cold rain we put 4 cattle in the lower swamp but brought them up at night again. a nasty wet time no mistake."

            Fri. May 8: "In the morning we loaded up a load of potatoes and Roscoe & I took the load out to Fort Edward 50 bu nearly at 85¢ per 60 # bushel & it was hard going and did'nt get started very early so was late in getting home Billy came over & got a load of hay to be returned next summer nice day rained again at night."

            Sat. May 9: "It was raining in the morning I chored around Roscoe went down to West Hebron & paid Fred Patterson for the horse & got a small grist ground & I put up the new wire fence up along the sheep fallow or lien fence Roscoe helped me when he got back & it took us till most night it is a cloudy cool & windy day ground is to wet to plow most every place and it rained some showers light ones."

            Sun. May 10: "Ruby, Roscoe, Marion & I went to church and we heard a sermon by Mr. White & his text was Luke 18 chapter in different places (I think) or the three Parables and we stayed for sabbath school and it rained some & Georgia stayed at home with the children and it is a cold wet windy & raw day no mistake for the time of year."

            Mon. May 11: "In the morning I took the calves down to North Argyle to Clint Mosher and when I got back I drawed some manure down on the spot to the lower house and in the afternoon I drawed some Hog manure up in the orchard & some apple tree wood down to the house and it is a nice pleasant day warmer."

            Tues. May 12: "In the morning Billy came over & I drawed manure all day up on the side hill back of the barn & billy loaded it & we got out quite a lot of it and it is a nice day some cloudy looks some like rain."

            Wed. May 13: "In the forenoon I spread the manure on the garden to the lower house & plowed it or the most of it and in the afternoon I burned the brush up in the orchard & the old dead cows and then finished plowing the garden spot & plowed awhile in the spot below the Horse barn it looks like rain at night."

            Thur. May 14: "It rained all forenoon & it came right along too and the afternoon it cleared off I finished plowing the piece down in the meadow orchard below the barn (it was wet too) and loaded up a load of potatoes to go to Sandy Hill to-morrow and the ground is wet now in earnest not very cold either."

            Fri. May 15: "In the morning after I done the chores I took the load of potatoes out to Sandy Hill and had 50 bu at 85¢ for 60 # bu. and I got home early and I spread some manure over on the side hill back of the barn and it is a nice day dried of fast to-day."

            Sat. May 16: "In the forenoon I drawed manure up on the side hill back of the barn 10 loads and in the afternoon Roscoe dragged the garden down to the lower house & I spread manure up on the side hill and then I marked out the garden & planted it to corn & a few early potatoes (Fodder corn) & Roscoe, Ruby &  Marion took the new horse down to West Hebron to get shawd and it is a nice warm day."

            Sun. May 17: "Roscoe, Ruby, Marion & I went to church & we heard a sermon by Mr. Eaton a Temperance Lecturer and we stayed for sabbath school & Georgia kept the children at home and it is a nice day some cloudy rained some in the morning but cleared off warm. Before night Ruby & Roscoe went down to Mrs. Barkleys & got Mrs. Gilchrist to stay here awhile."

            Mon. May 18: "I began plowing sod for potatoes on the side hill back of the barn and spread some manure and it is a nice day good time to plow plenty wet now"

            Tues. May 19: "In the forenoon I plowed up on the side hill & spread manure & at noon Edgar & I both spread manure awhile & then I marked out corn ground down the road for Billy & Edgar plowed for me & helped Addison Smith to kill a beef for me and at night Roscoe & I took the beef down to West Hebron for Smith & it is a nice day warm & windy acts like rain"

            Wed. May 20: "I plowed most all day up on the side hill & I got nearly done & I finished marking out Billys corn ground and he was planting all day it is a nice  day & looks like rain."

            Thur. May 21: "It rained last night some & to day some & Roscoe dragged some & I cut potatoes night & morning I finished plowing for potatoes & I began plowing some up in the orchard for corn & it is a cloudy & wet day but warm."

            Fri. May 22: "In the morning Roscoe dragged till school time & I cut potatoes awhile & then I finished dragging on the side hill back of the barn and then went at Marking out & finished it both ways by night it rained awhile & I made seed potatoes and it is a warm day & wet too."

            Sat. May 23: "Walter Lant, & Edgar came over & we all planted potatoes all day up on the side hill back of the barn with planters and we got nearly done we would of finished if I had the seed all cut I guess. and it is a nice pleasant day warm & fair to-day In the afternoon the children drove down to West Hebron & got Maud shawd."

            Sun. May 24: "Ruby, Roscoe, Marion, Hazel & I went to church and we heard a sermon by a Mr. Johnston and his text was in the 14 chapter of Matthew and we stayed for Sabbath school and Georgia & Mrs. Gilchrist stayed at home and kept the boy and it is a nice pleasant day fine growing time no mistake."

            Mon. May 25: "I plowed up in the orchard most of the day after dinner I finished planting the potatoes over on the side hill back of the barn all done now and it is a very Hot day clear & Hot."

            Tues. May 26: "I finished plowing up in the orchard and Roscoe dragged the piece below the barn for sowed corn & some in the orchard & I Marked out the piece and in the afternoon I planted the sowed corn below the Horse barn and showers went around & it rained a little here & Georgia was sick I telephoned to West Hebron & the Doctor got here after dark awhile and about 11:30 o'clock a baby girl was born to us."

            Wed. May 27: "Georgia is getting along nicely the babe is also and Roscoe dragged in the orchard awhile & I began plowing back of the barn and I dug around the trees awhile & Roscoe dragged at night awhile on the potatoes down in the lower fallow & I marked out the orchard back of the house one way and it is a Hot day."

            Thur. May 28: "In the morning I marked out the orchard the other way for corn and Roscoe dragged the potatoes down in the lower fallow & I went down & finished them & then plowed till noon back of the barn and in the afternoon Johnnie & Mary came down to see Georgia she is getting along very well and I plowed till school was out & then I began planting corn in the orchard & Roscoe dragged back of the barn it is a nother very Hot & dry day."

            Fri. May 29: "In the morning I finished planting corn in the orchard back of the house and then plowed in the orchard back of the barn & I got done plowing and at night we had a hard Thunder shower it rained a lot."

            Sat. May 30: "Georgia is not so well to day she had a chill last night and I telephoned for the doctor and in the morning Roscoe finished dragging back of the barn & I dug around the trees & then went at Marking out I marked it out both ways before noon & Roscoe went down to West Hebron & got Dan shawd and the planter repaired and in the afternoon Roscoe & I planted the orchard back of the barn to corn & we got done all done planting it rained at night it is a cloudy day did'nt dry of very fast."

            Sun. May 31: "Nice rain last night It cleared of nice but it rained 2 little showers to day & there was no preaching at our church so we did'nt go to any other church so all stayed at home Eliza went home Roscoe carried her over and Johnnie & Mary came down awhile to see Georgia and she is getting very well."

            Mon. Jun 1: "In the forenoon it rained quite a lot & was cold too. I put up some crow twine on both orchards and shoveled over the potatoes to kill the sprouts and chored around and in the afternoon it cleared off nice & warm & I went down & cultivated the sowed corn at the lower house & then went down & began cultivating potatoes down in the lower fallow and it is pretty wet & soft. & cooler at night wind is in the north."

            Tues. Jun 2: "I cultivated potatoes nearly all day down in the lower fallow & got most done one way and before night we loaded up the potatoes and it is a nice pleasant day clear but a nice breeze from the north."

            Wed. Jun 3: "In the morning we got up early & done the chores and then Roscoe & I started with the potatoes and we started about 6 o'clock & got out there @ 11 o'clock & got home at chore time the roads were nice & the weather was not very hot pleasant but a nice breeze. this is the last of the potatoes for awhile."

            Thur. Jun 4: "I drawed manure all day from the barn yard down in to the cow pasture on the Hay barn field 10 loads it was wet & heavy no mistake and it is a nice pleasant day clear & warm Georgia don't seem to get along very well the Doctor was in to see her at night."

            Fri. Jun 5: "I drawed manure all day about from the barn yard down to the cow pasture in the hay barn field 10 loads. In the morning Roscoe &  I took some wire fence up & spliced the lien fence up in the back fallow & finished the fence up & brought the Stretcher & tools down & it is a nice pleasant day clear & warm too. Georgia is about the same."

            Sat. Jun 6: "In the forenoon Roscoe & I worked on the road we went over the whole beat & drawed the stone all off it was a job no mistake we got done at noon & then dragged over the garden and in the afternoon we fixed some fence and made part of the garden and then Roscoe, Ruby & Marion took a grist down to West Hebron and I cultivated potatoes down in the lower fallow and it is a beautiful day clear & warm too. Georgia is about the same gaining slowly the doctor was here to-day to see her."

            Sun. Jun 7: "We did'nt go to church so all stayed at home & kept house and it is a beautiful day clear & warm fine growing time no mistake. Georgia is getting along very well Johnnie & Mary came down about night & stayed awhile."

            Mon. Jun 8: "I cultivated potatoes down in the lower fallow & I finished them about 4 o'clock & then I cultivated the sowed corn below the barn and it is a very hot day. Georgia is getting better now."

            Tues. Jun 9: "In the forenoon I fixed fence down below the barn and chored around and about noon I went up to Charley McNeils Womens funeral and when I came back I went down & hoed potatoes some that was weedy in the lower fallow it was hot too but a nice breeze at night we had a hard Thunder shower Thunder & lightening was fierce rained about 1 inch. Georgia sets up now."

            Wed. Jun 10: "In the forenoon I dragged the potatoes up on the side hill back of the barn & it was rather wet and I chored around measured up some more oats and in the afternoon I took a load of oats down to West Hebron @ 60¢ per bu. and it is a nice day we had a big shower last night."

            Thur. Jun 11: "I drawed manure all day down in the hay barn field or nearly all day in the

morning I plowed the Hog yard in orchard & the strip along the road down to the lower house for sowed corn and it is a nice day warm some cloudy."

            Fri. Jun 12: "I drawed manure down to the cow pasture and some down on the piece along the road for sowed corn and I plowed the piece below the shed & dragged the other pieces or Roscoe did & I marked them all out and it is a clear & hot day fine growing time"

            Sat. Jun 13: "In the forenoon I drawed manure from the barn yard down in the cow pasture  and Roscoe finished planting sowed corn in the Hog yard & down along the road at the lower house & I planted the spot back of the shed and in the afternoon the scholars had a school Picnic & went awhile & then Roscoe took the old truck wagon down to Dewey Cornells to get repaired & I cultivated the sowed corn down to the lower house and it is a nice pleasant day clear & hot too."

            Sun. Jun 14: "We did'nt go to church any of us so all stayed at home and kept house The babe has a very sore mouth now the children took Eliza over home and it is a nice pleasant day clear & very hot too. a fine growing time good corn weather it is growing fast now. looks some like rain at night."

            Mon. Jun 15: "In the morning Roscoe & I took a load of cheese down to Salem and we brought home a box of empty cheese boxes went up above Salem about 1 mile & got them it rained nearly all the way home on us & part of the time it came right down a nice rain & warm too. about night Walt Lant came over & I hired him by the days $1.50 for fair weather in Hoeing & haying & $2.00 in Rye & Oat harvest and to Work ½ time about."

            Tues. Jun 16: "In the forenoon I cultivated the potatoes again down in the lower fallow and in the afternoon I cultivated the corn one way in the old orchard & then began cultivating the corn & potatoes back of the barn and it cleared off some cooler at night wind in the west nights are cooler pretty wet in the morning but soon dried off."

            Wed. Jun 17: "I cultivated corn & potatoes all day in the field back of the barn and it is a nice day cool air but pleasant & warm a fine growing time no mistake the young bugs are coming out now on the potatoes vines."

            Thur. Jun 18: "In the morning Walt Lant came over & in the forenoon he cultivated the rest of the potatoes down in the lower fallow and I cultivated back of the barn corn & potatoes and in the afternoon we hoed corn in the old orchard and cultivated it too and it is a nice day clear & pleasant & warm"

            Fri. Jun 19: "In the forenoon we finished hoeing the corn up in the old orchard and then began hoeing the corn back of the barn & hoed & cultivated the rest of the day there and it is a nice day pretty Hot."

            Sat. Jun 20: "We had 2 nice showers last night Heavy Thunder & sharp or vivid lightening and in the forenoon we hoed corn & cultivated it. It was pretty wet. and in the afternoon I went to church Roscoe, Marion & Hazel did too. and Walt cultivated potatoes up on the side hill back of the barn till I came home & then we hoed the rest of the corn and it is a nice day very Hot out got cooler at night West wind blew."

            Sun. Jun 21: "We did'nt go to church so all stayed at home and kept house and it is a lazy day too. a fine growing time no mistake nice & warm after the showers night before last."

            Mon. Jun 22: "In the morning I put on Paris Green awhile on the potatoes down in the lower fallow before I milked and in the forenoon I cultivated potatoes on the side hill back of the barn and in the afternoon I finished up there & went down & shoveled out some potatoes in the lower fallow & Roscoe cultivated some of the sowed corn both pieces and after I milked I put on Paris Green till dark about it is a cloudy day rained a little but not much showers went around."

            Tues. Jun 23: "In the morning I finished putting on Green 1 time on the potatoes in the lower fallow. the bugs are thick & have hurt them in places I Shoveled out potatoes in the afternoon & Roscoe helped some & in the forenoon I hoed the potatoes up on the steep bank back of the barn

& Roscoe finished cultivating the sowed corn down to the lower house very hot & sultry."

            Wed. Jun 24: "In the forenoon Roscoe & I finished shoveling out up & down the hill the potatoes in the lower fallow & I shoveled out some the other way in the afternoon the children went up to Johnnies and I chored around & shoveled out potatoes. it is a very hot day Showers went around it rained a little here. some cooler at night."

            Thur. Jun 25: "In the morning Walt Lant came over & he & I hilled potatoes & shoveled out all day down in the lower fallow and it is nice hilling ground is loose & dry not many weeds. He goes home at night & it is a nice warm day nights are cool."

            Fri. Jun 26: "Walt Lant & I hilled potatoes & shoveled out all day & we finished down in the lower fallow and in the afternoon Ruby & Roscoe went down to Dewey Cornells & got the Truck Wagon and it is a very hot day a breeze part of the day getting dry"

            Sat. Jun 27: "After we got the chores all done we got ready all of us but the girl & the babe we left with Mrs. Powers & Anna May went home & I went out to Fort Edward & then took the cars for Glens Falls and got the childrens Hats & dresses etc and got home about chore time and it is a Hot & clear day & dusty too."

            Sun. Jun 28: "Ruby, Roscoe, Marion & Hazel & I went to church we drove one horse and we heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron and his text was in Isiaiah and we stayed for sabbath school and Georgia kept the babies at home and it is a nice  pleasant day clear & hot no signs of any showers  it is getting very dusty."

            Mon. Jun 29: "In the morning Roscoe & I took 5 calves down to No. Argyle to Clint Mosher at 6¢ per # & when we got back we ground the mowing Machine knives & scythe & in the afternoon we went over & began mowing grass in the back meadow & Roscoe mowed some with a machine & I mowed the swail by hand and it is a cloudy day it rained some but not much just a drizzle"

            Tues. Jun 30: "Roscoe mowed the rest of the grass with the machine in the back meadow & I mowed some around the fences & then shoveled out potatoes up & down the hill back of the barn the potatoes are some buggy I put on some green in the morning at night we quit early & went down to West Hebron to a speaking contest Mrs. Powers came up & kept the babe & Harold & Anna May stayed with them & it is a nice day not very good hay weather cloudy."

            Wed. Jul 1: "In the morning I put on Paris Green & Walt came over in the forenoon he shoveled out potatoes & we hilled too. Roscoe mowed some up on top of the hill in the meadow and in the afternoon Roscoe raked hay in the back meadow & Walt & I hilled potatoes awhile & then went over and got 2 jags and it is a nice day pretty good hay day & warm."

            Thurs. Jul 2: "In the forenoon Walt & I hilled & shoveled out potatoes and in the afternoon we went at putting on paris Green with water on the potatoes down in the fallow & Roscoe raked the rest of the hay in the back meadow & then up on top of the hill it looked like a shower & we quit & drawed in the hay 2 jags over back & 1 up on the hill & in the forenoon Roscoe mowed some up on top of the hill and went over & borrowed Jim Lants sprinkler it was a hot day & did'nt rain either showers went around."

            Fri. Jul 3: "In the forenoon we finished putting on Paris Green on the potatoes down in the fallow and then hilled & Roscoe raked the rest of the hay up on the hill & in the afternoon Roscoe & I went up & got the jag of hay & Walt shoveled out potatoes & then we hilled till night & we got nearly done and it is a hot day. about night Addison Smith came up & killed Jersey cow & at night Roscoe & I took the meat down to West Hebron and it is a very hot day very dry."

            Sat. Jul 4: "In the forenoon I cultivated the corn up in the old orchard back of the house and Roscoe cultivated some back of the barn & in the afternoon I cultivated corn back of the barn & Roscoe did a little while and it rained a nice little shower and it is very warm a very quiet 4th of July around here."

            Sun. Jul 5: "Georgia, Roscoe, Ruby, Marion & Hazel went to church and they stayed for sabbath school and they heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron and I stayed at home the babies and kept house and it is a nice pleasant day Hot and dry a shower went South but no rain here."

            Mon. Jul 6: "In the forenoon Roscoe mowed the rest of the grass up on top of the hill in the meadow & I mowed around the fence & then I cultivated corn back of the barn and in the afternoon I finished cultivating the corn back of the barn and at night while Ruby & I milked Roscoe raked part of the hay up on top of the hill and it is a very hot day Hot & dry & dusty."

            Tues. Jul 7: "In the forenoon I mowed the grass down on the side hill in the first fallow it was fearful hot too and I mowed around the fence too Orrie & Eva came up & got some cherries & stayed all day & Marion went home with them & in the afternoon Roscoe raked the rest of the hay up on top of the hill & Ruby & us drawed it down 3 jags and a shower came up but went around it sprinkled a little but not much a very hot day."

            Wed. Jul 8: "In the forenoon I put on Paris Green with water on the potatoes on the side hill back of the barn just where the bugs were I went over all of them they were'nt very bad & in the afternoon I mowed the lower swail in the field above the road & then began mowing in the lower orchard below the road & Roscoe mowed while I raked the hay on the side hill in the first fallow and it has been a cool day a strong west wind it seems nice to have it cooler after we milked I bunched up the hay on the side hill"

            Thur. Jul 9: "In the forenoon I finished mowing with machine in the lower meadow all but the swail & Walt mowed around the fence in the swail in the corn field & the trees in the meadow & in the afternoon we both mowed by hand around the trees & fence & then we drawed in the hay from the side hill in the fallow & then got 1 load in the swail in the corn field & Roscoe & Walt between them raked the hay in the Meadow orchard & after we milked Roscoe & I bunched up some hay down in the meadow good fair hay there. It is a warm day again & good hay weather."

            Fri. Jul 10: "In the forenoon I began mowing up on the big side hill & Walt mowed around the fence part of it & I finished & he mowed with the machine & I came down & bunched up the hay in the orchard meadow and in the afternoon we drawed in the hay in the meadow 6 loads good ones too & put it in the horse barn Ruby & Roscoe tramped the loads and about night Walt raked what was mowed up on the side hill & Roscoe & I drawed in 1 load from up there and it is a hot & fine hay day."

            Sat. Jul 11: "In the forenoon Walt mowed the rest of the big side hill or Roscoe mowed while he mowed around the fence & bunched up the hay that he raked last night and I began cutting rye up in the corner of the long field I cut the corner & some & put the reaper together and bound some of the rye & in the afternoon Walt & I drawed in 5 loads from up on the big side hill & bunched up the rest & Roscoe raked what was mowed in the forenoon and it is a grand hay day clear & hot & windy too. we have about 1 load out I guess."

            Sun. Jul 12: "Georgia, Ruby, Roscoe, Marion & Hazel went to church & they stayed for sabbath school & heard a sermon by Mr. Willard McEachron and I stayed at home with the boy & babe and it is a very Hot day & very dry & dusty."

            Mon. Jul 13: "In the morning Jim Lant came over & went at reaping our rye his team & our machine and he got the rye all cut in the field cross from the barn & began cutting up in the long field & Walt & I bound rye nearly all day we got one field all bound up & drawed in the load of hay that was up on the big side hill and it is a hot day but got windy & looked some like rain at night."

            Tues. Jul 14: "rained a little in the morning and Jim came over & reaped the rest of the rye & Walt & I bound rye up in the long field till noon & then Walt mowed the hay up in the back part of the big side hill & I finished binding the rye and it is a cloudy day but is a good day for our business."

            Wed. Jul 15: "In the forenoon we mowed with machine & by hand took turns the swail in the corn field back of the old orchard & the swail below the house in the orchard & up in the little meadow & in the afternoon Walt raked the hay up in the back part of the big side hill and we drawed it in 4 jags it is a nice day warm & some windy too a shower went south. it sprinkled 2 or 3 times here"

            Thur. Jul 16: "In the morning Walt & I went down & mowed by hand below the lower house & then we went at drawing in rye we got in 3 jags & after dinner & Roscoe raked the hay in the swail in the corn field and swail in the lower orchard & the little Meadow & Walt & I drawed in the hay 5 jags & I bunched up what we mowed by hand and it is a warm day good hay day."

            Fri. Jul 17: "In the forenoon we went at drawing in rye and we got it all in from the field cross from the barn & 2 loads from the long field & it came on rain then it just drizzed a little the rain did'nt amount to much I sat up the rest of the rye up in the long field & got good & wet & it was cold too. Walt went home after dinner and it wet up a little."

            Sat. Jul 18: "In the forenoon Roscoe raked part of the rye tailings in the field cross from the barn and I mowed the rest of the swail down at the other house by hand and it came on rain about 11 o'clock & we had a nice rain & in the afternoon we all went up to Johnnies awhile & Anna May went home and it did'nt rain much more but was rather cloudy but Hot showers went around"

            Sun. Jul 19: "Ruby, Marion & I went to church and we heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron and his text was in Judges and we stayed for Sunday school and Georgia & Roscoe & Hazel stayed at home with the boy & babe and it is a warm day rather cloudy but no rain."

            Mon. Jul 20: "In the forenoon I mowed the strip along the road in the lower fallow and began up on top of the hill in the upper fallow & Roscoe finished raking the rye tailings in the field cross from the barn & then he mowed some with the machine while I mowed around the fence & swail by hand and in the afternoon Georgia & I & Hazel went down to West Hebron to Eugene Brown's funeral and Roscoe mowed with machine & when I got back I mowed around the fence & then I finished mowing with machine & Roscoe went at raking the hay and it is a good hay day I bunched or carried out the hay down at the lower house."

            Tues. Jul 21: "Walt & I went at drawing in hay from up on top of the hill in the upper fallow 4 loads & Roscoe raked the rest of the hay up there & in the afternoon we got the rest of the Hay up there 1 load & got the hay 1 jag along the road in the lower fallow & then drawed rye till night from the long field and Ruby hurt her finger in the cogs of the fanning Mill Georgia took Ruby down to see the Doctor & got him to dress it. it is a very windy day looks some like rain."

            Wed. Jul 22 : "In the forenoon I mowed some up on top of the hill back of the barn and Georgia took a horse & went up to Hartford to see her Sister Jennie & at noon I took Ruby down to West Hebron to let the Doctor dress her finger & when I or we came back Roscoe raked the hay up on top of the hill that I mowed & I cut some grass by hand down in the swail in the lower fallow and it is a nice hay day hot & dry."

            Thur. Jul 23: "In the forenoon I finished mowing up on top of the hill all done now & then Roscoe & I went at drawing in hay & rye got the hay all off the hill 3 loads & Roscoe raked the rest of it & rye all in from long field & hay from swail from lower house all done but rye tailings. it is a good hay day Hot & dry looks some like rain at night."

            Fri. Jul 24: "In the forenoon Roscoe raked the rye tailings up in the long field and Georgia helped me to change the Horse fork & car to the main barn and put away the machines & Rake & then we drawed in the rye rakings 2 jags & in the afternoon Roscoe & I drove down to Argyle & I left the Trustees report at the Town Clerks office. and it is a hot & dry day at night it looked like rain again  Potatoes are going back don't know what is the matter with them I guess they are blighting leaves are curling up & getting black."

            Sat. Jul 25: "We had a big rain last night & rained all forenoon & some in the afternoon. I chored around in the forenoon & Billy came over awhile and in the afternoon I took Ruby down to West Hebron to have the Doctor dress her finger it is doing well he said Marion went along   after we milked Roscoe & I went up in the oat field & pulled blue Thisle and it was a fine rain no mistake Warm too."

            Sun. Jul 26: "Cleared of nice & warm after the rain. Ruby, Hazel & I went to church and we heard a sermon by Mr. John Fisher his text was Mark the 13 chapter & the 31 verse. and we stayed for sabbath school & Georgia, Roscoe & Marion stayed at home with the babies & it is a nice warm & pleasant day drying up fast."

            Mon. Jul 27: "In the morning I went over & helped Billy Liddle to cradle oats & we cut oats all day & it was hot too. We are changing work in Oat harvest it is a nice pleasant day warm & clear too. I came home and helped to do the chores. Ruby & Roscoe went down to see the Doctor to dress her finger & took a small grist to West Hebron."

            Tues. Jul 28: "In the morning I went over & helped Billy all day in the forenoon we cradled oats & got pretty well along and in the afternoon Roscoe brought the team & Wagon over & we went at drawing oats in to the barn they are good shape Billy played out it was so hot we got in 7 jags I think got along nicely Roscoe helped to rake and we came home at night brought the team & done the chores a very hot day grand Harvest weather. Roscoe went down to West Hebron in the morning after the grist."

            Wed. Jul 29: "In the morning I went over & helped Billy we finished cutting the oats & then Roscoe brought the team & wagon over & we went at drawing in oats we got them all in 8 jags I think every thing went of nicely it was pretty late when we got home a nother very hot day Georgia & Ruby went down to West Hebron to see the Doctor about her finger."

            Thur. Jul 30: "In the morning Billy & Edgar came over & Edgar went at Reaping oats on the old part of the oat field & it took nearly all day to finish & Billy & I cut oats up on the fallow steep side hill in the morning I cut around the other piece & Billy pulled some blue thisle and we got a start on the hill it was so hot we did'nt work very steady. The children went up to Mrs. Weirs & got some ice we had ice cream  very hot & grand Harvest weather."

            Fri. Jul 31: "In the forenoon We all cut oats (Billy, Edgar & I ) up on the fallow and we got along quite well & in the afternoon we took the reaper apart & put it away & then went at drawing in oats. Billy & I helped to load & Edgar & Roscoe & Georgia onloaded Billy & I cut oats while he was gone with a load we got in 4 jags from that side that was reap. 1 more jag left there. it is a nother hot day at night I was about played out."

            Sat. Aug 1: "In the forenoon Billy, Edgar & I finished cradleing oats up on the fallow or side hill all done & then Roscoe & Ruby brought up our team & they went at raking oats on the fallow & John Liddle brought over their team so we all went at drawing got 3 jags before noon & in the afternoon we got 6 fair loads of the mountain every thing went of nicely we took our team Billy & I to draw them down to the barn & the Women helped to onload 5 or 6 loads left out I guess they seemed to be in good shape it is a clear & windy day the oats dried fast no mistake it was a cool north wind all day most to strong to pitch oats but got along nice & cool all day."

            Sun. Aug 2: "We did go to church any of us we were to tired to go I guess after dinner Ruby, Roscoe & Marion went down to West Hebron to see the Doctor about Rubys finger he says it is about well and it is a nice day pleasant nice cool wind nearly all day."

            Mon. Aug 3: "In the morning Edgar came over and we & drawed in the rest of the oats from up in the back fallow and they was 5 good loads of them and Ruby & Roscoe raked them & it took nearly all day but got all through. it is a nice day but is some cloudy."

            Tues. Aug 4: "It is a cloudy and moist or misty bad rusty weather for potatoes I think pretty cloudy & very hot showers went around and I chored around cut some sowed corn for the cows & drawed it up to the cow stable and at night Roscoe & I went down to school Meeting Edmund Pollock for Trustee Charles McGeoch for Clerk. & Jim Lant for Collector & Treasurer."

            Wed. Aug 5: "I did'nt do much I figured out the dividends for the Cheese factory Patrons and we had 2 showers one pretty good one washed some It is queer about potatoes dying or rusting getting all black leaves seem to be all rolling up and no potatoes on the bottoms It looks as though potatoes would be a complete failure hope not. I have an acre of gold coin & 1 of Rurals that are nearly dead down in the lower fallow. In the forenoon Georgia & Ruby & Roscoe went down to West Hebron & took their music lessons and it is a cloudy day"

            Thur. Aug 6: "I chored around Roscoe & I pulled a few blue Thisle up on the big hill & put them in piles and I was about sick and in the afternoon I fixed or divided the hog pen so to have a place to put the boar pig or hog that I bought of Billys and it is very hot we cut  corn fodder for the cows every day & draw it up to the cow shed and we had a shower rained quite hard wet time no mistake."

            Fri. Aug 7: "It rained nearly all forenoon about 11 o'clock Roscoe & I drove the team over to Billys & got the boar Hog and then we drawed up some corn fodder and after dinner Roscoe took a small grist down to West Hebron and I cut weeds around the hog pen and along the road and it is a wet time no mistake at night we had a shower again fine time for grass but Potatoes are dying I have about 1 acre of Gold coins that are nearly all black or dead the leaves any way & lots of bugs on them."

            Sat. Aug 8: "In the forenoon Roscoe & I pulled the rest of the blue thisle on the big hill and put them in piles & then I went up in the sheep pasture & pulled a few that was up there and Lucy Williamson came up here a visiting and in the afternoon I took the Wool down to North Argyle to Mr. Cuthberts & then went down to Argyle & got a barrel of Flour & got my hair cut and some money and it is a nice pleasant day warm in the afternoon as ever about when I got home We cut a drawed up corn fodder enough for 2 days."

            Sun. Aug 9: "Ruby, Roscoe, Hazel & I went to church and we heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron and his text was in Matthew I think the 13 chapter & the 12 verse and we stayed for sunday school & Georgia, Lucy stayed with the children and while I was milking Ruby, Roscoe & Marion took Lucy home down at West Hebron and it is a nice pleasant day & warm too."

            Mon. Aug 10: "In the morning it rained a little & Roscoe & I after we got the chores done we went over to the old farm in the hollow & got a few long black berries and got home before noon awhile & then drawed up the fodder corn for the cows & in the afternoon Roscoe & Ruby went down to West Hebron to take music lessons and I cut weeds & brush along the road & back of the house & began putting the wood in to the wood shed and it cleared off about 10 o'clock & was a nice day  & Hot too."

            Tues. Aug 11: "It rained last night again and in the forenoon Roscoe and I went over in the cow pasture and went around & pulled the blue thisle that we could find and put them in piles and when we got done I cut weeds along the road till noon and in the afternoon we piled some wood in the wood shed & drawed up the corn fodder for the cows and I cut some weeds around the fence and then we had a nice shower some wind too. nice time for grass now."

            Wed. Aug 12: "I am not feeling very well to-day & did'nt do much cut some brush around the fence and drawed up the corn fodder for the cows and that is about all about night Edgar & John came over & got a few brick and it is a hot day."

            Thur. Aug 13: "In the morning we cut and drawed the corn up for the cows and chored around and then we all went down to the Lake at the 'Oaks' and attended the Town Picnic and we drove 2 rigs we took the babe over to Mrs. Liddles she kept it & Eliza went with us to the picnic and it is a very Hot day about 3 o'clock we had a heavy Thunder shower at the picnic grounds & it did'nt rain much at our place at night we expected the threshers but they did'nt come."

            Fri. Aug 14: "In the forenoon I chored around and cut some brush & drawed up the corn for the cows and in the afternoon Billy & Edgar came over and Jim Lant & Walter & Clarence came over to help to thresh but the Threshers & Machine never got here till most 4 o'clock & Charley Fletcher came up to help too. and it is a nice pleasant day warm & clear but cooler air I think. the Threshers all went home at night."

            Sat. Aug 15: "The Threshers and help all came back in the morning In the forenoon we about finished the rye 182 bu and then threshed oats till night we got 160 bu of oats They seem to thresh oats very slowly but do good work the straw is fine & free from dust or the best I ever saw. They all went home at night."

            Sun. Aug 16: "Their was no preaching at our church so we did'nt attend church any place else We cut & drawed up the corn fodder for the cows and it is a nice pleasant day clear & warm but a cooler air then a few days ago I think."

            Mon. Aug 17: "In the morning it rained but Billy & Jim Lant & the boys came over to help thresh & sat around till most noon & then one of the threshers came over & told us that they would'nt be here to thresh until to-morrow morning so the help went home and in the afternoon we picked up quite a lot of apples of the ground & put on a kettle of feed & boiled it too for the pigs and it did'nt rain much but kept cloudy all day."

            Tues. Aug 18: "In the morning the threshers & help all was on deck & we got done a little after dinner & then all went over to Dock kinneys to thresh for Jim Lant I helped him to thresh and I bought ¼ of his oat straw & brought 1 load over here & 1 load over to Billys he bought the other quarter of the straw and it is a nice day. One piece of our Potatoes are about ready to dig."

            Wed. Aug 19: "I went over & helped Jim Lant to finish threshing at Doc Kinneys we got done about 2 o'clock & then went over to Billys & helped him till night I brought the other load of oat straw over home at noon & got my dinner & helped to cut & load the fodder corn & it is a cloudy & windy day rained a little but cleared of at night & was quite cool."

            Thur. Aug 20: "In the morning I went over & helped Billy to finish threshing he got done about 4 o'clock our folks went down to West Hebron to Neal McIntyres little girls funeral and Ruby & Marion stayed all night with Eva & Orrie and it is a nice cool day quite cool at night."

            Fri. Aug 21: "In the forenoon I cut brush up around the old orchard & above Billys corn & the long field & then drawed up the corn fodder and in the afternoon we all went down to the Hebron Town Picnic in McClellans Groove drove 2 rigs took the babe over to Mrs. Liddle kept her & drove down to West Hebron & got Orrie & Orrie & Eva came home with us & Ruby & Marion came home too. It is a nice pleasant day."

            Sat. Aug 22: "In the morning it rained a little but not much we drawed up corn fodder for to-day & to-morrow also and chored around carried over the rest of the oats and long in the afternoon Roscoe & I drove down to Lashers & seen a game of ball it was most night when we got home. It is a cloudy day but did'nt rain much."

            Sun. Aug 23: "There was no preaching at out church so we all stayed at home and kept house Eva & the children went down to the cheese Factory awhile and it is a nice pleasant day."

            Mon. Aug 24: "In the forenoon I drawed manure over in the big field or cow pasture only  4 loads and in the afternoon I chored around drawed up the corn fodder for the cows and chored around cut up some old wood at the hog pen & boiled a kettle of feed for the pigs and Jen Chapman & her boy came down awhile and it is a nice pleasant day warm but cool nights."

            Tues. Aug 25: "In the forenoon I drawed manure down in the big field or cow pasture. Hay barn field and in the afternoon our folks went down to the County house and I drawed up the corn fodder and burned some blue thisle & cut up some old wood & it is a nice pleasant day quite a warm sun Potatoes are dying slowly I have 1 piece dead or fit to dig. We dug a Hand basket for to eat in the lower fallow & it took 60 hills to fill it."

            Wed. Aug 26: "In the forenoon I drawed manure down in the big field & got 5 loads and in the afternoon I drawed up corn fodder for the cows to-day & to-morrow also and then fixed some fence between the 2 fallows and cut some weeds around the fences and it is a nice pleasant day clear and a nice time for the County Fair and it is getting very dry again."

            Thur. Aug 27: "In the morning we got up early and all went to the County Fair drove 2 rigs buggie & canopy we all went out the babe we left her with Mrs. Powers and all had a good time got home a little after dark it was rather late when we got the milking done and it is a beautiful day a large crowd at the fair quite cool nights now cool in the morning."

            Fri. Aug 28: "In the forenoon I drawed manure over in the big field or cow pasture and got out 4 loads and in the afternoon I burned the blue thisle up back in the oat field and cut the brush along the top of the fallow & long field and it is a nice pleasant day clear & dry. at night a few of the young people met here & had a little dance."

            Sat. Aug 29: "In the forenoon I drawed manure down in the back big field or cow pasture and Roscoe & Marion took Orrie & Eva down home at West Hebron and in the afternoon we drawed up 2 jags of corn fodder for the cows to-day & to-morrow and burned some brush & chored around and it is Hot & dry too."

            Sun. Aug 30: "We did'nt go to church so all stayed at home and kept house and it is a nice pleasant day Hot & dry cool nights. Billy came over a while in the morning. In the afternoon Ruby, Roscoe & Marion drove up to Johnnies awhile and it is a very warm day & dry & dusty."

            Mon. Aug 31: "In the forenoon I drawed manure over in the big field or cow pasture and got 4 loads all Horse manure and in the afternoon I went over to Jim Lants & helped him to thresh oats and it is a very hot day & dry & dusty feed is drying up & water is getting very low."

            Tues. Sept 1: "In the forenoon I went over & helped Jim Lant to finish threshing got done between 10 & 11 o'clock  and then I came home and in the afternoon I drawed 2 load of manure over in the big field & then drawed up the corn fodder & chored around till night I repaired the barn yard gate. It is a very hot day clear dry & dusty & smokey wind is blowing from the East I hope it blows up rain."

            Wed. Sept 2: "In the forenoon I drawed 2 loads of manure down in the big field that is all of it but a little scrapeings that I will put on the rye and then I went up in the back fallow & got the old boards & posts that is the remains of the old fence 2 loads and then drawed 2 loads of corn fodder for the cows and then cut some brush & chored around after school was out Georgia & the children went down to West Hebron & got some shoes for the children and it is a warm day some cloudy rained a little in the morning & some after night. very warm yet."

            Thur. Sept 3: "The rain did'nt amount to much last night but is cooled of the air in great shape and In the morning after I done the chores I took the team & plow in the Wagon & went over & plowed all day for Billy and it is a nice pleasant day and cool too. grand day to plow only very hard plowing the ground is so dry."

            Fri. Sept 4: "In the forenoon I spread some manure over in the big field and them cut some brush and then picked a few apples down in the little orchard below the road and in the afternoon I picked a few apples 'blush' & then cut some brush up along the little meadow & fixed some fence too. and after school was out Georgia, Hazel & Roscoe drove down to West Hebron to get some shoes for Roscoe and it is a nice pleasant day clear & some warmer. very dry & dusty"

            Sat. Sept 5: "In the forenoon I finished picking the blush & a few other early kinds and Roscoe & Marion picked up some of the ground and we drawed them up & put them in the barn and drawed up the fodder corn and in the afternoon we all went up to Fred Durkees at North Hartford and we started early noon and got home after dark awhile and had to milk then rather late. and it is a very warm day clear & dry very dusty."

            Sun. Sept 6: "We did'nt go to church any of us so all stayed at home and kept house & it is rather windy acts some like rain but it don't seem to come and about night a Thunder shower went around us it rained a little here but not much and the wind blew hard nearly all day it shook of quite a lot of apples and it is some cooler at night."

            Mon. Sept 7: "In the forenoon & part of the afternoon I dug potatoes (for the first this season) down in the lower fallow very light almost a failure I got about 15 small baskets & Roscoe & Marion picked them up & it takes about 100 hills for a bushel pretty good quality about 3 o'clock I brought them up & put them in the cellar and brought up the corn fodder & then cut corn (for the first) in the old orchard till night & Ruby & Roscoe went down to West Hebron to take her music lesson and it is a nice pleasant day cool air from the north."

            Tues. Sept 8: "In the forenoon I dug some potatoes down in the lower fallow & cut some corn in the old orchard & in the afternoon I did the same and it is a warm day & clear & dry the children picked the potatoes after school was out."

            Wed. Sept 9: "I dug potatoes down in the lower fallow & cut some corn up in the old orchard and the children brought down the Wagon after school was out & picked up the potatoes it is a short job to pick them up this year it is dry & warm too."

            Thur. Sept 10: "In the forenoon I cut corn up in the old orchard & Mr. Austin came along & bought my lambs for 5¢ per # to be delivered at West Hebron 3 weeks from next Tuesday & Billy began cutting his corn that he has planted above the lower house and in the afternoon I dug potatoes down in the lower fallow & after school was out the children brought down the Wagon & picked them up about 12 baskets and it is a Yellow day very smokey dry also."

            Fri. Sept 11: " In the morning after I done the chores & got up the fodder corn for the cows I got ready & Theodore Gilchrist came down & we went down to Dewey Cornells & he took us Mack Shields & Edd Smith down to Greenwich to the Dist Convention had a nice ride & got home about chore time and it is a nother smokey day Hot & dry too."

            Sat. Sept 12: "In the forenoon I cut corn up in the old orchard and in the afternoon I dug potatoes down in the lower fallow & about 4 o'clock the children brought down the Wagon & picked up the potatoes about 12 bu. very light & small too. at night we boiled a kettle of feed pumpkins & apples & rye hot dry & smokey"

            Sun. Sept 13: "We did'nt go to church so all stayed at home & kept house. They are painting the Exterior of the church & preaching is in the Sabbath school room not much room for all the congregation some stay at home it is a nother warm clear & dry & smokey day smoke all the time now."

            Mon. Sept 14: "In the forenoon after I drawed up the corn fodder for the cows I cut corn up in the old orchard & finished up there & in the afternoon I dug potatoes down in the lower fallow & after school was out the children brought the Wagon down & picked them up & Georgia took Ruby down to West Hebron to take her Music lesson & Hazel & Harold went too. Georgia took Harold to the Barbers & got his hair cut it is a Hot & dry day no mistake."

            Tues. Sept 15: "In the forenoon after I got the corn fodder I picked apples Pound Sweets and did'nt get them all picked & in the afternoon I dug potatoes down in the lower fallow & after school was out the children brought the team & Wagon down & picked them up & it is a nother dry & Hot day cool at night."

            Wed. Sept 16: "In the forenoon after I got the corn fodder I began cutting in the field back of the barn & in the afternoon I began picking Winter apples Greenings and it is a nice Warm day clear & dusty & very smokey and Billy finished cutting his corn down the road about the lower house."

            Thur. Sept 17: "In the forenoon after I got the fodder corn I cut corn in the orchard back of the barn and in the after I sorted a few apples & then picked apples and it is very smokey & dry & dusty at night Roscoe drove over to Jim Lants & got his heavy Wagon springs."

            Fri. Sept 18: "In the morning after I got the corn fodder I put on the apples 7 bbls (2 of them belong to Billy) & a grist 7 bags of rye and I sent the apples up to Higleys to Glens Falls and got my grist home and it is dusty I got home before night a little & cut a little of corn I sent the springs home by Roscoe over to Jim Lants."

            Sat. Sept 19: "The wind got in the north & sent this smoke away. It seems good not to see much smoke around & I picked apples in the forenoon & cut up some Kettle wood and in the afternoon I cut corn back of the barn and Roscoe went down to West Hebron to see a game of ball & the rest of the folks went up to Johnnies and it is a nice day quite cool & windy too."

            Sun. Sept 20: "Ruby, Roscoe & I went to church & we heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron and his text was 132 Psalm the 8 & 10 verses and we stayed for sunday school and the rest stayed at home & kept house and it is a nice pleasant day cool quite a heavy frost last night cooler to-day but very dusty & no signs of rain. Water has not been so low in years."

            Mon. Sept 21: "In the forenoon I cut corn after I got the corn fodder drawed up in the orchard back of the barn & in the afternoon I picked apples and it is a nice warm & pleasant day smokey dry & dusty."

            Tues. Sept 22: "In the morning after I got the corn fodder drawed up I cut corn in the little orchard back of the barn and at noon Johnnie came down & cut the old boar for me we done the job quite easy and in the afternoon I pick apples and it is a nother dry & Hot day."

            Wed. Sept 23: "In the forenoon after I got the corn fodder drawed up I cut corn back of the barn & I got it all cut about middle of the afternoon & then picked apples till night another dry Hot smokey & dusty day very heavy dew's nights."

            Thur. Sept 24: "In the morning after I got the fodder corn drawed up I went at picking apples and picked the rest of the day and it is Hot no mistake just like summer dusty & smokey & foggy in the morning now."

            Fri. Sept 25: "In the morning I drawed up the corn fodder for the cows & then picked apples the rest of the day & I am picking the greenings yet and it is a fine time to pick apples only hot no wind no signs of rain yet."

            Sat. Sept 26: "In the morning I drawed up the corn fodder for the cows and the children clean out the apple barrels & I picked apples all day the children pick the greenings over in the little orchard back of the barn and it is the best week to pick apples or in fact to do work of any kind I ever saw no wind & pleasant only Hot & dry dusty & smokey."
            Sun. Sept 27: "Our folks all went to church (but me I stayed at home & kept the babe) & they heard a sermon by a Mr. Maxwell a Missionary and it is Hot dry & dusty at night Johnnie & Mary drove down awhile."

            Mon. Sept 28: " I picked apples nearly all day the wind blew pretty hard & kept blowing harder at night too. It rained a little about 4 o'clock & rained some at night wind blew terrible blew a lot of apples off."

            Tues. Sept 29: "In the morning after I got the chores done I took our lambs 7 of them (& Edgar brought 5 of his & I took them too.) down to East Greenwich at 5¢ per # and I got home about noon & in the afternoon I picked apples & it got quite cold at night windy too. We had quite

 a shower last night the drought is broken at last."

            Wed. Sept 30: "I picked apples in the afternoon and in the forenoon I dug potatoes on the side hill back of the barn and they are a fair crop about 100 bu. to the acre I guess and it is a nice day cool nights. warm day's"

            Thur. Oct 1: "In the forenoon I picked apples and drawed in 2 loads and in the afternoon I dug potatoes on the side hill back of the barn and at night after school was out the children picked them up about 20 bu and it is a nice pleasant day looked like rain at night & did rain. At night"

            Fri. Oct 2: "In the morning it was raining & rained quite a lot last night a nice rain no mistake it has helped the digging greatly. Mr. Connors & I went at digging potatoes about 9 o'clock on the side hill back of the barn & dug all day and got about 40 bu. and it cleared of quite cool or windy dried up fast."

            Sat. Oct 3: "Mr. Connors & I dug potatoes all day on the side hill back of the barn & we got 2 loads the children picked them about 60 bu. and it is nice digging & it is a nice pleasant day cool nights & a light frost most every night."

            Sun. Oct 4: "In the morning about church time Ruby took sick very sudden & we telephoned for the Doctor & she vomited all day and was very sick the Doctor came back at night to see her she is some better at night we think but has a high fever. We did'nt any of us go to church some of us had to wait on Ruby most all the time. Mr. Connors was here in the morning but went away & came back at night."

            Mon. Oct 5: "Ruby is better the Doctor was up to see her and Mr. Connors went away but came back at night. & I cut the rest of the fodder corn below the barn & then Roscoe & I picked apples down in the little orchard or I did all day  In the afternoon Roscoe, Marion & Hazel went down to West Hebron & got the potato hooks laid over & sharpened it is a nice day warm & clear too."

            Tues. Oct 6: "Mr. Connors was away to-day & after I done the chores I went at picking apples down in the orchard below the road & Roscoe helped me some and we got them all picked & drawed into the cellar barn and it is a nice pleasant day nice & warm too."

            Wed. Oct 7: "Mr. Connors & I dug potatoes all day on the hill back of the barn and in the forenoon the children picked them up for us & in the afternoon Georgia & the children went down to West Hebron Ruby took her Music Lesson and it is a nice warm day. fine weather no mistake."

            Thur. Oct 8: "Mr. Connors & I dug potatoes all day on the hill back of the barn and the children picked up the most of them and it is a nice pleasant day fine weather for work warm & nice. and the potatoes are a fair crop."

            Fri. Oct 9: "Mr. Connors & I dug potatoes all day on the side Hill back of the barn and got one kind nearly all dug and the children picked them up for us and the wind blew it looked like rain & not very smokey again some windy & cooler."

            Sat. Oct 10: "In the morning Our folks all but me went out to Fort Edward & done some trading & Mr. Connors went out with them & on home & I picked apples all day and it is a beautiful day pleasant & nice and they got home about 3 o'clock and we drawed in the apples."

            Sun. Oct 11: "We had a nice rain last night & this morning cleared off it Thundered & lightened and our folks all but me & the 2 little ones went to church and they heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron and they stayed for sabbath school and it is quite windy drying up fast."

            Mon. Oct 12: "I picked apples all day and did'nt get done either and it is a cool day we drawed a few pumpkins for the cows and at night Roscoe & I drove down to Robert McEachrons & spoke for 4 pigs and it is cold too."

            Tues. Oct 13: "Mr. Connors came back early in the morning & we dug potatoes all day down in the lower fallow we got 2 small loads about 45 bu they are very light the children helped to pick up the potatoes in the forenoon we had to pick them up in the afternoon Ruby & her mother went to West Hebron & Roscoe was sick. & it is a very warm & clear day but was cold last night it frooze quite a crust in the morning but soon got warm."

            Wed. Oct 14: "We dug potatoes all day down in the lower fallow and the children picked them up and we got 2 small loads about 45 bu. and it was cool in the morning but soon got Hot & it is a pleasant day & the children drew a load of pumpkins for the cows."

            Thur. Oct 15: "We dug potatoes all day down in the lower fallow and the children picked them up & we got 2 small loads about 45 bu. and it is a very warm day for the time of year. a hard digging coarse slate."

            Fri. Oct 16: "We dug potatoes all day down in the lower fallow and the children picked them for us & they were very light & small in size too we got 2 small load about 50 bu. we got almost done down there. and it is a very hot day hot as summer after dinner the children drove down to West Hebron & got some clothes for them."

            Sat. Oct 17: "In the forenoon we finished digging potatoes in the lower fallow & then dug till noon on the side hill back of the barn & I let Mr. Connors go & in the afternoon we all but Anna May went to church & we heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron & the had Harold & the babe baptized. It is a nother Hot day warm days & nights too."

            Sun. Oct 18: "Georgia, Hazel, Harold & I went to church & we heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron and his text was John 14 chapter & the 31 verse and it was Sacrament Sabbath and Ruby, Roscoe & Marion stayed at home & kept the babe and it is another warm day dry & smokey."

            Mon. Oct 19: "I picked apples in the forenoon & at noon Roscoe & I went down to Robert McEachrons & got 4 pigs and the wind blew so I went a digging potatoes on the side hill back of the barn & Roscoe, Ruby, Marion & Hazel went down to West Hebron Ruby took her Music lesson & Marion stayed down to Orrie's and it was warm & nice in the morning but the wind got in the north & blew fierce & kept getting colder all day quite cold at night I cut & drawed the last of the fodder corn."

            Tues. Oct 20: "I dug potatoes all day up on the side hill back of the barn & did'nt quite finish got 50 bu or better & Roscoe picked them & it was a cold day on the north side of the hill no mistake the north wind blew some & it was cold quite cold at night."

            Wed. Oct 21: "In the morning I went to work & cut the corn or shocks all of it both orchards & then finished digging & picked a few apples & then Roscoe & I went at drawing in the corn back of the barn & it is good corn too. got in 3 jags I guess it is a nice pleasant day some warmer but cold air."

            Thur. Oct 22: "In the forenoon Roscoe & I drawed in corn from back of the barn & got the most of that field in & in the afternoon We went at Packing our fruit or apples and it is a nice pleasant day the corn chop up very fast & is harsh & breaks up badly."

            Fri. Oct 23: "In the forenoon Roscoe & I drawed in the rest of the corn in the orchard back of the barn & 3 jags from the old orchard & then went at packing & sorting apples in the barn cellar and it is a summers day Hot & dry & dusty."

            Sat. Oct 24: "In the morning we finished drawing the corn that was up in the old orchard and we have got it all in the big barn. & then we went at packing our apples & at night we all went to West Hebron to a Republican Rally & brought Marion home Roscoe took Anna May home before we went & she got through work. it is a beautiful day warm as summer warm at night too."

            Sun. Oct 25: "Ruby, Roscoe, Marion, Hazel & I went to church and we heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron and his text was in the Acts Be ready on time was it I think and Georgia stayed at home & kept the babies."

            Mon. Oct 26: "In the morning we loaded up a load of apples and I took them out to Fort Edward 18 bbls. and the roads are fine but it rained before I got out there & then it was muddy it rained a lot out there rained on me but did'nt rain very much out here I got home before chore time a little. It is a cloudy but warm rain."

            Tues. Oct 27: "In the morning we loaded up a load of apples and I took the load out to Fort Edward 18 bbls and it was muddy and the roads were heavy but dried of some on my way back and I got home about chore time & then boiled a kettle of feed and it is a nice day at night it lightened & Thundered quite sharp & Heavy showers went around but did'nt rain here.
            Wed. Oct 28: "I packed & sorted apples all day about and I got 16 barrels and it is a nice day  it is a cloudy day in morning I went up back & fixed a little fence. very dark nights but warm."

            Thur. Oct 29: "I packed & sorted apples all day about and I got 16 barrels headed and at night or after school was out Georgia and Ruby & the little ones went down to West Hebron and Roscoe & Marion stayed at home and it is a pretty cloudy day dark nights I husked a little corn & at night put up a small grist."

            Fri. Oct 30: "In the morning we loaded up a load of apples 16 barrels & a small grist & I took them out to Fort Edward & I got home early and then drawed the pumpkins out of the orchard and picked up a few apples it is very windy to day & getting colder wind is in the north."

            Sat. Oct 31: "In the morning we loaded up a load of apples & I took them out to Fort Edward & Roscoe went along & I got him a suit of clothes and it is a cold raw & windy day we did'nt get home till chore time and nearly frozen and it is quite cold at night."

            Sun. Nov 1: "Georgia, Ruby, Roscoe, Marion, Hazel & Harold all went to church and heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron and they stayed for Sabbath school & Harold was not very well & I stayed at home & kept the babe and Billy was over awhile and it is a cool raw & some cloudy day frooze quite hard last night freezing all day in the shade I guess."

            Mon. Nov 2: "I packed and Headed apples all day and I got 15 barrels and it is a nice pleasant day some cloudy and it is very dry & dusty too."

            Tues. Nov 3: "In the morning We loaded up a load of apples and I took the load out to Fort Edward 18 barrels and I voted on my way out Straight Republican & it is a cool day but pleasant day some cloudy. Later Everything went Republican state went for Taft by over 200,000 Senate Rep. over Dem   House of Rep. Rep. over Dem   Assembly Rep. over Dem    Our folks all went down to West Hebron."

            Wed. Nov 4: "I packed apples all day & got 16 barrels and it is a nice day some cooler & windy at night. some cloudy but don't rain to amount to anything. nice roads now"

            Thur. Nov 5: "I packed & headed apples all day and I got 16 bbls and the old horse got loose in the stable last night & got 1 trap door up & got 1 leg down in it we had a time in getting him out but did after awhile and he is about dead I guess and it is a cool & raw day windy, some cloudy looks like snow."

            Fri. Nov 6: "In the morning we loaded up a load of apples and I took the load out to Fort Edward 18 bbls & it is a cold raw & windy day no mistake. the old horse stands there he eats some but his leg & body is swollen fierce. I husked some corn after I got home."

            Sat. Nov 7: "In the morning we loaded up a load of apples and I took them out to the Fort 18 bbls and it is a cloudy it looks like rain or snow it did rain some I husked some corn when I got home. The old Horse is living."

            Sun.  Nov 8: "We did'nt go to church any of us so all stayed at home and kept the children it is a cloudy day and rained some. nice & warm rain did'nt amount to much Will Irwin came over & took the old horse we helped to get him almost over to his house he is going to shoot him."

            Mon. Nov 9: "In the forenoon Fred McAuley came over & he & I took up the pipe or bridge by the horse barn & opened it up wider & cleaned it out & then put on the covering and we got all done by noon and in the afternoon I packed apples & got up 11 barrels and then husked till night and after school Georgia & Ruby  & the babe went down to West Hebron Ruby took her music lesson and they did'nt get home very early and after supper I put up a small grist. It is a nice day pleasant a light White frost last night"

            Tues. Nov 10: "In the morning we loaded up a load of apples a small load 12 barrels & put a grist on top & took it out to the Fort & got it ground and brought it back with me and when I got home I husked a little it was most night It got cloudy & began raining about bed time. It looked like Snow when I got home some cooler."

            Wed. Nov 11: "I packed apples most of the day and I finished the job all done packing for this year 13 to day and 149 in all headed 2 left for Orrie and I got done before night awhile & then I husked corn & husked some after supper I put up a grist for the hogs and at night Ruby & Roscoe went over to Davie Mores to a party for James. It is a cloudy day & rained nearly all afternoon but quit after night awhile a nice little rain but not enough to raise water any"

            Thur. Nov 12: "In the morning we loaded up the last of the apples 13 bbls & I took a grist on top of the apples & got it ground & back home with me I got the apple deal all completed & settled for and it is a cool & raw day & windy too. It was most night when I got home & at night we sorted a few potatoes."

            Fri. Nov 13: "In the morning we loaded up a load of potatoes a small load and I took the load out to Fort Edward to a Mr. John Rogers for 75¢ per bu and I got home in good season & it is a nice day some windy & cool and the roads are fine now."

            Sat. Nov 14: "In the morning Roscoe & I went over to Will Crosiers after his Buck sheep & he was'nt at home so went back at night & got him and in the forenoon Roscoe sorted the corn down at the lower barn & I carried it in to the house and then chored around and in the afternoon Roscoe & Marion took Orries apples down to her at West Hebron 2 barrels & I spread manure down in the cow pasture and it is a nice day about night it got cloudy & cooler at before bed time it was snowing right down."

            Sun. Nov 15: "It snowed about 3 inches last night & the ground not frozen it came right in the dust. and Ruby, Roscoe, Marion, Hazel & I went to church & we heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron and we stayed for Sabbath school & Georgia stayed at home with the babies and it is a cool & raw chilly & windy day it thawed some but not much bare ground at night & it is cooler at night but wind went down."

            Mon. Nov 16: "In the forenoon I sawed some Kettle wood in the Hog pen and Husked some corn & chored around and in the afternoon I spread manure over in the cow pasture and chored around and it frooze quite hard last night It is a nice day only cool air wind in in the south it thawed some but not very much."

            Tues. Nov 17: "In the morning we loaded up a load of potatoes & then I took the load out to the Fort 43 bu @ 78¢ per bu and I sold 4 pigs for $8 per cwt to Sam Haskins to be delivered next Tuesday and I got home about sun down and it is a cool day squally snowed some the snow don't thaw away very fast."

            Wed. Nov 18: "I husked corn part of the day and chored around & sorted a few potatoes & it is a nice day cool air the now don't thaw away very fast cool nights but don't freeze very hard."

            Thur. Nov 19: "In the morning after I done the chores I loaded up a load of potatoes and then took them out to Fort Edward 42 bu. @ 78¢ per bu. and it snowed on me nearly all the way out & came right down too but faired off about noon or time I got out there and it is rather hard going horses ball up & slip and it is thawing some."

            Fri. Nov 20: "In the forenoon I chored around and husked some corn & went over in the big field & spread some manure & Georgia & the little ones went up to her folks & got home at night and I husked corn in the afternoon it is getting colder snow don't thaw away very fast."

            Sat. Nov 21: "In the forenoon Roscoe & I took a few apples down to the cider mill at Argyle and got 2 Kegs & a jug of cider 24 gal all toll and in the afternoon I husked corn & chored around & Ruby, Roscoe & Marion went down to West Hebron to take Ruby's Music Lesson and it is a beautiful day thawed to-day it is very muddy."

            Sun. Nov 22: "Georgia, Ruby, Roscoe, Marion, Hazel & Harold all went to church & they heard a sermon by Mr. Willard McEachron and they stayed for sabbath school & I stayed at home & kept the babe and it is a nice pleasant day warmer the snow thawed on the sunny side plenty of snow on the north side of the Hills."

            Mon. Nov 23: "In the morning Johnnie & Mary came down & Johnnie & I killed 4 of the pigs & in the afternoon we killed the Turkeys 14 of them & we got done early all in good shape. and it is a beautiful day warm as summer & smokey this is our Indian summer I guess snow is going pretty fast what is left."

            Tues. Nov 24: "In the morning after I got the chores done I or we loaded the pork & Turkeys and I took a small grist I took them out to the Fort and I did'nt get home till night the roads were heavy no mistake mud was thick. It is a nice day some cloudy but warm."

            Wed. Nov 25: "In the morning after I done the chores I began plowing down in the field above the lower house and it plows very good it rained & drove me in once but soon went back and in the afternoon I plowed in the same field and it is a nice warm day but cloudy & rained some. at night Roscoe & I husked some corn."

            Thur. Nov 26: "In the morning I went down in the field above the lower house & plowed about 2 hours and then we all went down to West Hebron a visiting at Orries. It is "Thanksgiving" and it was night when we got back and it is a cloudy & quite windy too South wind at night it was cleared off but is warm yet."

            Fri. Nov 27: "I plowed down in the field above the lower house till about 3 o'clock & then Ruby & Roscoe went down to West Hebron to take her Music lesson and I spread manure till night down in the big field and it is a windy day cooler but not freezing at all."

            Sat. Nov 28: "In the morning we all got up early and went out to Glens Falls baby and all & Georgia & Roscoe & the babe rode up on the car from Fort Edward to Glens Falls & the children all had the pictures taken and it is a nice pleasant day warm at night. we did'nt get home till after night awhile a long ride It is a beautiful day warm & nice roads too."

            Sun. Nov 29: "We did'nt go to church any of us so all stayed at home and kept house and Roscoe was sick in the morning but got better after he got up and it is a nice pleasant day it did'nt freeze any last night fine weather for the time of year no mistake."

            Mon. Nov 30: "I plowed most all day down in the field above the lower house and I spread some manure over in the big field and it is beautiful weather no mistake it is getting pretty hard plowing at night Roscoe & I went out to the barn & husked corn awhile and this is Indian summer I guess."

            Tues. Dec 1: "I plowed most of the day in the field above the lower house and I finished it and I went over in the big field and spread some manure and I finished it and it is very windy at night getting cold fast at night."

            Wed. Dec 2: "I chored around all day boiled a Kettle of feed sorted some potatoes husked some corn & got ready to take a load of potatoes to-morrow about night I took the Buck sheep home We have had him for 18 days and it is a sudden change frooze hard & it snowed some last night ground was white."

            Thur. Dec 3: "In the morning after we got the chores done we loaded up a load of potatoes and I took them out to Fort Edward 45 bu at 80¢ per bu sold to R. P. Savage and I got the pay for my pork $50 and I did'nt get home very early was bothered in getting onloaded etc. it is a pleasant day but cold. roads are fine. I"

            Fri. Dec 4: "I chored around & picked up some old wood & carried it into the hog pen & sawed up some wood at the house & put it in the wood shed and in the afternoon I husked some corn & it began snowing & snowed & blowed till night it looks like a blizzard but let up at night cold too."

            Sat. Dec 5: "In the morning Roscoe & I sorted & carried some corn in to the lower house from the barn and then husked corn part of the time till night & it is getting colder all day & Ruby & Roscoe went down to West Hebron to take her music lesson and at night Jim Lant came over & paid me the Interest on his place and it is a cold night."

            Sun. Dec 6: "We did'nt get up very early so did'nt any of us go to church & all stayed at home and kept house and it is a nice pleasant day only cold it was a Winters night in earnest ground is white about 2 inches I guess roads are smooth I don't know what some of us are going to do for water streams all dry & Winter coming."

            Mon. Dec 7: "It snowed about 3 inches last night & turned to rain in the morning & rained right down till noon or later but it was cold enough so the snow did'nt melt away much but water was running nearly every where under the snow but the ground is frozen so that the water all run off about & about night it cleared off & got colder it will be icy I think. It was very sloppy."

            Tues. Dec 8: "I husked corn part of the day & chored around and put in some window lights and it is a nice pleasant day but cool & some windy & snowed a little it did'nt thaw much some sleighs going pretty icy for smooth horses not much travel to day."

            Wed. Dec 9: "In the forenoon I chored around boiled a kettle of feed pumpkins & apples it is the last of the pumpkins & Georgia & I put in some window lights that was out. and in the afternoon I husked corn most of the time & at night we put the sheep in. The snow isn't very deep 2 or 3 inches but their is such a crust it is hard for sheep to paw it off the grass. it is a cool day squally & some windy too."

            Thur. Dec 10: "In the forenoon I chored around carried the good apples from the barn cellar to the house cellar & moved some second's potatoes & sorted some potatoes and in the afternoon I husked some corn & chored around & helped to churn and it is a nice pleasant day clear but cold air sleighs & Wagons both going."

            Fri. Dec 11: "It snowed nearly all day & blowed too it came from the East cool day too. and I husked corn & sorted some potatoes chored around and went down after the children when school was out and at night we all went over to Jim Lants and spent the Evening we went in a sleigh and Georgia got 2 turkeys and it is nice sleighing & not cold either."

            Sat. Dec 12: "In the forenoon we took the cutter down to Dewey Cornells to get repaired & then came back & I husked some corn & chored around and about night Roscoe went down & got the cutter in the big sleighs & at night we all went down to West Hebron to Orries & I went up to the Hall to the Farmers Institute It was very good too. and it got cooler at night but not very cold nice sleighing when it gets beat down about 6 inches anyway."

            Sun. Dec 13: "Roscoe, Ruby, Marion & I went to church and we heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron and his text was in the last chapter of Mica and we stayed for Sunday school and it is nice sleighing now Georgia stayed at home and kept the little ones and it is a pretty cloudy day looks like more snow."

            Mon. Dec 14: "In the morning after I done the chores I took a grist down to Argyle & left it.  I attended the Farmers Institute and did'nt get home till most night it is fine sleighing & a beautiful day some cool too."

            Tues. Dec 15: "I husked corn nearly all day and chored around and it is a pretty soft & warm it is pretty slushy the snow is wet & the sleighing is wasting and it looks like rain at night we all went up to Johnnies & spent the Evening and it is good sleighing yet around here."

            Wed. Dec 16: "In the forenoon I husked corn and in the afternoon I husked some corn & put the cows in the stable & then Billy was up & we went down to West Hebron & I got the team shawd & I met Conway the Lawyer over at Orries and it is good sleighing around here but getting thin in places It is a cloudy day looks like a storm rather cloudy."

            Thur. Dec 17: "In the forenoon I husked corn and in the afternoon I went down to Argyle to get my grist but is was'nt all ground so had to wait & get part of it and it snowed some to-day & last night too. and it is cooler too."

            Fri. Dec 18: "I husked corn most of the day or part of the day & it is a cloudy day & snowed quite a lot it has helped the sleighing and it is a cloudy day it quit about night & seemed cooler the snow packed some. At night Georgia, Ruby & Roscoe went down to West Hebron. Georgia stayed at Orries & Ruby & Roscoe went to the Parsonage to some young folks meeting."

            Sat. Dec 19: "In the morning we got up early and done the chores and then Georgia & I went out to Glens Falls and Found Santa Claus and we took a box of butter out 72 # @ 29¢ per # and I took a grist out to Fort Edward & had to leave it we had'nt room to carry it. Eliza Liddle came over & stayed with the children & after we came home Ruby & Roscoe to Eliza over home. We got home about 6 o'clock or after. & it is a nice pleasant day some squally."

            Sun. Dec 20: "Ruby, Roscoe, Marion & I went to church and we heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron and his text was in the 22 chapter of Matthew. 'What think ye of Christ' and we stayed for sabbath school and Georgia stayed at home with the little ones and it is a nice day some squally but not very cold."

            Mon. Dec 21: "In the morning I sorted & carried some corn down to the lower barn & put it into the House and Roscoe helped some & there was no school to-day. The teacher was sick and I husked some corn & put it into bags and Billy came over & helped me a little while and I got it nearly all husked in the linter and it is getting colder at night. clear & colder."

            Tues. Dec 22: "In the morning I finished sorting & carried the good corn from the lower barn in to the house and there were 154 baskets of good corn and then I boiled a kettle of apples & meal for the pigs & husked a little corn and in the afternoon I took a small grist down to Argyle and brought home a grist that was down there and it is fine sleighing & pretty cold It is pleasant & cold too."

            Wed. Dec 23: "I chored around sorted some potatoes & husked a little corn and it is a nice day rather cold nice winter weather & fine sleighing."

            Thur. Dec 24: "I chored around and husked some corn & sorted a few potatoes and after school was out Roscoe drove down to West Hebron & brought up Orrie, Eva & Lucy W. and at night we all went down to the school house to a Christmas tree. it is a nice day some cloudy."

            Fri. Dec 25: "A Merry Christmas  We had a Christmas dinner Johnnie, Mary & Mrs. Powell came down & Fred Durkee & Jen & the boys came down & it is a cloudy day it snowed some & thawed some at night Roscoe, Ruby & Marion took Orrie, Eva & Lucy down home at West Hebron and it is fine sleighing."

            Sat. Dec 26: "In the morning I got up early and done the chores & then Roscoe & I loaded up a load of potatoes and we took them out to Chas. Norton between Sandy Hill & Glens Falls and we had good sleighing but it was most night or chore time when we got home and it is a fine day sleighs run like greese at night Billy & Edgar came over & brought the Mare over & they helped me to sort potatoes awhile."

            Sun. Dec 27: "Ruby, Roscoe, Marion & I went to church and we heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron and his text was in Deuteronomy and we stayed for sunday school and Georgia stayed at home and kept the little ones and it is a nice warm day cool air but not cold fine sleighing around here We drove our new horse to church. 'Nellie Grey' "

            Mon. Dec 28: "In the morning I got up early & done the chores and Roscoe & I loaded up a nother load of potatoes and we took them out to Sandy Hill 51 bu at 85¢ per bu and we got a load of barrels at Fort Edward & brought home with us and it was most night when we got home we drove our new horse & she went all right the sleighing is getting poor in the villiages but good around here."

            Tues. Dec 29: "I chored around & husked corn what time I had in the morning Roscoe drove up to David Fosters & got my check for the cheese and In the afternoon he and all the rest of the folks went down to West Hebron and Ruby took her music lesson and it is a fine day warm & pleasant thawed some good sleighing around here yet. At night the wind got up from the north & got colder. The children have colds."

            Wed. Dec 30: "I husked corn all the time I had to-day and got quite a lot l husked it was cold in the morning but got warmer it snowed most of the day some times it snowed hard at night the snow turned to rain it is warmer & a strong east wind it is a cloudy day & stormy."

            Thur. Dec 31: "I husked corn nearly all day when I was'nt doing chores and I husked over 50 bundles it is extra good corn I think & nice & hard too and in the forenoon Roscoe, Marion & Hazel went down to West Hebron and it is a nice pleasant day rather cool at night fine sleighing around here. We have come to the close of a nother year 1908 gone. We have had on the whole a very prosperous year financially with the exceptions of a poor potato crop. good prices. Ruby & Roscoe were sick awhile so was their Mother."