There were no diaries found to date for 1921 & 1922. Marion & Ed McEachron were married in

1922 and are living with Harvey & Georgiana.

Mon. Jan. 1: "A Happy New Year It is a rainy day. water is running everywhere. Harrys folks were all over here & Garry McE. & his folks were all up and we all had a good time But Edd was in bed all day it was a big rain it raised water for awhile. mostly sleighs yet. but it is getting thin it cleared off at night & got colder."

Tues. Jan. 2: "In the forenoon we chored around & sat around the house. In the afternoon Arthur McGeoch came over & I rode down to Argyle I let him have ($50) till the First of April & Edd & Harold went down to Argyle & brought up some groceries. the sleighing is getting thin in places. we got home about chore time the Good Island school began to-day again. the youngsters all went the High School has another week of vacation."

Wed. Jan. 3: "In the forenoon we chored around & sat around the house and in the afternoon we did about the same & it is a cloudy day and began snowing before night awhile and it came right down too it is some warmer it has been very icy & the sleighing is rather thin."

Thur. Jan. 4: "We sat around the house and chored around and in the afternoon Harry killed his old hog & brought her over here & we helped him to scald her and at night Harry took his team and part of us went down to Argyle to a Basket ball game with him and it is very good sleighing now and it snowed some and it is a cloudy & cool day We did'nt get home very early."

Fri. Jan. 5: "In the forenoon Harold & Edd took the big team down to Argyle & got them shawd and I chored around & sat around the house they got home a little after noon and it is a winters day all right & very good sleighing now nearly all sleighs going at night Harry brought us a qr of Beef at 7¢ per #"

Sat. Jan. 6: "In the forenoon we took the team & Harold & Edd took 2 loads of manure down to the other place from under the Horse barn the other boys & I helped to load up and it is a cold day wind is in the north and in afternoon Harry threshed the rest of the oats with our help & cleaned up the floor and we drawed over the oats. and it is getting colder all day & it snowed nearly all afternoon the wind blew too."

Sun. Jan. 7: "4º below is places After we done the chores Edd & Marion went down to his folks at So. Argyle and we did'nt go to church so all stayed at home and kept house it is a cold morning the coldest yet I think It is pleasant & no wind but cold just the same good sleighing now."

Mon. Jan. 8: "The school children went down to school & the roads where drifted in places pretty bad it snowed & blowed all day so they did'nt try to get home. Mother got Edd Burches folks to keep them all night. Edd & Marion got home before noon I chored around & set around the house it is Winter in earnest"

Tues. Jan. 9: "Edd & I drawed some Horse manure down to the other place on the long field and the roads are drifted some in places and the school children came home at night and it is hard traveling for a horse the snow is so mealy I chored around when Edd was unloading the manure. it is a very good day some cloudy & sqally. plenty of snow"

Wed. Jan. 10: "Edd & I drawed some Horse manure down to the lower place and Edd unloaded it & I helped to load up & chored around and it is a very good day not very cold and some cloudy the children went to school and got home at night Macks Hill is drifted full they have to go through the fields & other places it is'nt very good traveling the milk man goes every day plenty of snow"

Thur. Jan. 11: "The children went to school and Harold stayed down at night & the girls drove home from school and Edd & I drawed some manure down on the other place on the long field and Florence had the Croup last night and at night Edd took the team & big sleighs & took the young people & Harrys folks down to Argyle to a Basket Ball game & Harold came home with them & it was snowing when they came home it is a nice day it got cloudy at night & looked like snow & later it did snow too."

Fri. Jan. 12: "We did'nt do much but chore around & set around the house and it snowed quite a lot last night & snowed a little all day but the wind kept down & did'nt drift any Florence don't feel very well she had the croup last night & was quite bad too. Marion did'nt feel very well to day either the snow is getting pretty deep in places plenty good sleighing to much in places."

Sat. Jan. 13: "Florence did'nt put in a very good night she has gotten over the croup but her stomach is all up set we telephoned down for the Dr. to come up. In the morning Harold & Edd took the milk down to West Hebron for Harry and got back about noon and in the afternoon they went down to the other place and got a jag of hay & brought it up here to feed & I chored around and we chored around and it is a cold day pleasant lots of snow & signs of more. Florence is not much better. "

Sun. Jan. 14: "We did'nt go to church so all stayed at home and kept house & done the chores Florence is not much better the Dr came up to see her and it is a cloudy day and is snowing some more as usual but the wind is calm and it is a good thing for the roads the snow is light and would drift it the wind came up. Florence is feeling some better at night."

Mon. Jan. 15: "In the morning the school children all went to school again it snowed last night about 4 inches more piles of snow & sleighing it is not drifting this time as yet. Florence is some better to-day I chored around and sat around the house & I have a bad cold it is a cloudy day & snowed a little it snows nearly every day."

Tues. Jan. 16: "I was sick a bed all day and the Dr came up at night with the school children & Harold & James took him back to Argyle after supper it was about bed time when they got home it is hard traveling it snowed to-day Edd done the chores & in the afternoon he took the team & went down to Argyle & got some feed for the cows & it is a cloudy day & cool too."

Wed. Jan. 17: "I was sick all day & in bed. Edd does the chores and the rest goes to school but Marion. she helps Mother and it is a nother cloudy day the school children helps Edd to do the chores mornings & nights. my cold is some better my head does'nt ache so hard to-day."

Thur. Jan. 18: "I am still in bed but feel some better It was a nice morning & pleasant but in a little while it got cloudy & the wind got up a terrible gale and began drifting fierce so Mother telephoned to both schools & had the children come home before night & the roads were filled full & Edd took the team & big sleighs to meet them & Harry went with them & they got home about 3 O'clock or sooner and the boys were all here to do the chores the Doctor did'nt come up to-day It is a bad winters night windy but not very cold"

Fri. Jan. 19: "The school children all stayed at home to day, no school at the Island and we thought they couldnt get to Argyle in the morning as the wind drifted the snow last night we chored around I am up around & am feeling better & at night the young folks went down to Argyle in the big sleighs to a Basket Ball game. and it got quite cold at night and it is a nice pleasant day & lots of snow."

Sat. Jan. 20: "We did'nt do much but chore around & set around the house and at night Edd & Marion went down to his house & stayed all night and it is a cloudy day it looks like a storm but keeps off plenty of snow . I am feeling very good a gain I help to do the chores but that is all"

Sun. Jan. 21: "We did'nt go to church any of us so all stayed at home and kept house and done the chores it is thawing but not very fast it is cloudy but not raining I suppose the south wind is thawing the Snow away It looks like rain all day but keeps off water is running in places quite a thaw the snow is settleing quite a lot but plenty left."

Mon. Jan. 22: "There was no school down to the island the other children went down to Argyle to Regents as this is Regents week I chored around & sat around the house snow is deep & worlds of sleighing now"

Tues. Jan. 23: "In the forenoon Edd took the team & big sleighs & went down to Argyle to get some Feed he got 1000 # Bran but could'nt get any cow feed and I chored around and in the afternoon Harry & Phil brought a cow over here & killed her for Beef we got 2 qr of him and we chored around and it is a nice pleasant day cold & pleasant a good winters day. Harold Hazel & Marjory all went down to Argyle to try examinations cold at night too."

Wed. Jan. 24: "In the forenoon we chored around & sat around the house & the seed man A. H. Green came along & I gave him my order for 2½ bu of seed oats & some other seeds and in the afternoon Edd took the team & big sleighs & went down to Argyle & got some cow feed 900 # all he could get & it began snowing & snowed all afternoon & came right down too. lots of snow & Harold & Marjory went down to Argyle to examination & they had a nasty time coming home."

Thur. Jan. 25: "In the forenoon we chored around and in the afternoon it cleared of & quit snowing & Harold & Edd took Hazel down to Argyle in the big sleighs It snowed a lot last night & all forenoon but cleared off nice & pleasant in the afternoon. & they brought Howland Yarter home with them & at night they all went back to a Basket Ball game and it is a cold raw day but didnt snow much & Howland came home with them."

Fri. Jan. 26: "Hazel was sick in bed all day I guess and at night Harold & John C. took Howland down to Argle and it is a cold night winter weather in earnest & worlds of snow also. plenty of sleighing but business on the Farm is to a standstill snow is too deep to cut wood. it is a cloudy day but no more snow"

Sat. Jan. 27: "We chored around & sat around the house all day about Hazel is some better to-day In the afternoon Edd & Harold went over to Harrys. he is getting a device to cut ice over on the lake. it is a cold winters day I am about sick just get around & pull myself to gether my head is big"

Sun. Jan. 28: "We did'nt go to church so we all stayed at home & kept house and chored around and in the afternoon Phil (Harry's man) came over & we took his measure for a suit of clothes and it is pretty cloudy & looks like a storm we have plenty of snow as it is."

Mon. Jan. 29: "The children went to school and we chored around and Edd went over to Harrys to see the outfit he is making to cut ice over on the mud lake and it is a cold winters day & lots of snow & plenty good sleighing"

Tues. Jan. 30: "38º below at Argyle. The children all went to school we intended to draw ice this afternoon but they did'nt get any ice cut. Edd took the team over in the afternoon but did'nt get any ice we chored around & sat around the house & didn't do much it is a cold day it is the coldest day so far this Winter so the thermometer says."

Wed. Jan. 31: "Harold & the girls didn't go to school & James he stayed at home to help us to get up ice we drawed & packed ice all day Phil drawed some ice for us. we worked at it all day and it is a nice day at night Edd, Harold, Hazel & Marion all went down to Argyle to a Basket Ball game"

Thur. Feb. 1: "Harold & James stayed at home and helped us with the ice. In the morning a man came over here after Mother to go over to Billy Liddles to take care of Eliza as she was sick & she stayed all day I was sick last night & Mother sent the Dr over to see me in the morning In the forenoon the boys went over & got a load of saw dust & put it around the ice and in the afternoon we drawed the ice & packed ice and it is a nice day only rather cloudy & looks like snow but it did'nt Mother came home at night they have a boy over to Billys."

Fri. Feb. 2: "In the forenoon Edd drawed ice and James & I packed it. James stayed at home & helped me and we have our ice all up or about we lack 6 or 8 cakes and Harold & the girls went to school to day and at night we all went down to Argyle in a load & Harrys folks went with us we went to a Basket Ball game & they danced awhile or we watched them and it got warmer & cloudyed over & began snowing & rained on us when we were coming home but we did'nt get very wet it frooze as it came we all had a good time."

Sat. Feb. 3: "It was thawing in the morning & rained some & was cloudy we did'nt do much in the afternoon the boys went down to the other place & got a jag of hay and the West wind got up & blew like a hurrycane & kept getting colder quite cold at night it was a winters night alright."

Sun. Feb. 4: "It is a nice pleasant day but quite cold in the morning it did'nt thaw much but was pleasant. We did'nt go to church so all stayed at home & kept house & done the chores Edd was'nt feeling very well."

Mon. Feb. 5: "The children all went to school. Edd & I helped the women wash and chored around & sat around the house and it is a nice pleasant day but cold winter weather in earnest and fine sleighing lots of snow & no bear ground."

Mon. Feb. 6: "The children all went to school and at night Lil McEachron (Edds Sister) came home from Argyle school & stayed all night and in the forenoon Edd took the team & went over to the lake & got a few cakes of ice to fill out the ice house & I chored around & sat around the house most of the day fine sleighing the track is beat out in good shape after the thaw after dark it snowed some."

Tues. Feb. 7: "The children all went to school & it is cold winter weather it snowed some last night but cleared off before morning and Edd & I chored around & sat around the house most of the day and it is old winter weather."

Wed. Feb. 8: "The children all went to school. it is cold winter weather in the morning it is cloudy looks like snow but cleared off before noon but is cool and at night Edd, Marion & Harold went down to Argyle to a Basket Ball game and it is a cold winters night"

Thur. Feb. 9: "In the morning Edd took the milk down to West Hebron for Harry and I chored around & sat around the house and in the afternoon Edd took the team over & drawed some ice for Harry from the mud lake and it is a nice day only cold lots of snow & sleighing also.
Fri. Feb. 10: "In the morning Harold & Edd took the milk down to West Hebron and in the afternoon we all went over to the mud lake & helped to cut & draw ice and it is a cold winters day but cleared off & was a nice afternoon. In the forenoon I chored around & posted cheques in the check Book and is a nice winters day quite cold at night and before night Edd & Marion went down to his folks & stayed all night."

Sat. Feb. 11: "We did'nt go to church so we all stayed at home & done the chores & kept house & it snowed some but the sun seemed to shine most of the time. and after night Edd & Marion came home and it is a nice pleasant day lots of sleighing"

Tues. Feb. 13: "It snowed last night the biggest snow we have had at one time I guess 8 or 9 inches we did'nt do much the school children that went to Argyle did'nt go on acct of the deep snow it partly cleared off in the afternoon."

Wed. Feb. 14: "The children all went to school but Marjory she had a sore toe Mother telephoned down to Argyle & had Harold & Hazel come home at noon the wind was blowing so & the snow was pileing up the roads were drifted in places. at night the wind blew fierce from the West. it was cold too we chored around & sat around the house most all day. It snowed again last night 3 or 4 inches more we have plenty of snow about 4 ft on the level I guess. & signs of more."

Thur. Feb. 15: "It is a pleasant day in the morning the roads were drifted full in places the milk did'nt go the High school children did'nt go to school to-day Harold & Edd helped to shovel out the roads and we got the sheep stable door so we could open it and we chored around & sat around the house the rest of the day it was a cold night below zero in the morning begins to look a storm again."

Fri. Feb. 16: "The High school scholars did'nt go to school as the roads were not opened out yet but there was school down at the Island we chored around & sat around the house and it is a nice day only cold as winter & in earnest too. & worlds of snow & sleighing most very thing has come to a standstill in the line of Farming no wood cut & snow is so deep it is impossible to get to the woods we have got to take it as it come to us."

Sat. Feb. 17: "In the morning after we got the chores done Harold & Edd took the team & went down to South Argyle to Gary McEachrons & Orley McAuleys & got their big Holstein Bull & brought him up here we are going to keep him awhile for the use of him and it took most all day. it was a cold raw winters day & cold I chored around & sat around the house to keep warm It is a terrible The villages like Fort Edward have no fuels such as wood nor coal the paper says they are tearing down the back porches & burning them for wood to keep warm. snow is nearly 4 ft on the level"

Sun. Feb. 18: "We did'nt go to church to day any of us so we all stayed at home & kept house & done the chores and it is a nice pleasant day but is cold just the same it looks like Spring to look out. but it is different when one gets out it is cold as winter yet. fine sleighing we had a white frost last night."

Mon. Feb. 19: "In the forenoon or morning Edd took the milk down to West Hebron and in the afternoon Edd helped Harry to cut ice and I chored around & sat around the house and it is a nice pleasant day but a cold day & lots of snow. The children all went to school"

Tues. Feb. 20: "In the morning Edd took the milk down to West Hebron & I chored around and in the afternoon we both went over to the lake & helped Smith with his ice Edd drawed some & I helped to saw ice and it is a nice pleasant day but cold The children all went to school"

Wed. Feb. 21: "In the forenoon we chored around and sat around the house and in the afternoon we did about the same and it is a nice day only colder then winter time the wind blew too. & worlds of sleighing & no signs of spring yet."

Thur. Feb. 22: "No school at the Dist school but school at Argyle and we chored around in the forenoon and in the afternoon James, Edd & I & Harry went down to the other place & began sawing down the pines on the corner and we got 2 of them layed down in good shape. they were nice poles it is a nice pleasant day but a cold west wind"

Fri. Feb. 23: "In the forenoon we chored around & sat around the house. and in the afternoon Edd took Mother down to West Hebron to see her Mother and it was most night when they got home and I chored around & sat around the house and it kept getting colder all day the children all went to school and at night we all went down to Argyle to a exhibition given by the school and Harry took a load in our big sleighs & we went with him part of us and Mary McEachron came home with Edd & Marion & stayed awhile and it is a nice pleasant day but cold & some windy."

Sat. Feb. 24: "In the forenoon we chored around and in the afternoon we & Harry went down to the other place and cut down 3 of the big pines & sawed some & cut some limbs & we came up early it was quite cold and a nice pleasant day only a cold winters day"

Sun. Feb. 25: "We did'nt go to church so we all stayed at home and Garry McEachrons folks all but Lil came up and stayed all day and we had a good visit and it is a nice pleasant day it drifted some last night in places and it is some warmer to day it thawed a little in the sun."
Mon. Feb. 26: "In the forenoon we chored around & sat around the house and in the afternoon Mother & I went over to the church to Aunt Kates funeral & she was buried up to the East yard & we went to the yard & it was most night when we got home and it was a cloudy day it snowed a little now & then all day but did'nt amount to much and it is some warmer & looks some like rain. The children all but Harry Oliver went to school."

Tues. Feb. 27: "In the morning we chored around and the children went to school and in the afternoon Edd went down to Argyle & got Harold and they went to a school mates funeral and I chored around & sat around the house & it is a nice pleasant day but cool Harry went up above West Hebron & bought me some corn in the ear at 1.10 per bu of 72 # "

Wed. Feb. 28: "In the forenoon Edd & I put up some oats & Buckwheat and took the grain down to West Hebron & left it at the Mill & went up to John Henry Guthries & got a load of corn that Harry bought yesterday for us & left it at West Hebron & got some corn mixed with the grain that we left there & brought some meal home with us for the cows. and it is a nice pleasant day some cloudy but cleared off & was a nice pleasant day it acts the most like Spring to day of any day yet. It was most night when we got home it thawed a little & was nice sleighing."

Thur. Mar. 1: "In the morning I rode down to Argyle with the school children & done some business with Geo. Bussing & rode up (till I met Edd & Harry) with Will Crosier & then rode down to the Auction at Will Todds with Edd & Harry and stayed most of the day. and it was most chore time when we got home and it is a beautiful spring day it thawed some it acts the most like spring to day of any time yet"

Fri. Mar. 2: "In the forenoon we chored around and in the afternoon Edd & I went up to Belcher to John Gibsons Auction we bought 1 Ton of Oat Straw. and at night Harold, Hazel & Marjory went down to Argyle to a school Social and it was most night when we got home & it cleared of & was a nice afternoon. it is a nice warm day."

Sat. Mar. 3: "In the morning after we done the chores Harold, Edd & I went up in Hebron to John Henry Guthries & got the rest of the corn a big load and on our way back I traded Horses with Hammond and we left the most of the corn at the grist mill & we brought home the rest of the corn & a grist that was at the mill and James & John C onloaded the load of oat straw & done the noon chores and it is a beautiful day it thawed to day the water is in the road like a spring day & the roads are very dirty on the main roads a load draws hard at night Edd & James took Patsy Horse up to Belcher to Hammond that we traded off for a big Boy Horse and it is a nice pleasant day."

Sun. Mar. 4: "We did'nt go to church to-day so all stayed at home & kept house and done the chores It is a cloudy day and rained now & then & thawed quite a lot the wind got cooler at night & was cooler too. the snow is settleing quite a little now but is deep enough yet."

Mon. Mar. 5: "In the morning after we done the chores Edd took his horse & Ned & took the milk down to Salem to the milk Station the patrons are carrying the milk this Month and I chored around & sat around the house The school children all went to school to day."

Tues. Mar. 6: "In the morning after we done the chores Edd took his pony & Ned Horse and took the milk down to Salem & brought home the Phosphate 1000 # from Salem & he got home before night awhile & after he went Harry & I went down to the other place and cut at the pines we got them all down but 1 tree and it is a cold day cloudy & looks like snow & did snow at night & was cold too. the school children all went to school to-day."

Wed. Mar. 7: "Harold, Hazel & Marjory did'nt go to school It was snowing in the morning & had snowed about 4 inches and snowed about all day it must be about 1 foot and it is drifting some too. at night Harold was sick and I am about too. we chored around & sat around the house it acts more like Winter than Spring again it is a terrible wind is blowing & the snow is pileing up roads are full in places."

Thur. Mar. 8: "Harold, Hazel & Marjory did'nt go to school to day as the roads were drifted the other school children went to school and it is a cold winters morning but a nice day pleasant."

Fri. Mar. 9: "In the forenoon Edd & I drawed some cow manure on the hill cross from the barn and in the afternoon Edd took a grist down to West Hebron for the cows and he brought home a small grist for the horses. and I chored around & rode down with Edd to see Norman Mahaffy he is very sick I don't think he will get well and at night Howland Yarter came home with the school children & after supper the young folks went down to West Hebron to a play given by the Argyle school and Mother & I stayed at home with the small ones."

Sat. Mar. 10: "In the morning Will Mahaffy came along & I rode down with him to see his Father he is very low We came back before noon and I was about sick & laid down & did'nt get up the rest of the day I had a bad time with my head dizzy & could'nt set up we heard that Mr Mahaffy died about 11 O'clock and it is a nasty storm the wind blew from the East & drifted in places but it let up before night & cleared of it was wet & heavy they had to plow out the roads and the milk did'nt go to day. In the afternoon Edd & Marion went over to Kenneth Beveridges & Lydias & stayed all night."

Sun. Mar. 11: "Harold, Hazel & Marjory went to church in a cutter lots of sleighing or clean sleighing & the rest of us stayed at home and kept the children & done the chores and it is a nice pleasant day thawed some not much quite cold in the morning and Howland Yarter went home in the morning and at night Edd & Marion came home."

Mon. Mar 12: "In the morning it was cloudy and it soon began snowing and it came right down for a fair but it quit before noon & the snow was wet & heavy there was no school down at the Island the other school children went to Argyle to school. In the afternoon I took Mother down to Howard Mahaffys & I brought him up here to telephone down to North Argyle to see about digging his Fathers grave & took him back & brought Mother home."

Tues. Mar. 13: "We chored around and Mother, Florence & I went down to Norman Mahaffys funeral at 12 O'clock and Mother took care of the babe. and Edd & Marion stayed at home & kept house and it is a cloudy day but did'nt storm much it thawed some & the snow packed some but it didn't storm much lots of snow & sleighing"

Wed. Mar. 14: "In the forenoon I helped to wash & chored around and Edd & Marion went out to Glens Falls to the Automobile show and did'nt get home till late and the school children all went to school and I chored around & sat around the house in the afternoon and it is a nice pleasant day only a cold wind thawed some in the sun"

Thur. Mar. 15: "In the forenoon we chored around & sat around the house and in the afternoon Harry went down with Edd & I to cut the pines we have them all down that was in the group along the road and it is a nice pleasant day but cold in the morning zero in places lots of sleighing"

Fri. Mar. 16: "The children all went to school but it is a nasty morning raining and the wind blew fierce from the South the snow is melting fast & a terrible wind. In the afternoon Edd drawed manure down to the lower place & I helped him to load up & chored around it cleared off & got some cooler."

Sat. Mar. 17: "In the forenoon Harold went over to Harrys & got his big sleighs & he & Edd drawd manure with both teams down to the lower place & put it all in one pile & the other boys and I helped to load the manure & in the afternoon we took both teams & went up to John Gibsons & got the ton of Oat straw and got home alright & got it onloaded & then Edd & Marion went down to Garrys & stayed all night & we got the straw onloaded 1 load in the horse barn & one in the hay barn. it was cold in the morning but was a nice warm day the snow is settleing on the South side of the hill."

Sun. Mar. 18: "Harold, Hazel, Marjory & Florence went to church in a cutter good sleighing some slumpy in places and the rest of us stayed at home and kept house & done the chores and it is a beautiful day the most like Spring time of any day yet it thawed quite a lot & the roads are some sloppy."

Mon. Mar. 19: "In the forenoon it rained some and we sat around the house and done the chores the children went to school and Edd put up a grist & in the afternoon Edd took a grist down to West Hebron and left it & brought one back that was down there and it cleared off about night & wind got up & was quite cold. freezing."

Tues. Mar. 20: "In the forenoon Edd drawed manure down to the lower place and I helped to load up & helped the women wash and in the afternoon Edd drawed some manure down to the lower place & I went down on & helped him him to load on wood & he drawed up 2 loads to the door and it is a cold raw windy day quite cold at night."

Wed. Mar. 21: "After we done the chores we drove down to the lower place & cut wood over along the road in the swamp & cut some pine for logs too. and in the afternoon we went back down & cut wood & logs along the road in the swamp & it is a nice day warmed up & thawed quite a lot and the children went to school. it is a nice day acts more like spring."

Thur. Mar. 22: "In the morning I took the milk down to Salem & Harry & Edd went down & went at skidding the pine logs & drawing them up to the mill at Edd Pollocks and the sleighing is getting poor in places & I did'nt get back till most night it looked like rain but did'nt but was warm it thawed quite a lot. James stayed at home in the afternoon to do the chores. It is a nice warm day but very cloudy & the wind was in the South thawed a lot, wagons are out down at Salem."

Fri. Mar. 23: "Harold stayed at home & helped us to draw logs & Harry & we all worked at the logs all day and the girls stayed at home too. and we had very good luck with the logs some of them are large enough to handle or to draw either on the soft roads It is a nice day thawed a lot & looks like a storm at night. we drawed with 3 teams."

Sat. Mar. 24: "In the morning we all went down and went at the logs and we got a good start on them Harry got into the mud with one of his loads & got stuck the frost is going out and the sleighing is about gone the milk man had to change sleighs for a wagon it is a nice day but colder at night the wind blew from the west something fierce. & it was cold too we broke the reach in our sleigh just before night."

Sun. Mar. 25: "We did'nt go to church any of us so we all stayed at home and kept house and done the chores and it is a nice pleasant day but cold in the morning but it is not thawing much in the shade the sleighing is about gone the milk went in a sleigh but very poor sleighing it thawed quite a lot in the sun."

Mon. Mar. 26: "Edd & I went down to the lower place and snaked & skidded pine logs & cut or sawed some too. and we done the chores and it is a nice day cool but thawed some in the sun it is a cold raw windy day for the time of year."

Tues. Mar. 27: "In the forenoon Edd took the milk down to Frank Andersons in a wagon & brought back Harrys sleighs he took a grist down to West Hebron & brought back one that was done there poor sleighing mostly all wagons now. and in the afternoon & in the afternoon Harry & us went down & cut & drawed or snaked or skidded the pine logs we had down to the other place we got the most of them now at night Edd & Harold went over to Harrys to here the radio talk. It is a cool & raw windy day. It don't thaw very much."

Wed. Mar. 28: "In the forenoon we chored around & put some saw dust on the ice house or the ice and in the afternoon I rode down to Argyle with Edd to Glenroys Auction and he stopped and got Harold out of school & they went down to Garrys & Edd got his car & brought it up here and I bought quite a lot of things at the Auction and Harold drove Edds horse home I was supposed to ride home with him or the girls from school & got left by both of them I rode part way home with John Weirs children from school we met Harold coming after me down at the foot of McEachrons hill & it is a cold winters day cold & windy & we had a snow squall winter weather in earnest."

Thur. Mar. 29: "In the forenoon we chored around & we got the cellar doors open & got the Double wagon out and in the afternoon Edd & I took the team & big wagon & went down to Argyle & got the things that I bought at the sale yesterday & Edd came home with the school girls and Harold & I brought the load of Furniture dishes etc we had to come slow & it was late when we got home we was late doing the chores but is not so cold to-day as it was yesterday"

Fri. Mar. 30: "There is no school down at Argyle H School to day so our children were at home to -day In the forenoon Harold took snow ball & Frank Horses down to Norm Goulds & got them shawd and Edd went over to Jim Lants & done an Errand and then we chore around at night Edd & James went over to Harrys to hear the Radio."

Sat. Mar. 31: "In the forenoon Harold, Edd & Harry went out to Hudson Falls to get license plates for their cars Edd took them out in his car and the boys and I stayed at home and done the chores. & sat around the house and it is a cold raw & windy day very cold & raw weather for the time of year & a pile of snow it dosent waste very fast."

Sun. Apr. 1: "We did'nt go to church to day so all stayed at home Marion did'nt feel very well to-day. & Garry McEachron & his folks came up to day to see Edd & Marion and stayed all day about. and it is a nice pleasant day but it was a cold morning & cold for the time of year roads are not in very good shape cars is going on most roads.

Mon. Apr. 2: "There is no school down at the Argyle H. school this week it is Easter vacation In the forenoon Harold, Edd & I went down in the woods along the road below the barn & began cutting some wood and Marion was sick & Mother called the Dr & in the afternoon she called him a gain & about 4 O'clock she gave birth to a little girl and about night she was very sick & we called the Dr again but she got better in a little while and Edd started out & got a Nurse and we did'nt do much but stay around the house & do the chores"

Tues. Apr. 3: "In the forenoon Harold took the team & big wagon & went down to West Hebron & got a grist that was down there & got the old Truck Wagon wheels that was at Norm Goulds. and Edd & I went down to the lower place & cut some pine tops & split some big logs and Marion & child are going nicely and in the afternoon Edd took his car and went to Argyle & on out to Fort Edward for some things that Marion wanted. & Harold & I rode down with him to the lower place & cut pine tops and it is a nice day warmer & some cloudy & looks like rain & did rain after dark. it thawed quite a lot to-day."

Wed. Apr. 4: "In the forenoon we went down to the lower place & cut pine tops & split some wood & in the afternoon we loaded the calves in to the Double Wagon & Harold & Edd took them down to Argyle & let W. H. Keyworth have them at $1.00 each 7 of them and I chored around & they brought home 1000 # of Bran for $21.00 & it is a nice pleasant day it acts like spring and Marion is getting along very well as the youngster is also. & in the afternoon I helped John Liddle to saw the school house wood."

Thur. Apr. 5: "Marion is doing very well In the forenoon the boys cleaned the car & I chored around and in the afternoon Edd & Harold went down to Argyle in his car & got a breast Pump for Marion that came out by mail & they got stuck & had to be drawed out. they took back the other axe and it is a soft day very muddy going snow is going off fast now."

Fri. Apr. 6: "In the forenoon the boys clipped snow ball and Edd & I cleaned out the tank in the milk house & cemented it over and patched up a crack or leak in the tank and in the afternoon we took the team & wagon & rack & got a load of hay & worked at the pine tops the rest of the afternoon and it is a nice day Marion is doing very well."

Sat. Apr. 7: "Marion is getting along very well. In the forenoon we tried to draw some manure but it was so soft we had to give it up the frost is coming out in places & is very soft we had a big rain last night. we chored around and in the afternoon we went down to the lower place with the team & wagon & Harold & James drawed up wood home & Edd & I split & cut tops of the pines and it is a nice pleasant day warm and a nice spring day soft places in the road but is drying up some."

Sun. Apr. 8: "Harry draws the milk in a wagon as far as West Hebron & changes for his car & loads the milk on his truck & then takes it down to Salem Marion is getting along very well. and it is a cloudy day a warm South wind it is taking the frost out of the ground fast now."

Mon. Apr. 9: "Harold & Edd drawed slab wood from the sawmill up at Edd Pollocks & we got 8 loads I helped some and the roads are fierce very muddy I chored around and it is a nice pleasant day Harold, Hazel, & Marjory stayed at home & helped us and it is a nice spring day"

Tues. Apr. 10: "Harold, Hazel, & Marjory stayed at home and Harold & Edd drawed slab wood with both teams & I helped some and done the chores they got 6 loads to day and Jimmie helped to load some and it is a nice day pleasant but a cool wind from the north."

Wed. Apr. 11: "The school children all went to school to day & in the forenoon Edd & I went down to the lower place & cut & split pine tops and we came up before noon awhile & Edd took his car & went down to West Hebron and got Mary & brought her up here for awhile and in the afternoon we went down to the other place & cut pine tops and came up early & Edd & James went down to West Hebron with Harry & drove his team home & they got his old Touring car & brought it home and we was a little late doing the chores and it is a cool raw day.

Written for Thursday April 12 by mistake

Thur. Apr. 12: "The school children went to school to day all of them and Edd drawed pine tops from the lower place and I chored around & we drawed up a load of hay from the lower place & put it on the barn floor and we cut some limbs down there and it looks some like snow a very backward spring."

Fri. Apr. 13: "The children all went to school to day. & Edd & I went up to the saw mill & got 2 load of slab wood. and in the afternoon Edd drawed up pine wood from the lower place & I chored around and at night Harold went down to a show at West Hebron & one of the Yarter boys brought Lillian McEachron up to see Marion & James & I went over to Harrys to a milk meeting and it is a nice pleasant day but cool air for the time of year High school children went in Edd's car."

Sat. Apr. 14: "We all drawed manure all day on the hill cross from the barn from the barn yard we got out quite a lot of it 25 L's and it is a nice pleasant day but a cool wind all day but pleasant in the sun some are ploughing in places so I hear. there is a lot of snow banks around here yet. but ground is drying off fast. At night Edd & Harold went down to Argyle in Edds car."

Sun. Apr. 15: "We did'nt go to church to day so we all stayed at home and done the chores and Garry & his folks came up & stayed nearly all day or in the Evening they went home and it is a nice pleasant day but cold in the morning."

Mon. Apr. 16: "In the forenoon Edd drawed wood up from the lower place & I helped to onload & I helped to wash some clothes . and in the afternoon Edd & I drawed up some pine wood & cut tops and chored around it is a nice day some cloudy the school children all went to school."

Tues. Apr. 17: "In the forenoon we took the team & went down to the other place & cut some tops & a man came along to sell me a barn Equipment or the outfit for a new Stable he drew up a plan and I stayed about most all day with him & Edd drew up some wood of pine tops from the lower place. some folks are plowing now"

Wed. Apr. 18: "The school children took the Nash car for the first this season and in the forenoon Edd & I drawed up pine tops & chored around & in the afternoon we chored around & it is a nice day."

Thur. Apr. 19: "In the forenoon we took a load of manure down to the lower place & then drawed some rails along the lien fence & we brought up a load of wood and in the afternoon we took both teams down & began plowing for the first in the long field and it is in grand shape and when the school children came home Harold got out & plowed in my place & I came home with the girls & went at the chores. and it is a nice pleasant day."

Fri. Apr. 20: "In the forenoon Edd & I went down to the other place & drawed manure out of the pile & spread it on the long field and in the afternoon we took both teams down to the lower place & plowed in the long field & Tom the big bull got loose & he had to come up & fasten him & when the school children came home from school Harold got out & plowed in my place & I came on up with the girls in the car and it is a nice pleasant day & it is a warm day at night Marion took a ride in the car aways."

Sat. Apr. 21: "In the forenoon we took both teams down to the lower place & plowed sod in the long field & we took the truck car & got a jag of hay & James & I spread the rest of the manure & trimmed up the rest of the pine tops and Edd & Harold plowed till noon and in the afternoon Harold & Edd drawed manure with both teams up in the orchard & the other boys & I loaded it we got a nice lot of it and it is a nice warm day & pleasant it acts like summer now. the boys went down o Argyle at night in Edd's car."

Sun. Apr. 22: "We all (but Marion & Edd) went to church and heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron & we stayed for sunday school & Marion & Edd took the babe down to Garrys & stayed all day and it was warm in the morning but got windy & got colder before night West wind."

Mon. Apr. 23: "In the forenoon Edd & Harold went down to the lower place & plowed sod in the long field took down 2 loads of manure and I helped to wash & chored around at noon we put up a grist & in the afternoon Harold & Edd took the grist out to Fort Edward in the car & got it ground & got some Feed & Bran and had on 3650 # got stuck on the hill. & I began plowing for oats up on top of the hill in the upper fallow and it is a nice pleasant day only cold & raw & windy getting colder again a good day to plow."

Tues. Apr. 24: "In the forenoon We all took both teams & went up to the saw mill & put our logs on the log way to be sawed & got them sawed & Harold & I took one team & went down to the other place & got a load of logs & took them up to the mill & Edd & James drawed the lumber along the road & piled it & in the afternoon we got a man & team up at the mill & Harry & his team & got 6 loads up to the mill & Edd & James drawed the lumber away and we got most done & it is a cool raw & windy day for the time of year."

Wed. Apr. 25: "In the forenoon We all went down to the other place & got 2 loads of logs loaded & took them up to the saw mill & got them sawed & got the lumber all out of the way and In the afternoon Edd & Harold plowed with both teams up on top of the hill in the upper fallow Ed broke his plow & then plowed on the side hill and James & I piled some of the lumber over by the barn and it is a nice pleasant day but a cold windy day for the time of year"

Thur. Apr. 26: "Edd & Harold plowed up on top of the hill in the upper fallow with both teams & John C stayed at home in the forenoon & helped me to pile lumber and it is a warm day In the afternoon I spread some manure and at night Harold & I took the Truck car down & got the plow fixed & went on down to Argyle & got the new spring tooth Harrow & Edd went down to see Dake Mc about getting his Drill but nothing doing Marion & the babe went with him. & it is a nice day"

Fri. Apr. 27: "In the morning Harold went over to Harrys & got his team & plowed on top of the hill & Edd plowed on the side hill & James dragged with the smoothing harrow & I spread some manure & put up seed oats & worked the grass seed & in the afternoon I sowed the oats on top of the hill & James plowed the rest on top of the hill & dragged & Harold dragged with the spring tooth Harrow covered the oats and Edd plowed on the side hill and it is a fine day & warm too."

Sat. Apr. 28: "In the morning I went at sowing the grass seed & James went at dragging in oats with the spring too Harrow & Harold went at rolling the oats with Harrys team & Edd plowed on the side hill but is soon came on rain & drove us to the house & then we clipped Horses the rest of the day. and we had a nice rain it rained the rest of the day. a fine rain"

Sun. Apr. 29: "The grass looks nice after the rain it rained a lot last night it is warm. We did'nt go to church any of us so all stayed at home & done the chores & kept the house and it is a nice day it keeps cool nights."

Mon. Apr. 30: "In the forenoon Harold took the girls down to Argyle to school they are going to stay down with Mrs. McDougall & Edd & I took both teams & wagons & drawed manure that was done there & spread it on the long field & I had bad luck my Rupture came down & Harold came back then & I rode up home with him & sent for the Doctor & he came right up and Edd & Harold finished drawing the manure down there & in the afternoon we all went down & plowed in the same field with 3 teams Harold used Harrys team & we got quite a piece plowed. I felt alrignt in the afternoon. It is a nice pleasant day."

Tues. May 1: "In the forenoon We all went down to the lower place & plowed with 3 teams we had Harrys team & in the afternoon Edd plowed on the side hill in the lower fallow and I sowed grass seed up on top of the hill in the fallow on the oats & Harold dragged the oats in with the spring tooth Harrow & at night we all went down to school meeting only Edd & Marion & Florence they took us down in the car & went on down to Garry's & got back before school meeting was out & brought us home Mrs. Ralph McGeoch Trustee & Mrs. John Weir is collector & Mrs. John McKernon is clerk. and it is a nice day pleasant. Edd plowed on the side hill in the upper fallow in the afternoon."

Wed. May 2: "In the forenoon I went up on top of the hill in the upper fallow & Rolled the oats & grass seed in & Harold began plowing in the piece back of the barn and Edd finished plowing on the side hill in the upper fallow & then he went plowing when Harold was plowing and in the afternoon I sowed the oats on the side hill & Harold dragged them in & Edd plowed in the piece back of the barn and it is a nice pleasant day cool wind"

Thur. May 3: "In the forenoon I sowed the grass seed on the side hill & James rolled some and Edd finished the rolling & he & Harold plowed the rest of the piece & Harold dragged some and I sowed the grass seed & in the afternoon Harold & Edd went over to Harrys & plowed for him & took his team & one of our teams & James rolled most of the piece back of the barn and I sowed the grass seed and it is a nice pleasant day some warmer and at night we all but Edd, Marion & the babe went down to West Hebron I saw Ferguson about the silo & cementing"

Fri. May 4: "There was no school down to the Island to-day & we all drawed manure out in the field cross from the barn yard we worked at it all day we drawed with both teams and it is a nice pleasant day we got out quite a lot of it."

Sat. May 5: "We all drawed out manure nearly all day on the field cross from the barn & spread some of it & left some in piles and it is a nice day quite warm we got quite a lot of the manure out. it rained a little not much James rolled the rest of the piece back of the barn grass is looking green and nice in some places and at night Marion & Edd went down to Garrys & stayed all night In the morning Edd took his car & went down to West Hebron & got George Ferguson to tighten up the Hoops on the Silo."

Sun. May 6: "We all went to church & we heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron & stayed for sunday school and after we got dinner & done the chores we all went on down to the cemetery & on down to Garry McEachrons & Marion & Edd & the babe were down there & we got home chore time and it is a nice day only cool Marion & Edd came home pretty soon after we did & the roads are some better now"

Mon. May 7: "In the morning Harold & Edd took a truck load of slabs for Mrs. McDougall when they took the girls down to Argyle and James & I took the teams down to the lower place & I plowed till noon & James plowed some till the boys got back & then Edd planted & James went with Harold & they drawed 2 loads of lumber from up to the mill down home and in the afternoon James went to school & Harold took 1 team over to Harrys to drag in oats & Edd & I drawed out manure & spread it on the hill cross from the barn. and it is a nice pleasant day & warmer too."

Tues. May 8: "In the forenoon Edd & Harold went up to Willie Mahaffy & took both teams & wagons & drawed manure from his place to down on the McDougall place & put it on the field below the road that we are going to plant. and I spread it. and in the afternoon we all drawed manure down on the field above the lower place with both teams. and it is a nice & the boys heard that Yarters house was on fire so they went down in the car & saw it & John Henry Guthrie, Orrie & Eva came over a visiting & we went down to Argyle & took Nettie down to see a Doctor she was sick and it is a nice day it looked some like rain."

Wed. May 9: "In the forenoon we all drawed manure down on the field above the lower house for corn and in the afternoon Edd & Harold began plowing in the orchard back of the house for corn and I spread manure and it is a nice day rained a little we had a nice shower last night grass looks nice & Green."

Thur. May 10: "In the morning we had a snow storm or the ground was white it was cold too In the forenoon Edd & Harold took 3 horses down to West Hebron to get shawd and I sat around the house the snow all melted away. In the afternoon Harold & Edd plowed with both teams up in the old orchard & I spread manure and it is a cloudy cold & raw & windy day for the time of year a good time to plow cold at night like winter."

Fri. May 11: "In the morning the boys finished plowing up in the orchard & then we drawed out manure in the field above the lower place & in the afternoon we went up to the Burdett field below the road & the boys plowed all afternoon the dead grass & Hay bothers some. and I chored around and Mother, Marion & Florence & the babe took the car and went down to Argyle after the girls from school and it is a nice day"

Sat. May 12: "It rained some last night & nearly all forenoon we drawed out manure till it came on rain & then went in the cellar & put up some potatoes & sorted some also and in the afternoon Harold & Edd went up & plowed in Willies field for corn & James & I spread some manure up in the field above the lower place and it rained some about night & is quite cold wind is in the north good time for grass."

Sun. May 13: "We did'nt go to church any of us so we all stayed at home and kept house & done the chores and Garry & his folks came up & stayed nearly all day & Ralph & Lil came up also and stayed nearly all day and it is a nice warm day roads are drying up some."

Mon. May 14: "In the forenoon Harold took the girls down to Argyle to school and Edd & I went up to Willies field & plowed & when Harold got home he came up & took my team & they got the field all plowed & I went down & fixed some fence around the cow pasture and in the afternoon we all went over in the back meadow & Harry came up & helped us as some of it was his fence & we put up some new wire fence & put some riders on the stone wall. it is a nice day pleasant & warmer."

Tues. May 15: "In the forenoon Harold & Edd went out to Fort Edward & took a grist in the Truck & got home before noon I spread some manure & chored around and in the afternoon it came on rain & we did'nt do much we spread some manure and it is a very wet & nasty time and roads are very muddy now. but grass is doing nicely it is cool though we turned the cows out in the old cow pasture we have a little Ensilage left & we still feed it to the cows & a little hay also we have plenty of old hay but is is very scarce so some say."

Wed. May 16: "In the forenoon We drawed out manure down in the field above the lower house & got it all covered that we are going to plow for corn about 4 Acres of it & it came on rain just as we got it out & rained till noon and in the afternoon Harold & Edd began plowing down in the same field & I spread manure and it is a cloudy day rained now & then & it is some warmer & very wet a good time to plow sod plenty wet. at night or after supper Edd went over to Harrys to get his car fixed and grass is doing well now."

Thur. May 17: "Harold & Edd plowed for corn down in the field above the road & they got it nearly all plowed and I spread manure most of the day and it is a good day to plow & a nice time to flow as it is pretty wet. but is drying out fast."

Fri. May 18: "In the forenoon Edd & Harold plowed down in the lower field above the lower place & then began plowing in the field cross from the barn & I spread some manure and in the afternoon Edd, Harold & I took Harry over to his folks Auction at Adamsville and came home by Argyle & brought home the girls from school and it is a nice day quite warm in the afternoon."

Sat. May 19: "In the forenoon we all drawed manure up on the hill cross from the barn and we got part of the yard scraped and in the afternoon Harold & Edd plowed in the field cross from the barn and the boys & I spread manure and we got it all spread and at night Edd & Marion went down to Garrys & stayed all night & the rest of us all went out to Fort Edward & done some shopping & it is a nice pleasant day warm too."

Sun. May 20: "We all went to church that was home and we heard a sermon by Mr. Willard McEachron & we stayed for Sunday School and Marion & Edd & Lil his Sister was at church to day his Mother kept the babe & they came home at night and it is a nice pleasant day after dinner we drove down to the cemetery & on down to Argyle and it looked like rain at night."

Mon. May 21: "In the forenoon Harold & I went out to Glens Falls & got some work on the car & (Nettie) Harrys wife rode out to Hudson Falls with us and Edd stayed at home & worked at his car some I guess The girls rode down to school with us at Argyle and it rained nearly all day a big rain it pretty wet on the Flats a wet time but grass looks nice we did'nt get home till after noon awhile.

Tues. May 22: "Harold & Edd plowed all day in the field cross from the barn and I chored around & scraped some manure in the barn yard and they got a good start on the field. and it is a nice pleasant day"

Wed. May 23: "Harold & Edd finished plowing in the field cross from the barn & I dragged up in the McDougal field & Harold finished it and about night I went up & marked out the field one way for corn and the boys drawed some manure down in the garden at the lower place & plowed it also and we are all done plowing for this year."

Thur. May 24: "In the morning I marked out the rest of the field for corn on the McDougall place. & Harold & Edd began planting corn and they got it all planted and in the afternoon they planted the orchard to corn and in the forenoon James stayed at home & dragged the orchard & with both drags and I marked it out both way & we got the field all in by night. and it is a nice day."

Fri. May 25: "In the morning Harold & Edd dragged awhile down the road and then we all got ready & went down to Argyle & stayed all the day at the school performance and it is a very warm day grass is looking fine now It is a pleasant day"

Sat. May 26: "In the forenoon Harold & Edd dragged the rest of the field above the lower house with spring tooth & smoothing harrow & Harold dragged some with the spring tooth harrow cross from the barn for corn & I began marking out for corn in the same field & in the afternoon I finished it Edd & Harold planted corn for the Silo and the other boys dropped some fertilizer and afterwards James helped to plant. and the boys got it all planted & it looked like rain or a shower & did rain a little but it got cooler at night."

Sun. May 27: "In the morning Edd went down to Salem with the milk man and Marion stayed at home and kept the babe and the rest of us all went to church and we heard a sermon by Mr McEachron and we stayed for sunday school. and it is a nice pleasant day but cooler & pleasant cool wind"

Mon. May 28: "In the morning after we milked we all looked over some potatoes & put on a small load & Harold & Edd took the potatoes out to Hudson Falls for 1.15 per bu 25 bu and they took a small grist out to Fort Edward & brought it back home & also brought 40 rod of wire fence and I went down to the lower place & dragged with 3 Horses on the Spring tooth Harrow in the long field for potatoes & the boys got home before noon . the girls rode down to Argyle to school in the morning and in the afternoon I cut some seed potatoes & Harold dragged with one team with spring tooth Harrow & Edd dragged with the other team with smoothing Harrow for corn and after supper I marked out the garden down to the lower House & it is a nice pleasant day."

Tues. May 29: "In the forenoon Harold & Edd planted the garden spot down to the lower house and I began marking out the field cross from the barn & got it out one way by noon & in the afternoon I marked out the other way & Harold & Edd planted corn in the same field and it is a nice pleasant day."

Wed. May 30: "In the forenoon Harold went down to the lower place & dragged with 3 horses & Edd & James finished planting the corn in the field cross from the barn & John C & I went down to the lower place & looked over the fence we took the cattle down to pasture & in the afternoon we all went down to Decoration at Argyle & Rev. Mr. Robson of West Hebron made or delivered the address & Argyle & West Hebron played a game of Base Ball West Hebron won the game and it was a cold afternoon & very windy & it is getting very dry again"

Thur. May 31: "In the forenoon Edd & Harold dragged with both teams on spring tooth & the other smoothing Harrow & they got over the most of it and in the afternoon I marked out the most of the field one way & Harold finished dragging the field & the boys put up crow twine on part of the corn and it is a nice day."

Fri. Jun. 1: "In the morning we took seed potatoes & the Fertilizer down to the lower place in the Truck & the boys stayed at home & dropped Fertilizer & we planted & I marked out some the other way and in the afternoon we all planted potatoes & I marked out some the other way and it is getting dry and it is a nice pleasant day."

Sat. Jun. 2: "In the forenoon we took some potatoes in the Truck down to the other place & Ned Horse to mark out and we all planted potatoes & sorted & cut some we got some seed over to Harrys. and at night Harold put up some twine on the corn while the rest of us milked and it is a nice pleasant day. and we run out of seed we got the most of the field planted. At night Edd & Marion & the babe went down to his folks & stayed all night."

Sun. Jun. 3: "We all went to church and we heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron & we stayed for sunday school & when we got home & got our dinner we went out to Glens Falls & took Harry & the boys to see Nettie his wife she is in the Hospital for treatment and we got home chore time & Edd & Marion got back after night. and we had a Thunder shower but did'nt rain much. It is some cool again"

Mon. Jun. 4: "In the forenoon Edd & Harold took Mrs. McDougall a load of slabs in the truck & the girls down to Argyle & then they went down to a Mr Bois & got 25 bu of second potatoes & brought them up home & I went down to the other place & finished marking out for potatoes and then we cut potatoes for seed till noon & in the afternoon we took seed potatoes down to the other place in the Truck & planted them & we got most done and it is a nice day"

Tues. Jun. 5: "In the forenoon we went down to the other place & took some potatoes in the Truck & planted and in the afternoon we did the same & we got done all done planting now and at night Edd & Harold went down to South Argyle & got some seed potatoes for John Liddle & did'nt get home till late they had bad luck broke down & had to leave the car by the road side and it is a nice day cooler."

Wed. Jun. 6: "In the forenoon Harold took the big team down to West Hebron & got them shawd and Edd & I went up to the mill & got a load of sawdust & put it on the ice and then we took the roller down to the lower place & put it in the barn and in the afternoon Harold took the women out to Glens Falls to do some trading and Edd & I began drawing gravel for the stable and we got 3 loads and it is a cloudy day & cooler."

Thur. Jun. 7: "In the forenoon the boys drawed 4 loads of gravel from Bolios hole up to the barn & I helped to onload and in the afternoon they got 2 more loads and it came on rain & they put the teams in the barn and it is a nasty day rained a lot & Harry took the potatoes out to Hudson Falls in the afternoon for us 23 bu at 1.15 per bu and brought home the stable equipment but left part of it at Argyle and he had bad luck & left it a the Argyle Garage & he broke his car and it is a nasty day or afternoon. the boys got 2 load of gravel."

Fri. Jun. 8: "It rained now & then all day about and we chored around in the afternoon Robbie Smith brought his truck over & Harold & he took our Truck down to the Argyle Garage and they brought the girls home from school and it is a nasty day. a good rain grass looks good now They brought home the rest of the stable equipment that Harry left yesterday."

Sat. Jun. 9: "Sat. Jun. 9: "In the forenoon it rained nearly all the time and we chored around & in the afternoon it was cloudy the boys & I went up to East Hartford to see a man about putting in our stable & Machinery and Edd & Marion went down to his house and it is a nasty doing roads are very nasty & wet & slippery." 17 loads of gravel at 25¢ X .25 + 4.25 Paid up to to-day"

Sun. Jun. 10: "Our Folks all went to church but Harold & I. He had the tooth ache & I was dizzy & had a bad headache & it was childrens day & when they came home Harry took his boys & went out to Glens Falls to see his Wife and they did'nt come back & I was sick all day. The boys done the milking and it is a nice day it cleared of nice after the rain we had a nice rain."

Mon. Jun. 11: "I was sick all day & in bed the Doctor came up to see me. & Harold & Edd drawed gravel all day they got 8 loads up and it is a nice pleasant day grass looks nice after the rain it is some cooler. I am some better at night Harold took the girls down to school in the morning & James got 1 load of gravel. Harold took a calf down to Joe Randles & got some beans in the morning It is a nice day after the rain"

Tues. Jun. 12: "I am some better to day and in the forenoon the boys began cultivating corn in the McDougall field and in the afternoon they finished it up & down one way & began cultivating the corn in the old orchard & got it one way up & down and it is a nice day cool air."

Wed. Jun. 13: "In the forenoon the boys began cultivating the corn down the road above the lower house & James & I took down the twine and in the afternoon they finished it and it is a nice day they got it cultivated up & down one way."

Thur. Jun. 14: "In the forenoon the boys cultivated the corn one way down by the other house & James & John C & Oliver helped me to take down the twine & then the other boys began cultivating the corn cross from the barn & I took ned Horse & went over to Harrys & marked out his potato ground & after dinner Harold & Edd took the Nash car down to Argyle & changed the Batteries from the Truck & got a cultivator & then we all helped Harry to plant his potatoes it is very smokey cooler at night the Women folks went down to West Hebron."

Fri. Jun. 15: "In the forenoon worked at the wood pile spilt slab wood & Edd & Harold went over to Harrys & got his wood saw & brought it over & in the afternoon Harry stopped here & we got ready & sawed wood & we did'nt get is all done but got a good start and it is a nice warm & pleasant day cool nights."

Sat. Jun. 16: "In the forenoon we all worked at the wood at the door & split & carried the chunks in the wagon house & we got it all moved out of the yard that was sawed yesterday & in the afternoon when Harry got back we sawed the rest of the cord wood & at night we all but (Marion & Edd & the babe) went down to Argyle to a meeting in the big church. and it is a nice day cool in the morning corn does not grow much."

Sun. Jun. 17: "There was no preaching at our church to day so we all stayed at home & kept house Mother & part of the children went over to Harrys & put things in order as Nettie is coming home to day or expects too and it is a nice pleasant day warm & getting very dry & Garry & his Wife & Mary came up awhile before night & stayed awhile & Marions teeth is bothering her & pain her Neorelogy like.

Mon. Jun. 18: "In the forenoon I went down to the lower place & dragged the potatoes in the long field and Harold & Edd took the other team & cultivated corn in the field cross from the barn & in the afternoon Harold took the girls down to Argyle & left them to attend the examinations and Edd & I went up back & put the cows in & fixed some fence where they got out. and then we split & put some wood in the wood shed. and it is a hot day"

Tues. Jun. 19: "In the forenoon I went down to the lower place & dragged the potatoes in the long field & got them all one way & some the other way and the boys cultivated corn in the field cross from the barn and it is a nice day warm & dry Marion's face & teeth ache very badly & her face is swelling up too. & in the afternoon we all went & over & helped harry to cultivate his corn 4 cultivators running & we got the field nearly all cultivated both ways. It is a Hot & dry day. very dry Marions face is not much better"

Wed. Jun. 20: "In the forenoon I went down to the other place & dragged the rest of the potatoes and we got done and the boys cultivated the corn back of the barn & they got done one way up & down. and in the afternoon we all took both teams & 2 Truck wagons & went over to Harrys & helped him to draw logs up to the saw mill & it was a hot & dry day very dusty now. and Marion had the Dr to day her face is not much better. our folks went down & got Hazel & Marjory from school but Marion, Edd , the babe & I and it is a hot day Marion is not much better the Dr was up to see her"

Thur. Jun. 21: "In the forenoon James, Harold & Edd & I all cultivated corn up to Burdetts place & we all had cultivators & when we got done up there we finished the orchard corn the other way & in the afternoon we went over & helped Harry to draw logs again and we got all of them and at night I was nearly sick & was at night pleasant Hot & dry. oats & grass is pinched very bad & will be a failure soon if it dont rain. at noon Hazel took the car & went down to Argyle to try the Ex's and it is Hot."

Fri. Jun. 22: "I was sick all night about & went out in the morning & got out some ice & got my rupture out & Harold had to drive the car & went after the Dr. & he came up & gave me relief and I did'nt do much all day in the forenoon the boys split wood & put wood in the shed & in the afternoon the boys went with both teams & helped Harry to draw his lumber home & I helped to milk at night & feel better and at night we went down to Argyle in the Nash car & got the Truck & brought it home & after we had been to bed awhile we was awakened up by telephone Mr Congdon's saw Mill was on fire so we all went up & they "

Sat. Jun. 23: "Last night about midnight the lumber mill got on fire & burned as all of the slab wood did also we all went up & helped fight fire & we got home about day light & went at the chores and did'nt go to bed at all it rained a little in the forenoon we chored around and in the afternoon we went down & took the truck & got some pine poles for rafters for the lean against the barn for stables. & at night we all went out to Fort Edward & Edd & Marion went down to Garrys & stayed all night. Marion is pretty well now"

Sun. Jun. 24: "We did'nt go to church. In the forenoon we went down to the lower place and found the cattle out we put them in & then went up to Edd Pollocks where the mill burned down and at night part of us went down to Argyle and heard a Baccauleaute sermon by Mr. Crosby of So. Argyle and the rest of the folks stayed at home and it is a nice pleasant day."

Mon. Jun. 25: "In the forenoon we all went down to the lower place & fixed some fence etc. & the women went out to Glens Falls in the car on business but bizzy & Marion the kept house and in the afternoon we all went down to Argyle to the Dedication of the new school building & got home chore time and it is a nice pleasant day & quite warm"

Tues. Jun. 26: "In the forenoon it rained most of the time but not very hard & Mr. Farrell an Insurance man was here and it is a nice rain we did'nt do much & in the afternoon Harold took Hazel down to Argyle to help to decorate the church. In the afternoon Edd, James & I cultivated corn down

in the field above the lower house & got nearly done & it got colder before night awhile & at night we all went down to Argyle to commencement in the U. P. church."

Wed. Jun. 27: "In the morning the boys helped me to cultivate corn cross from the barn & about 10 o'clock they & the girls went to a school picnic down to the Oaks & I cultivated part of the day and it is a nice pleasant day Hot sun but a cool & very windy day. and they got home before chore time."

Thur. Jun. 28: "In the forenoon we all went down to the lower place and cultivated with 4 horses and we got through the potatoes nearly all of them in the long field and Mary W came up with Harry and in the afternoon we began digging out in the hay mow for our stable and did so all afternoon & it is a nice pleasant day some warmer"

Fri. Jun. 29: "In the forenoon We all dug in under the barn for the stable & we dug in the afternoon in the same place and we got the north end nearly done. and it is a nice day after the rain in the morning it cleared off and was a nice day"

Sat. Jun. 30: "In the morning after we done the chores we all but Edd & Marion & the babe got ready & went out to Glens Falls to a Circus & Edd cultivated the rest of the corn in the field cross from the barn & they went down to Garrys at night & stayed all night. and we got home chore time and it is a nice pleasant day & very warm too."

Sun. Jul. 1: "We all went to church and we heard a sermon by Mr. Willard McEachron & we stayed for sunday school and it is a nice pleasant day after we done the chores We all went down to the Cemetery & watered the lots and brought Mrs. Bussing up home with us to help the women folks this week."

Mon. Jul. 2: "In the forenoon we all went down to the lower place & cultivated potatoes and in the afternoon Harold & I went out to Hudson Falls & on up to Glens Falls & got the Wheel barrow & a load of Cement & Tile and we had a hard time in getting up the hills but did'nt last and got home chore time & Edd & the boys drawed out manure & put it in a pile in the corn field above the lower house & it is a nice pleasant day cool wind. & Hazel went down to Argyle to a party all alone in the car."

Tues. Jul. 3: "In the Morning Harold went down to W. Hebron & got James Lowe & in the forenoon we all went down & cultivated potatoes on the McAuley place in the long field and in the afternoon Harold & Edd went out to Hudson Falls & got a load of cement & James & I cleaned out the barn yard & put the manure in a pile down in the corn field and the boys got home good season Harry S. went down & helped them to get up the hill and it is a nice day."

Wed. Jul. 4: "In the forenoon we all dug out dirt under the barn for the cow stable and in the afternoon we all went down to Argyle to see a game of ball etc & a shower came up & we came right home and we had a nice little shower and it got cooler. at night Edd & Marion stayed down to Garrys all night."

Thur. Jul. 5: "In the forenoon we all worked at the barn or stable and in the afternoon Harold & James took Mr. Lowe down to West Hebron & took Fets Wagon & Edd & I went up & cultivated corn on the McD place and the other boys helped when they came back and it is a nice pleasant day & warm too. cool nights"

Fri. Jul. 6: "In the forenoon we all worked under the barn for the stable and in the afternoon we all went down to the lower Farm & cultivated potatoes and it is a nice pleasant day warm & getting very dry corn is growing some now but cold nights"

Sat. Jul. 7: "In the forenoon we cleaned out the manure under the barn where the bull was & then we plowed & scraped dirt under the barn for the stable is to be. and in the afternoon Harold & James went out to Hudson Falls & got a load of cement and Edd & I went down to the McAuley place & finished cultivating potatoes & then came back & went up & finished cultivating the corn up on the McDougall place & at night Marion & Edd & babe went down to his folks & stayed all night and it is a nice pleasant day warm the boys got home early at night we all went down to West Hebron & got some Harness repaired."

Sun. Jul. 8: "We all went to church and we heard a sermon by Mr. Willard McEachron and we stayed for Sunday school and after dinner we all went in the car up to Hartford to see the man that is going to put in our cement work and back home before chore time and it is a nice pleasant day warm & very dry. Edd & Marion got back at night after we done our milking done we & Harry went down to see his cattle that is pasturing away & salted them."

Mon. Jul. 9: "In the forenoon we all worked under the barn for the cow stable and in the afternoon Edd & James took the big Bull down to Orley McAuleys or home at So. Argyle and they took the Double Wagon & led him behind and Harold & I went out to Hudson in the Truck & got some Cement & some lumber for the cow stable. and got home in good season and it is a nice day hot & dry."

Tues. Jul. 10: "In the forenoon we worked at the cow stable under the barn and in the afternoon Harold & Edd went up to Hartford & got a cement Mixer in the Truck and it is a nice pleasant day Hot & dry."

Wed. Jul. 11: "In the forenoon James & Oliver took the team down to West Hebron & got them shawd & the rest of us dug under the cow stable & had dinner early & Harold, Edd & John C went up to East Hartford & got the Mason Fred Conklin & in the afternoon we all went at the stable & Harry came over & helped us and it is a nice day at night we went down to Argyle on business & Edd & Marion went down to West Hebron on Business."

Thur. Jul. 12: "We all worked on the cow stable under the barn all day & Harry helped in the afternoon and we got a good start on the Concrete Wall and it is a nother Hot & dry day at night we went down to Argyle on business"

Fri. Jul. 13: "It seems as though every thing was all wilting & drying up terrible dry & Hot days nights seem cool We all worked all day at the Wall under the barn for the cow stable and Harry did'nt help us to day at night we went down to Argyle on business again"

Sat. Jul. 14: "We all worked all day under the cow barn raised up the barn & Harry helped in the afternoon and it is a nother Hot & dry day and we finished all we are going to do for awhile and at night Harold & Harry took the Mason home and the Jack screws home that we borrowed and the cement Mixer also and got back before bed time and Edd, Marion & the babe went down to his house and it is a nother Hot & dry day we got some old timber of Mr. Gilchrist for blocking up under the barn & drawed them down & cut them up. we got the barn straightened up & the long wall in"

Sun. Jul. 15: "We all went to church and it was sacrament sabbath and we heard a sermon by Mr. Willard McEachron and after dinner we went down to the Cemetery & on down to Argyle & around by the lake & home and we came back by Garrys & stopped awhile and it is a nice pleasant day but looked some like rain but did'nt come it looked some like a shower at night"

Mon. Jul. 16: "In the forenoon we had a light rain and in the forenoon Harold took his Horse down & got him shawd at West Hebron at Goulds and the rest of us worked around the barn or cow stable and in the afternoon we took both Machines down to the lower place & began mowing for the first and the clover is very good crop. and it cleared off. we had a nice little rain it down a lot of good."

Tues. Jul. 17: "In the forenoon we all went down & shoveled out potatoes on the lower place in the long field & they are looking very good but small for the time of year and in the afternoon we mowed the rest of the clover on the lower meadow & then raked up part of it & bunched it up it is a good hay day & warm too"

Wed. Jul. 18: "In the forenoon Harold & Edd mowed the meadow Orchard below the road & James & I mowed around the trees and in the afternoon we all took both teams down & drawed in the clover hay & raked the rest of it & we all got it or the hay all in & drawed it all up home and it is a good hay day we worked pretty late."

Thur. Jul. 19: "In the forenoon Edd & Harold mowed with both machines up on the big side hill the lower part of it and James & I mowed around the fence & in the afternoon we took both teams & wagons & raked some hay & put it all on the 2 loads & brought it up home from the lower place & then James raked the hay down in the meadow orchard and some of us bunched it up and we got it all raked & bunched."

Fri. Jul. 20: "In the forenoon Harold & Edd mowed the rest of the big side hill & the piece along the orchard in the corn field and in the afternoon we drawed in the hay in the meadow orchard & got it all in & then we raked up the rest of the hay on the big side hill and we drawed in some hay and it is a nice hay day."

Sat. Jul. 21: "In the forenoon we broke the Hay Rope & we went & got Mr. Theodore Gilchrist to come down & splice the rope & then we onloaded 2 loads and then we went at drawing in hay & a shower came up & we had to hustle to get the hay in & did by the skin of our teeth & it did'nt rain only a little bit but the south part of the town they had a hail storm & a terible wind storm we chored around & milked early & we all went down to Salem to a band concert."

Sun. Jul. 22: "Marion & Edd & the babe stayed at home and the rest of us went to church and we heard a sermon by Mr. Willard McEachron and we stayed for Sunday school and when we got home Garry and his folks were all here and they stayed till about night and it is a nice pleasant day very warm only cool nights corn is growing fast night."

Mon. Jul. 23: "In the forenoon we all shoveled out potatoes down in the long field on the lower place & our young cattle got out & was all over the place and in the afternoon Harold & Edd mowed with both machines up on top of the hill in the meadow and got it all mowed and James & I mowed around the fences and Harold broke his Machine & after supper he went down to West Hebron & took it to get repaired but had to leave it and Edd took Frank Horse over to Harrys to get a shoe put on and the girls helped us to milk & it is a nice pleasant day cool nights."

Tues. Jul. 24: "In the forenoon Harold & Edd mowed down in the lower fallow till Edd broke his Machine & then he went up on top of the hill in the meadow & I mowed around the fence & the boys bunched up the hay & Harold finished mowing in the lower fallow and in the afternoon we went at drawing in the hay & got it all in from the meadow it is a nice hay day very windy & looked like rain"

Wed. Jul. 25: "In the forenoon we all went down to the lower place & finished shoveling out the potatoes & got all done for this year. and in the afternoon Edd raked the hay in the lower fallow & the boys bunched it up & I helped & Harold began mowing on the side hill back of the barn & it is a nice day."

Thurs. Jul. 26: "In the forenoon Harold & Edd mowed the hay on top of the hill & side hill back of the barn & in the afternoon we drawed in the hay down in the lower fallow & got it all in and it is a nice hay day & James raked the hay or most of it on the side Hill & out back of the barn. and it is a good hay day the boys & I got the most of the hay bunched up & it is a nice day. In the morning Hazel & I went down to Argyle on business."

Fri. Jul. 27: "In the forenoon we went at drawing in the hay from the side hill & on top of the hill back of the barn and it was in good shape & James raked the rest of the hay on top & the boys bunched it up. and in the afternoon we finished it up & James raked the hay down in the swail below the house & the boys bunched it up & we got it all drawed in & it looked like rain & did begin at night but we got our hay all in that we had cut."

Sat. Jul. 28: "It rained a lot last night and it rained most all forenoon a steady rain In the forenoon Harold took his Mother down to Argyle to make out the Trustees Report and got back about noon and it is pretty muddy & slippery on the roads and in the afternoon we chored it was wet & we did'nt do much we have no hay down it is a nice rain & Edd & Marion & the babe went down to his folks & stayed all night"

Sun. Jul. 29: "We all went to church & we heard a sermon by an Anti Sloon League man from New York and I was not feeling very good so we all came home at noon and after dinner we took a ride down to Greenwich & went over to the schuylerville monument & went up into it & got home chore time and it is a warm afternoon. cleared off again."

Mon. Jul. 30: "In the forenoon Harold & Edd mowed with both teams in the back or rear part of the big side hill & got it all mowed & I mowed around the fences and in the afternoon Harold mowed the piece back of the lower house what he could with machine & then went up & mowed the little meadow & Edd & I mowed around the fences & got into bees nests Edd got stung & it swell his eyes shut by night & we mowed by hand some down back of the lower house by hand & James raked the back piece & the rest bunched it up & it looks like rain at night but a good hay day."

Tues. Jul. 31: "In the forenoon the weather looked bad & we went at drawing in the hay up in the rear part of the big side hill & we got it all in Edd is layed up his Eyes are swelld shut about yet and in the afternoon it was cloudy & looked like rain & did some"

Wed. Aug. 1: "In the forenoon Harold & Edd mowed with both teams down to the lower place in the field below the road where the brook runs through & got it all mowed and in the afternoon James raked the swails first & we bunched it up & then we all went down to the lower place & raked & bunched hay & Harold began mowing in a nother field. & we got in some hay & it is a nice hay day"

Thur. Aug. 2: "We worked at mowing I mowed by hand in the swail back of the lower house & we got in some hay we drawed the hay the most of it up to the home place & we had a good hay day and am getting along pretty well with the haying."

Fri. Aug. 3: "We mowed & worked at the hay till we had a shower in the afternoon it did'nt rain much only to wet the hay the rain headed us back some but we are getting most done we put some hay down at the lower place. it is a warm day"

Sat. Aug. 4: "In the morning the boys & I went down to Will McEachrons & got our Bull & put him with our young cattle at the lower place & Harold went at mowing with one team & got done mowing all done now & James took the other team & went at raking hay & we got 1 load & brought it up home and in the afternoon we got the load below the lower house & got the rest of the hay in at the lower place & we got it all in all done haying for this year. and at night Edd went down to Argyle & in the afternoon Hazel took Marion down to Argyle to a show & at night we all went out to Fort Edward & took the babe down to Argyle & left her with Marion they went down to Garrys & stayed all night. It is a nice day good hay day."

Sun. Aug. 5: "We all went to church and we heard a sermon by Mr Willard McEachron and we stayed for sunday school and we did'nt go for a ride after dinner I went to bed & slept awhile and after we milked Harold, James, Marjory & Hazel went over to the church to the young peoples meeting and it is a nice pleasant day warm & dry cooler at night."

Mon. Aug. 6: "In the forenoon Harold & Edd both mowed oats with mowing machine they were so short & they got the most of them cut on top of the hill and in the afternoon Edd raked the oats on top of the hill & Harold mowed the oats on the side hill and it is a very good hay day. warm."

Tues. Aug. 7: "In the morning it was raining but it did'nt amount to much we chored around in the morning & after while we went up on top of the hill in the fallow the boys mowed the oats back of the barn we have the oats all cut now and it faired off & was a nice afternoon we got in some oats they are a light crop."

Wed. Aug. 8: "In the morning it rained a little but not much it made it wet but it soon dried off & was windy we began drawing in oats in the afternoon and before night James raked the oats on the side hill & up by the barn and it turned out to be a good day we cut some weeds in the morning."

Thur. Aug. 9: "In the forenoon we put the Machines away & rake also and then we went at drawing in Oats from the side hill in the upper fallow and in the afternoon we finished them & then drawed in the oats back of the barn and we got them all in and we had a nice day to finish up all done harvesting now. the nights are quite cold but corn & potatoes are looking very good I think."

Fri. Aug. 10: "In the forenoon Harold & Edd went out to Glens Falls with the Truck & got a load of cement 32 bags or 8 bbls and James took a wagon wheel down to West Hebron to get the tire sat & he did'nt wait for it & when he came home he went down the hills to get part of the boys load but they brought it all the way home & I cut brush around the upper fallow and in the afternoon Edd & James went down & helped Clayton B. to draw in oats & Harold & I went up & helped John Weir to draw in oats. & it is a warm day good hay day."

Sat. Aug. 11: "We all (but Marion, Edd & the babe) went up to Whitehall to the Farmers picnic & was gone all day. & they took the milk for Harry to Salem & had quite a time. at night they went down to Garrys & stayed all night and it is a nice day Hot & dry. we got home before night awhile it was a long trip. a Hot day."

Sun. Aug. 12: "We went to church and heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron and we stayed for Sunday school & it is a cloudy & windy day showers went around rained a little here it acts lik rain very windy."

Mon. Aug. 13: "In the forenoon the boys & I went up back & cut brush along the road & the little meadow and got them all cut & in the afternoon we all went down to Argyle and attended the Chautauqua there was quite a crowd there. and it is a nice pleasant day. a good hay day some folks have got oats to put in yet. We went at night also."

Tues. Aug. 14: "In the forenoon we all worked at drawing gravel from Bolios pit & we got 4 loads and in the afternoon we all went down to Argyle at Chautaugua & it is a cool day (windy too) for the time of year & water is very low and it is a nice pleasant day only cool nights We went at night also to Chau."

Wed. Aug. 15: "In the forenoon we all drawed gravel up from Bolio's pit & we got 4 loads & in the afternoon we all went down to Argyle to Chautaugua and it is a nice day & we went down at night also. and it is a nice pleasant day"

Thur. Aug. 16: "In the forenoon we all worked at scraping the dirt from back of the barn & did all day and we are putting the dirt down back of the hay barn to make a place for the new stable & a place for the manure pit and it is a nice day cool nights."

Fri. Aug. 17: "We all worked at the stable plowing & scraping the dirt away from back of the barn and we worked at it nearly all day. but at noon we went up to the little meadow & burned the brush and it is a nice pleasant day warmer very dry."

Sat. Aug. 18: "In the morning worked a while at the stable & then we all went up to John Weirs to the McIntyre Picnic and had a very good time & when we got home in a short time (Stanly) Harrys little boy broke his Arm & the brought him over here & Hazel took them out to Hudson Falls to see a Dr. to get him to set his Arm & she did'nt get home till bed time & Marion the babe & Edd all went down to his folks & stayed all night and it is a nice pleasant day & warmer."

Sun. Aug. 19: "There is no service at out church to day so we did'nt go to any other church so we stayed at home & kept house and done the chores. after we milked & done the chores we all went down to North Argyle & seen Mrs Gilchrist at John Grahams and made a short visit & came back home it is rather cloudy rained a little but cleared off & was rather cool. too."

Mon. Aug. 20: "In the forenoon we all worked at the stable back & under the barn and in the afternoon Harold 7 Edd went out to Hudson Falls & on up to Glens Falls & got a load of Cement & Harry went out & got a load also fro us and James & I went down to Argyle & got a load of gravel (25¢) with one team & got stuck & left off part of the load. and it is a nice day rather cool nights."

Tues. Aug. 21: "In the forenoon we all worked at the barn basement & scraped dirt away from the lower end and went up to the saw mill & got a load of lumber and in the afternoon they took the load of lumber out to Hudson Falls to get dressed & brought home some plank for the Horse stable it is a cloudy day & rained a little at night not much."

Wed. Aug. 22: "In the morning the boys went up to the saw mill & got the rest of the lumber and then we all went to the County Fair up to Hudson Falls and we had bad luck going out we had a stop before we got to Fort Edward & had to be towed in and it was about noon when we got repaired up and we got home in good season and it is a nice pleasant day only cold & windy not very pleasant on the Fair grounds."

Thur. Aug. 23: "In the morning after we got the chores done we all got ready & went out to the County Fair and there was a big crowd there we got home chore time & after we done the chores done we got ready & went out to the Fair at night & stayd awhile and it is a nice day pleasant & not hot at all but a nice day."

Fri. Aug. 24: "In the morning after we got the chores done we all got ready and went out to the Fair and it is the last day of the Fair and we got home chore time and it is a nice pleasant day & warm. they had a good time for the Fair this year it keeps very dry crops are nearly a failure corn looks fair potatoes poor & no apples."

Sat. Aug. 25: "We all worked at the stable we wheeled out a lot of dirt on the Wheel barrows and at night Edd & Marion & the babe went down to his folks & we all went down to West Hebron I wanted to see George Fergusons about the Silo and it is a cool night but a nice pleasant day."

Sun. Aug. 26: "Hazel, Harold, James, Marjory, Mary E John C went to church & they heard a sermon by Mr. Foster of Shushan and they stayed for S. school and Mother, Harry Oliver, Florence & I stayed at home & kept house we watched the cattle out of the corn and it is a nice pleasant day warm but cold nights."

Mon. Aug. 27: "In the morning Harold, Edd & I went over to James Lants & helped him to thresh & we got done about middle afternoon & James took the Truck wagon & team down to Norm Goulds to get repaired & he was gone all day after we got home Harold took his horse down to get shawd & James got home shortly after Harold went and it is a nice pleasant day & warm too."

Tues. Aug. 28: "It rained last night some and it rained through the day quite a lot we all worked at the stable when we could it is a warm rain & it is a cloudy day it was a nice rain."

Wed. Aug. 29: "Marion & Edd went down to Argyle to a wedding at Mr. Halls and in the forenoon we took out the stanchions & put them along side of the shed & Edd helped us before he went & then we worked at tearing up the old cement stable & we got 2 load of gravel & in the afternoon we went over to the Randles house with Harry to get a load of timbers & we had to tare part of it down & as we was one stick Hit Harold & hurt him Fatally we got him in a Auto & took him to Glens Falls to a Hospital we had been there a short time till he died poor fellow had to get Hurt by a timber falling on his back or hip Oh it was a terrible thing Mr Collins the under taker came out after him & Jen came home with Mother & I. The children was here alone."

Thur. Aug. 30: "We did'nt do any thing but Mourn for poor Harold The neighbors came in to see him Garry & his folks & Jen & Harry's folks stayed all night with us and it was oh ! Awful lonesome to think we had to part with him It is a nice pleasant day warm & dry & dusty. In the afternoon Mother & I went down to Argyle with Mr Collins to get Harold poor boy a casket That is a hard thing to do & we rode home with Edd he went out to Glens Falls & got our car."

Fri. Aug. 31: "We did'nt do any thing but Mourn for our dear boy Harold In the forenoon John Weir & Harry repaired the end of the stoop or piazza and the neighbors were here now & then all day Garry folks stayed all day but went home at night Jen & Harrys folks stayed all night. It is a nice pleasant day warm & dry too."

Sat. Sept. 1: "We done the chores & sat around & the undertaker Mr Collins came up in the forenoon & brought up the chairs & Harold funeral was at 1 o'clock & there was a very large funeral poor boy took his last ride poor boy we hated to part with him but he had to go. It is a nice pleasant day warm & dusty Garry McEachron & his wife stayed all night. it is very lonely now has Harold has gone to his Heavenly home."

Sun. Sept. 2: "We all stayed at home and done the chores & kept house Garry & his wife stayed all day they went home at night. we are all alone now it is very lonesome now. with Harold it is a warm & dry & a very lonesome day."

Mon. Sept. 3: "In the forenoon we all dug out under the barn for the stables and in the afternoon Harry took his Truck & we took ours Edd, James & I and we went over to J. M. Shields & got the town's Cement Mixer and Harry brought it home & we got the Silo Form it was at Arthur Huggins & got them both home it was most night when we got home. & George Ferguson had the Silo here & we helped him to onload it we put it in the barn floor he made 2 loads of it."

Tues. Sept. 4: "In the forenoon we plowed & scraped for the new stable by the barn and in the afternoon Edd & I took the car & put on a load of lumber & took it out to Hudson Falls & brought home the load that was out there and we got back to the Mack Auley place & found that our young cattle were out & we looked for them till after dark & could'nt find them & it is a nice pleasant day. school began to day Hazel & Marjory go down to Argyle in the car the rest go down to the Island school."

Wed. Sept. 5: "In the morning Edd, James & I went down to the lower place & fixed some fence & put a poke on the Heifers & a bull ring in the old cows nose & let the cattle out & Charley Smith started with the milk & broke down & Edd took our car & took the milk down to Salem and the rest of us began digging for a place to set the Silo and it is a nice day."

Thur. Sept. 6: "Edd took the milk down to Salem for Harry & Harry & his men & I got the form in to build the pit for the Silo and in the afternoon we all got to work on it we got over half of the pit put in with stone & cement and it is a warm day. the children are all going to school but Florence."

Fri. Sept. 7: "Edd took the milk down to Salem for Harry with our Truck & Harry & his men helped me to finish the Silo pit we got it all finished by noon and in the afternoon we or Harrys men & Edd & I worked at leveling out the place for the stable & we got it about finished and it is a nice pleasant day it looks like rain"

Sat. Sept. 8: "In the morning Edd took the Milk for Harry down to Salem & James went with him & Hazel took me down to West Hebron to see Geo. Ferguson about putting up the new Silo & he got me a man Edward Coon he agreed to come up next Monday & help to put it up & it rained quite hard in the afternoon & Harry, Charley & Edd went over to Randles' & got a load of the Horse frame. it rained hard & they got wet through a nice rain"

Sun. Sept. 9: "Edd & Marion & the babe all went down to his folks & the rest of us all went to church & we heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron & we stayed for Sunday school and it is a cloudy day & looks some like rain after dinner we all went down to the Cemetery & watered the flowers that was on Harolds grave they look nice yet. and Edd & Marion & the babe got home a while after we did & it is quite cool at night."

Mon. Sept. 10: "In the morning after we milked Edd took the car & went down to West Hebron & got Edd Coon & he & Harry went at setting up the Silo and we got a good start on it and at night the women folks took Edd Coon down home at West Hebron and it is a nice pleasant day quite warm Charley helped in the afternoon on the silo."

Tues. Sept. 11: "In the morning after we milked Edd took the car and went down to West Hebron & got Edd Coon & he & Harry worked at putting up the Silo & did'nt have very good luck so it is so high we are going to put some corn in the Silo & raise it up higher so we can put the top staves & in the afternoon Charley & I began cutting corn for the Silo we cut the corn down at the lower house & then began cutting on the hill cross from the barn & James got excused from school at recess & took the team down to Norm Goulds & got them shawd and the girls took Edd Coon down home at West Hebron and it is a nice pleasant day nice & warm."

Wed. Sept. 12: "In the forenoon Harry got his Engine here & Ensilage cutter here and got it in place & in the afternoon Charley was here & he helped to get the machine ready & we had to move some lumber out of the way so we could get the corn closer to the Silo and Edd had to go up to the saw mill to get the Engine we got 2 loads from down at the lower house & left them on the wagon At night we had a Thunder shower it rained a nice little shower."

Thur. Sept. 13: "It rained some last night In the forenoon we got the pipe up to blow the ensilage in the Silo and cut 1 load to try it out & went down to the lower house & got the rest of the corn fodder 1 load and in the afternoon James Lant & Clarence Will Crosier & Edwin Gilchrist helped us & the boys came home from school & we got the new Silo nearly half full we got a nice lot of it cut and it is a nice pleasant day at night our young cattle got out & Harry took us down & found them at Joe McDougalls. and the rest of the folks took the Nash car & went down to West Hebron to see if Edd Coon could come up to Morrow & work on the Silo."

Fri. Sept. 14: "In the morning Edd went down to West Hebron & got Edd Coon and Harry came over & we worked at the Silo and we worked at it all day & we did'nt get all the Hoops on and the boys cut some corn on the hill cross from the barn. and it is a nice day Charley Smith helped in the afternoon and at night the women folks took Edd Coon down home and it is a nice day the Silo looks pretty high & it too."

Sat. Sept. 15: "In the morning Edd went down to West Hebron & got Edd Coon & Harry & him finished the Silo or nearly so all but the roof & they got the pipe to the blower up and & Jim & Clarence & Will Crosier came & we cut corn & in the afternoon we went at filling the new Silo & John Weir & his boy brought his team we got it all out of the field cross from the barn & quite a lot out of the orchard we got a lot in the Silo and and Edd Coon helped us and at night the women folks took him down home and it is a nice day cool nights."

Sun. Sept. 16: "There was no church to our church as they are having work done on the church (Painting) so we all stayed at home till after dinner we all went down to visit Harolds grave & water the lot. Edd & Marion and the babe went down to his folks and it is a cool & lonesome day it acts like Fall it looks some like rain toward night."

Mon. Sept. 17: "In the morning Harry came over and Jim & Clarence Lant, William Crosier & Walter Lant & his man & John Weir & his team came to help us to fill our Silo and we got all the corn out of the orchard and some out of the field above the lower place and we got the new Silo about full & we got the machine sat up at the other Silo ready to fill to morrow and it is a nice pleasant day warm & dry too. Charley Smith helped in the afternoon."

Tues. Sept. 18: "In the forenoon Walter Lant & his man helped us to fill the old Silo & John Liddle & John McNeil & his man helped us in the forenoon & in the afternoon we had David Skelly & his man in addition to what we had in the forenoon & we got the corn all out of the field down above the lower house & some cut on the McDougall place and we got it all in about. it is some cloudy & looks some like rain. Mr. Crosier helped all day"

Wed. Sept .19: "In the morning Harry came over & put the 2 loads that was on the wagons up in the Silo & then we moved the Engine & cutter & pipe over to Harrys & Edd & I took both teams over to help him to fill his Silo we cut corn & drawed corn all day for him to fill his Silo. It is a nice day warmer. after school was out the boys took James Lants wagon over home & left it and it is a warm day"

Thur. Sept. 20: "In the morning Edd & I went over to James Lants & helped him & Clarence to fill his Silo and it came on rain before night awhile so we did'nt quite done and it was a nice day till about 4. O'clock and we got home in good season"

Fri. Sept. 21: "In the morning Edd & I went over to James Lants & helped him to finish his Silo & it came on rain we stayed for dinner & then we went down to Walter Lants & helped him we cut corn all afternoon as the Engine had to be repaired and it is a cloudy day but a nice & warm & moist."

Sat. Sept. 22: "In the morning Edd & I took his car & went down to Walter Lants & helped him to fill his Silo we picked ears all forenoon as the Engine was being repaired and it is a warm day some cloudy we got home in good season & James & John C took Buster & Ned down to Norm Goulds & got them shawd and it is a nice day to work cloudy & warm It was Caucus at Argyle."

Sun. Sept. 23: "There was no service at out church as the church is being decorated & painted so we did'nt go to church any place else we all stayed at home but Edd & Marion & the babe they went down home and Eva & John Henry came along & stopped awhile & Orrie & they went home about night it is a cloudy day warm & rained a little most of the day but light grass looks green as in spring."

Mon. Sept. 24: "In the morning Edd & I took his car and went down to Walter Lants & helped him to fill his Silo we was there all day & we got a good start on the Silo we cut corn nearly all forenoon and got home in good season It was cloudy in the morning but cleared off warm too nice grass weather."

Tues. Sept. 25: "In the morning Edd & I went down to Walter Lants in his car & helped him to fill his Silo & we got done we have our time all in and we got home in good season and it is not in the morning but cleared off nice & warm too."

Wed. Sept. 26: "In the morning Edd & I took his car and went over to Will Crosiers & helped him (back) to cut corn it was very wet in the morning but cleared of warm & dryed off in a while and it is a nice pleasant day & warm too warm as summer."

Thur. Sept. 27: "In the morning we or Edd & I went up to John Weirs we took a team & wagon we stayed all day & helped him to fill his Silo and we through up there and it is a nice warm day cloudy & looked like rain all day but hung off."

Fri. Sept. 28: "In the morning Edd & I went over to Will Crosiers & helped him to cut corn and about 3. O clock a Thunder shower came up so we quit & came home & just at milking time we had another Thunder shower we had a lot of rain it wet the ground up in good shape and it was a hot day till the showers came up."

Sat. Sept. 29: "In the morning Edd & I went over to John Liddles at Billys & helped him to cut corn in the forenoon and in the afternoon we went down to Will Crosiers & helped him to cut corn we finished him up and we are about through changeing it cleared off in the morning after the shower last night. at night Edd & Marion went down to his folks & stayed all night and it is a nice pleasant day some cooler."

Sun. Sept. 30: "There is no service at our church yet as they are decorating yet & painting so Hazel & Marjory went down to Argyle to church and the rest of us stayed at home & kept house and it is a cloudy & lonesome day I am about sick not feeling a bit good it is a cloudy day looks some like rain but is cooler."

Mon. Oct. 1: "In the morning Mother, Florence & Hazel took the Nash car & went up to Hartford & got 2 men to come down & work at the stable & Harry came over & Edd helped them to build forms for the concrete they worked all day and I was sick a bed all day but did'nt have any Dr. and it is a cloudy & windy day & cooler."

Tues. Oct. 2: "James stayed at home & helped us & Harry was here all day I got to work & helped some we worked at putting in concrete all day & Charley helped in the afternoon and it is a nice pleasant day warmer. we got a good start to day."

Wed. Oct. 3: "In the forenoon James stayed at home & helped us & Harry helped all day Charley helped in the afternoon & we got a good start on the wall to day. and we got a load of gravel."

Thur. Oct. 4: "Edd was sick all day Harry helped all day & Charley & Will Crosier & James all helped us with the cement work & we got almost done with the wall & it rained some & bothered us some."

Fri. Oct. 5: "In the forenoon Edd was sick & the men & I worked at the stable and In the afternoon Harry took a load of wood out to Hudson Falls & Edd took some lumber out to Hudson Falls to get sawed in strips & Harry & he brought home some plank and dressed lumber that was out there for the stable. & got home after night awhile. and it is a nice day only cooler. we finished with the concrete Mixer for awhile."

Sat. Oct. 6: "The boys Edd & James took the Mixer & Engine down to the leeh or South part of the town and then they went out to Hudson Falls & got some lumber that was left out yesterday. & in the afternoon they drawed some gravel from Argyle in the truck & Harry brought home a load at night. and at night Edd & James took the men home up in Hartford they took part of the Silo form in the Truck & the rest helped me to milk they got back before bed time."

Sun. Oct. 7: "The church is being Decorated on inside and there was no service to day so we did'nt go to any other church to-day after dinner we all went down to the Cemetery & visited Harrolds grave and took some flowers for his grave as Roscoes & Ruby & Little Howard also and it is a nice Fall day We had a heavy frost last night it killed potato vines or tops nearly every place I guess. Edd & Marion & the babe came home at night."

Mon. Oct. 8: "In the morning Edd & James took up part of the Silo form to Dale Gibsons & got the men. they took the truck and they got the men down in fairly good season and we worked at the stable all day Charley helped in the afternoon and we got a good start to day. pretty cold last night again heavy White frost but turned out to be a nice day. cool nights. I think Harry got 2 load of gravel."

Tues. Oct. 9: "We worked at the stable all day but in the afternoon 'Edd & James got a load of gravel from Argyle 2 load & I think Harry got 1 load of gravel & 4000 # Cement from Hudson Falls and we the men & I worked at the stale all day Mr Kelley took the boards off from the South end of the main barn & it is some warmer but cool in the morning"

Wed. Oct. 10: "We all worked at the stable we had to shovel out some dirt Harry & Edd got 2 loads of gravel from Argyle & it rained some before night awhile but we kept at work nearly all day nice day to Work some warmer. Edd & Mr. Kelley boarded up the south end of the stable linter."

Thur. Oct. 11: "In the forenoon Edd helped Mr Kelly the carpenter & I helped Mr Conklin the Mason and it is a nice day warmer & Harry went out to Hudson Falls & Glens Falls & got a load of cement 4000 # & got back about night & then he went down to Argyle & got a load of sand or gravel & Edd & Charley & James took 2 cars & went & got 2 loads of gravel at Argyle and it is a nice day Charley helped in the afternoon. after he got back from take the milk. at night Edd & Marion went down to West Hebron to a party for Lydia. Mother kept the babe."

Fri. Oct. 12: "There was no school to day as it was a Holiday & the boys helped us and we worked at the lean-to & mason work too. and Charley helped in the afternoon & Harry helped all day & drawed 2 load of gravel & Charley got 1 of them & Edd got 1 load about night and that makes 4 loads to-day and we got the frame all up & nearly all the sheeting boards on now & got a good start on the Concrete on the floor in the stable. and it is fine weather & warm too."

Sat. Oct. 13: "We all worked at the stable all day Edd worked with Mr. Kelley the carpenter all day & the boys and I helped Mr. Conklin at Cement work and Charley helped in the afternoon and about night Charley & James went down to Argyle & got a load of gravel and Edd took the men home up to Hartford and took the rest of the form for the Silo Base up to Dale Gibsons & paid him $3.00 for the use of them. and we got a good start on the building & concrete also. It is a nice day & warm too."

Sun. Oct. 14: "There was no service at our church so we did'nt go to any other church. but after dinner we all went down to the Cemetery & took down some flowers and went on down to So. Argyle & on up to the lake & back home and it is a nice pleasant day & warmer rather cloudy Edd & Marion & the babe went down to his folks & got home at night."

Mon. Oct. 15: "It rained a little last night not much & in the morning we all went down to the other farm & began digging potatoes we got 2 loads they are big potatoes but not a very big crop no set we got 2 loads and it is nice digging and we got a good start It was a nice warm day and a good time to work with potatoes."

Tues. Oct. 16: "In the forenoon We all went down to the lower farm & dug potatoes & got a load & in the afternoon Edd went up & helped Mr. Gilchrist to dig potatoes to pay him back for Ed- ward helping us ½ day to fill the silo and the rest of us went down & dug potatoes & Charley came down & helped us to dig potatoes about ½ Hour I think & we all got another load & brought them up home & put them in the house cellar & they are a nice crop & nice stock not a very big crop but nice digging we take the cows down to the other place & watch them It is nice weather Edd went up to Theodore Gilchrist & helped him & Edwin to dig potatoes to pay Edwin back for helping us to fill the Silo."

Wed. Oct. 17: "We all dug potatoes all day down on the lower farm and we got 2 loads of potatoes and they are nice ones at that the children are a great help to us we are having vacation of 2 weeks now and we are having nice weather too. we take the cows down to the other place & let them run on the lower meadow below the road. it is a nice day."

Thur. Oct. 18: "We all went down to the lower place & dug potatoes all day & we got 2 loads dug out & brought them up to the House cellar and it is a nice time for digging potatoes thank goodness. we are getting along nicely it is warm & nice too."

Fri. Oct. 19: "We all went down to the lower place & dug potatoes nearly all day we got 2 loads and it rained some but not much it was cloudy & looked like rain we got 2 loads brought up to the House cellar and it keeps warm and a nice time to dig."

Sat. Oct. 20: "We had a nice rain last night but was clear in the morning and we all dug potatoes all day down on the lower farm and we got 2 loads of nice potatoes I don't think we have ½ of them dug and at night we all but Edd went out to Fort Edward & done some trading and it is a nice night but cool it is fine weather we are having no mistake."

Sun. Oct. 21: "There is no service at out church yet so we did'nt go to any other church and Edd & Marion & the babe went down to the folks & stayed all day & came back at night and after dinner we all drove the car down to the Cemetery & took some flowers and it is a nice pleasant day. cool nights but nice days"

Mon. Oct. 22: "We all went down to the lower place and dug potatoes and we got 2 good loads about 100 bu & they are a very good crop we are drawing them up & putting them in the House cellar and it is a nice day there is no school down at the Island this week."

Tues. Oct. 23: "We all went down to the lower place & dug & picked potatoes all day it came on rain just as we quit at night & we took the cows down to the lower meadow at the same place & we got 2 loads about 100 bu I guess and it is a cloudy day wind blew from the north all day & last night it looks like snow but I hope not it is a quite cool day."

Wed. Oct. 24: "It rained a lot last night & rained all forenoon Edd took the girls down to Argyle to school they are staying down now it is so muddy & slippery and we went down to dig & we dug about ½ of a load & it came on rain So we came up & we fixed some of the cow stalls & put the cows in the new stable at night it was so wet & Garry McEachrons came up in the afternoon & stayed till bed time."

Thur. Oct. 25: "Clarence Lant & we all dug potatoes all day down on the lower place in the long field and we got 4 loads and we got a nice lot of them out he helped us all day and we are drawing them all up & putting them in the House cellar and it is a nice pleasant day but pretty wet."

Fri. Oct. 26: "Clarence Lant helped us to day & we all dug potatoes all day & we got 4 loads & they are a nice crop and we drawed them all up to the house cellar and it is a nice day it's rather wet yet but is better digging to-day."

Sat. Oct. 27: "Harry helped us all day so did Clarence Lant & Charley Smith helped us in the afternoon and Hazel & Marjory helped us part of the day and we got a nice lot of them out they are a fair crop. and it frooze pretty hard last night a crust on the dirt in the morning the coldest yet Some of the tops were green yet at night Edd, Marion & the babe went down to his folds & stayed all night."

Sun. Oct. 28: "Mother, Haze. Marjory, Florence, Mary E, John C & Harry Oliver went to church and they heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron and they stayed for sunday school and James & I stayed at home & kept house & the folks said the church looked very nice and after dinner Mrs. Theodore Gillis & her folks came along & stayed awhile and it is a nice day only cloudy and very windy."

Mon. Oct. 29: "Clarence came over & helped us to dig potatoes down on the lower place and we kept James & John C. from school to help us. School began to-day. We got nearly done and it is a nice day for our work."

Tues. Oct. 30: "Clarence came over & helped us to dig & he Edd & I dug & picked them up we got nearly done & it is a cloudy day and at night just as we quit a Thunder shower came up & it was a bad storm rained a lot on the way home Thundered hard & some wind to. we left a few Clarence helped us 5 days for $15.ºº"

Wed. Oct. 31: "In the morning (as there was no schools) we all went down & finished digging potatoes & had a big load and in the afternoon Edd went out to Hudson Falls & took a load of lumber & got it dressed & got some Cement & took a grist & I picked a few apples what there was & the women folks went up to Hartford & got the Men to work on the stable. and got back about night. and it is some cooler good day to work."

Thur. Nov. 1: "The men worked at the barn & we helped them they put on the slate to-day. and it is a nice pleasant and we got a good start to day and it is a nice day for us to work. The children all went to school."

Fri. Nov. 2: "In the forenoon Edd took the Truck car & went out to Hudson Falls and got some lumber & Slate as we lacked a few. and got home a little after noon and then we all worked at the stable. and it is a nice day."

Sat. Nov. 3: "We all worked at the barn & stable all day we got some more cement work done to-day we worked at it all day. and at night the women folks took the men up home in Hartford and it is a nice day cooler but a nice pleasant."

Sun. Nov. 4: "We all went to church and we heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron and we stayed for sunday school and it is a nice pleasant day after we had dinner we put the cows in the stable and we all went up to Hartford and got the men that are working on the barn stable & brought them down home with us and Edd & Marion & the babe came home at night or bed time."

Mon. Nov. 5: "The men & us worked on the stable & barn all day & we got the Cement work about done all are on the floor. and it is a nice day the girls drove the car down to Argyle to school & came home at night. Will Hunt came up to put in some lights in the new stable & got ahead of his time so went back home."

Tues. Nov. 6: "In the forenoon Hazel took Mother & I down to Argyle to vote & James & John C went with us as some of the young cattle was out & in the mean while Edd brought the Truck down to get a load of gravel & I came home with him & left the rest to Hunt up the cattle & they found them & brought them all home and we got in the rest of the Cement & got the sleepers all in & we are getting a good start. the men went up to Hartford to vote Mr. Kelley got back but Mr. Conklin did'nt show up Edd & James went down to Argyle in the afternoon & got a nother load of gravel & the other boys went with me to fix some fence over back where we put the young cattle."

Wed. Nov. 7: "Mr. Conklin Did not come back to-day Mr Kelley work all day on the barn & we worked at the stable Mr. Hunts man was up here. changing the wires in the stable."

Thur. Nov. 8: "In the forenoon Mr Conklin came back from Election & went to Work. and we all worked at the stale & in the afternoon Edd took the Truck & took some lumber to get dressed and it is a nice day only cool. Mr. Hunt & his Man was here all day fixing wires in the new stable and it is a nice day."

Fri. Nov. 9: "In the forenoon Edd took out some lumber to get dressed & Expected to get the windows for the stable but got disappointed and he got the lumber home with him and in the afternoon we all worked at the stable."

Sat. Nov. 10: "We all worked at the stale & putting up the chute to the Silo & Mr. Conklin & I put up the Manure carrier James & I went down to the woods and cut a chestnut log & took the team & snaked it up to the barn & at night Edd took the men up to Hartford where they live & then He & Marion & the babe went down to his home & stayed all night and it is a nice pleasant day & cool too."

Sun. Nov. 11: "We did'nt go to church any of us to-day as it rained a lot last night & in the morning the ground is wet now water is raising after dinner we went up to Hartford and got Mr Kelley but did'nt get Mr Conklin as he was'nt ready to come to day and we got home about dark and we had the cows in the stable ready to milk & feed and it is a cloudy day & rained some."

Mon. Nov. 12: "Mr Kelley & Edd put the Silo roof on & I helped some & chored around and Mr Conklin did'nt get back till night to work but he came back at noon & got $10.ºº he had to go to Salem and they got the roof on and it is a nice day we got word that the windows had arrived at Hudson Falls and at night we put up a load of potatoes to go to-morrow."

Tues. Nov. 13: "In the morning Edd took a small load of potatoes 29 bu @ 80¢ per bu out to Hudson Falls and got some ship lap & he took out some pine boards to get dressed he brought back the windows and he got back about noon & we put on a nother load of 30 bu & he took them out to Hudson Falls at 80¢ and he brought home the lumber that he took out in the morning and it is a cloudy day cool raw & sour day looked like snow and Edd sold some more potatoes at 80¢ per bu. & Mr Kelley & Mr Conklin worked in the stable all day & I helped some Edd got home in good season it is getting colder."

Wed. Nov. 14: "In the forenoon Edd took out a load of potatoes 40 bu to Fort Edward & Hudson Falls and got some nails & 3 windows and he sold them to different parties and left 10 bu at the Depot and he got back about noon and in the afternoon he took a nother load of potatoes out to Fort Edward to the Depot 45 bu shipped to Ticonderoga for Harry Swan and he got home about night & Mr Kelley & Mr Conklin worked at the stable all day & I helped them some and sorted some potatoes and Will Hunt came up to see about the lights the engine refused to go."

Thur. Nov. 15: "In the forenoon Edd took a load of potatoes out to Hudson Falls to Griffin Lumber Companys men. 30 bu of them He left 10 bu. at Fort Edward Depot and he got home at noon and in the afternoon he took a nother load of potatoes out to Fort Edward Depot for Harry Swan to be shipped to Ticonderoga he had on 40 bu at 80¢ per bu and he got home about chore time and Mr. Kelley & Mr. Conklin worked at the stable all day & they finished it up to-day and after supper Edd & Marion took the men up home at Hartford & came back by Argyle to some kind of a show and I paid the men all up & let Edd have Ten Dollars. & it was foggy & frosty in the forenoon but cleared of & was a nice afternoon & was warmer."

Fri. Nov. 16: "In the forenoon Edd took a load of potatoes out to Glens Falls to Theobald at 75¢ per bu about 40 bu got back a little after noon and in the afternoon we drawed in corn from the McDougall place below the road we put it is our barn and it is a cloudy day and the women folks took the car and went down to Argyle & got the school girls and it is a cloudy day & looks like rain all day."

Sat. Nov. 17: "In the forenoon Edd took a load of potatoes out to the Fort & brought home some feed or ½ Ton Bran for 19.50 and the boys & I drawed in some corn from the McDougall field and in the afternoon Edd & I went over to Will Crosiers & helped him to draw in his corn we took our team & rack and helped him he is stacking his corn and it is a pretty cloudy day but warm. at night Edd & Marion & the babe went over to Kenneth Beverages & stayed all night."

Sun. Nov. 18: "We all went to church and we heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron & we stayed for sunday school and we all went back to the young peoples meeting at the church and it is a pretty cloudy day & cooler looks like snow but did'nt we put the most of our cows in our new stable now. and Edd & Marion was home at night when we got home."

Mon. Nov. 19: "In the morning the girls took the car down to Argyle when they went to school & left the car at the Garage to be looked into and Edd took a load of potatoes out to Fort Edward & Hudson Falls & got a load of feed and when he got back we went over to Will Crosiers & helped him to draw in corn and it is a nice day only cold it frooze quite hard last night. cold all day but pleasant."

Tues. Nov. 20: "In the forenoon Edd & I drawed our corn in from the McDougall place field next to us & in the afternoon we went over to Wm. Crosiers & took our team & wagon & helped him to draw in his corn we drawed it down to our barn on the McAuley place and it is a nice day some cooler. at night we loaded or sorted some potatoes."

Wed. Nov. 21: "In the forenoon Edd & Marion went down to Argyle in their car and got our car as it was down to Argyle and in the afternoon we all went down to school house as the scholars had a Thanksgiving entertainment and it is a nice day rather cloudy. at night we put up some potatoes to go tomorrow & Will Crosier brought a load of corn & fodder over here for us helping him."

Thur. Nov. 22: "In the morning we loaded up a load of potatoes & Edd took them out to Glens Falls to Theobalds at 75¢ per bu. and our women folks Marion & the babe & Mother over to a Missionary Meeting at Will Beverages and I stayed at home & husked corn that Crosier brought over for us down in the barn cellar."

Fri. Nov. 23: "In the morning Edd took a load of potatoes to Glens Falls at Theobalds & he took a grist for the Horses & left it at Fort Edward and it is a cloudy day I husked corn down in the cellar and when Edd got back he drawed some manure down to the lower place. & I husked some corn & at night Edd, Marion & the boys & I went down to Argyle to a Basket Ball game & brought home the school girls & Mother kept Florence & Helen the babe and it rained right down."

Sat. Nov. 24: "It must of rained all of last night and it rained some through the day in the forenoon James drawed some manure down to the lower place and Edd took his car down to Norm Goulds & took some repair work & got back about noon & in the afternoon we laid some of the floor above the cows and chored around & at night Edd & Marion & the babe went down to Garrys & stayed all night it was raining when they went & before we went to bed it was snowing right down. but not very cold."

Sun. Nov. 25: "In the morning the ground was covered with snow 15 or 18 inches deep & it snowed a little all day we did'nt go to church or any place else Harry came over this far & went back home He did'nd go with the milk to-day the snow is 1½ foot deep I guess it is not very cold yet but a big Blanket of snow."

Mon. Nov. 26: "In the morning we got out a wagon & hitched two horses on it & James took the girls down to Argyle school and he got back about noon & I shoveled off the snow from the tin roof it was loaded full and we done the noon chores and James stayed home or out of school all day but the teacher did'nt get here till noon and the milk went to day to Salem in 2 rigs terrible hard going & in the afternoon Garry came up here & got some things for Marion & the babe."

Tues. Nov. 27: "I did'nt do much but the chores. I husked some of Mr. Crosiers corn down in the barn cellar & put it in the corn house. It is a nice warm day the snow melted quite a lot to day at night Edd, Marion & the babe came back home the roads are nearly all bare now the snow is melting away each day slowly. the school children went to school & helped me to do the chores morning & night."

Wed. Nov. 28: "In the morning we loaded up a load of potatoes and Edd took them out to Glens Falls I guess at 75¢ per bu and I stayed at home & chored around & husked some corn and it is a cloudy day thawed some when Edd came home he brought the girls from school."

Thur. Nov. 29: "There was no school to-day we had a chicken dinner all by ourselves we all finishing laying in the floor above the cow stable & husked some of our own corn up in the barn floor. and and it is a cloudy day but not very cold."

Fri. Nov. 30: "We husked corn & chored around it rained nearly all day & came right down. it is a wet time water laying nearly everywhere we are having a wet time and not very cold yet no school to day."

Sat. Dec. 1: "In the morning we loaded up a load of potatoes & Edd & James took them out to Glens Falls and the rest of us done the chores & had an early dinner & all got ready & went in the Nash car out to Glens Falls to do some trading and we did'nt get home very early neither did Edd or Jimmie & they went down to Argyle to a Basket ball game & I went down after we got home with Hazel & Marjory & Marion & James came home with us and it is a nice day Marion had the babes pictures taken we had a busy day."

Sun. Dec. 2: (Georgia's handwriting from here on) "We went to church and it was quite warm and the roads are very muddy. Marion and Edd stayed at home and in the afternoon Ralph Yarter and Lillian McE brought Edds Mother & Mary up and then they came up after them and stayed a while in the evening."

Mon. Dec. 3: "In the morning we loaded up a load of potatoes and Edd took them up to Glens Falls to Mrs Baldwin and the girls drove the car down to the garage and Guy Barkley fixed the switch so the lights work alright. Will Hunt came up and finished putting in the lights in the barn and cleaned up the engine in cellar. and I helped or watched them."

Tues. Dec. 4: "In the morning we loaded up another load of potatoes and Edd took them out to Glens Falls and I went to husking after the boys helped me get the chores done. I husked a while and the Frank Anderson came up and telephoned an I came to the house with him and while I sat in the house I begun to feel queer. and almost fell off the chair I was sitting on and mother helped me into an arm chair and called Dr Stillman and he said I had a shock of Paralysis and my left leg & arm is almost powerless. Marion went down in the morning with Edd and brought home the car and at night she went down to school and sent the boys home and took the Baby, Mary E & Florence and went to Argyle after Hazel & Marjory."

Wed. Dec. 5: "In the morning Edd and the boys loaded up another load of Potatoes and he took them out to Glens Falls to George McNeal on Bay St and Garry went with him from Argyle and it rained most of the day. I am feeling about the same as I did yesterday but I got up and got dressed about Eleven Oclock and with mother's help walked to Sitting Room to get into a chair. Mary W. & Everett came up to see me to-day and that helped to put in the time. I feel as though I could go out and work but havent power in my leg and arm to do it. at night Marion & Edd went to the fair at Argyle and went out to Fort Edward and run into a bridge and broke his car and had to chance it home."

Thur. Dec. 6: "In the morning the boys done the chores and then went to school and Edd drawed a load of manure and loaded up another and left it until afternoon but Harry came over and said he was going to Glens Falls so Edd went out with him and fixed his car but didnt get home until after the chores were done. Marion went out and helped the boys with the milking. I think I am a little better to day I slept good last night and can walk a little better today. Mary is still here and we had a chicken pie supper as long as we couldn't go to the fair. Harry Barkley & Emma came up and Theodore G came down and Clayton Stopped when he was coming home from taking a load of potatoes out to Glens Falls. Jim Lant came over to see me in the morning."

Fri. Dec. 7: "The weather is nice today it has cleared off and is a little colder but not cold for the time of year the ground is not frozen a bit. I am gaining some I think I walked out to the kitchen to-day and I think my arm has a little more strength. Jimmie stayed at home this forenoon and helped Edd. They cleaned out the Closet and took a load of manure down to the McAuley place and put up a grist and In the afternoon Edd went out with the grist and brought the Girls home after school. and Marion & Edd went to the fair and dance Mary, went home w Charley this morning. Harry came over and Him & Edd & Jimmie Shut the upper front door in the Horse barn and fastened them."

Sat. Dec. 8: "It is cloudy again this morning and is very warm for the time of year. The boys Johnnie & Oliver helped Edd do the chores and Jimmie drawed manure down to the other place and the other boys husked some and in the afternoon they sorted some potatoes and at night they finished sorting enough for a load to take out tomorrow. I am still gaining some can walk better and can raise my arm. John Weir & Lena came down in the afternoon and at night Laurence & Gladys W. and the baby came down a while"

Sun. Dec. 9: "We didn't go to church any of us but Marion & Edd went down to Garry's after Helen she has been there since Friday night. I didn't sleep very good last night but feel pretty good this morning Jennie D called up and wants me to go out to see Dr. Sweet at Glens Falls."

Mon. Dec. 10: "In the morning Edd and the boys loaded up a load of potatoes and Edd took them out to the Mohican Co. Glens Falls and traded them for Groceries. In the afternoon David Foster & his wife came down to call on me and toward night John Liddles folks came up and later on Harry's folks came over after Earl. He came from school with the children because his folk had gone away. I think I am feeling a little better. The girls rode to school with Edd on the load of Potatoes.

Tues. Dec. 11: "In the morning the boys and Edd done the chores and then they went to school and Edd drawed manure. I didn't sleep very well last night I got nervous I guess I was too tired. The boys sorted the rest of a load of Potatoes to take tomorrow"

Wed. Dec. 12: "In the morning Edd & the boys loaded up a load of Potatoes and went out to Glens Falls he had only a part of them sold and he had hard work to sell any more he finally sold the to the Mohican and traded them mostly out. I think I am gaining a little I can walk better but not alone."

Thur. Dec. 13: "The boys & Edd done the chores and then they went to school and Edd and I came to an agreement about is wages for the summer. We agreed that forty dollars ($40) was the price and counted up how much he had taken up. In the afternoon Harry Barkley & Marion & Emma came up and stayed a while. Billy Liddle came over and and visited with me quite a while he is a lot better than he was and walk with just a cane."

Fri. Dec. 14: "In the morning it was quite a lot colder and the wind blowed. The boys & Edd done the chores and the children went to school and Edd put the window in the peak of the Horse barn and after dinner Edd drew over the rest of the little potatoes from the Horse barn cellar and put them in the outside cellar of the house It is cold and the wind blows hard. It is the coldest weather we have had froze the hardest."

Sat. Dec. 15: "In the morning Jimmie drawed a load of manure down to the McAuley place. Edd opened up the new Silo and got it ready for use. He said there was about 3 inches waste and Jimmie drawed the waste in a load down to the other place and Garrys folks came up and stayed the rest of the day and Billy came over to see about the calf and bought us a Jug of Buttermilk. after dinner Edd & Jimmie & Johnnie went over to Bill Liddles with the calf and didn't get back until almost four oclock. Then they loaded up a load of sawdust and brought it to the Horse barn cellar and the girls Hazel, Marjory & Florence went to church it is communion tomorrow and Busy was sick and couldn't go. at night they all (but Busy, Florence, Mother & I) went to Argyle to the Ball games. Hazel played with the girls."

Sun. Dec. 16:(Harvey's handwriting ) "Hazel, Marjory, James & John C went to church and they heard a sermon by Mr. McEachron and Mother Mary E & Florence& Oliver stayed at home with me and Edd & Marion went down to his folks & got the baby. and it is a nice day for the time of year and I am about the same don't improve very much." (Georgia's handwriting again) "George McKernon came up to see me a little while and toward night Will Crosier came over."

Mon. Dec. 17: "In the morning hazel & Marjory took the car and went to school and kept the car to Argyle until Wednesday night. The boys & Edd done the chores and they went to school and Edd husked corn. It was a nice day."

Tues. Dec. 18: "In the morning Edd and the boys done the chores and then Edd Husked some and the boys went to school and then went after their Christmas tree and the youngsters came up here after boxes & chairs and lamps for their Christmas entertainment tomorrow night. George & Ina came in to see me a little while. I think I am improving a little I went down on the ground and walked to the horse barn with Mothers help."

Wed. Dec. 19: "The boys done the chores and Harry came over and killed Gypsy cow and when they dressed he they didn't think she looked very good and so they dug a hole and burried her. Lawrence Williamsons folks came down and left little Florence here while they went to Glens Falls. Dr. McEachron & James Francis came up here to see me a while and at night the girls came home and we all went down to the schoolhouse to a Christmas Tree and I rode very comfortable and enjoyed myself and was not any worse for my ride."

Thru. Dec. 20: "In the morning the girls took the car down to Argyle again and the children went to school and the school at Argyle have their Christmas tree in Grange Hall tonight. I felt a little tired this morning but was all right when I got up. Mr. Gilchrist came in to see me a few minutes and Clayton stoped on his way out to Glens Falls."

Fri. Dec. 21: "In the morning the boys done chores and then went to school and Edd drawed manure down to the lower place In the forenoon Billy came over and bought us 2 Jars of Butter and a jug of Buttermilk and took the youngest calf home with him. and got half a bushel of potatoes to feed his cow. I go out on the ground and walk everyday."

Sat. Dec. 22: "In the morning the boys went at the sawdust and got it nearly all over to the celler and done the chores and then we all went down to Argyle in the afternoon to see the chicken shoot. The roads are awful bad, mud is awful deep. Marion & Helen went down to Garrys and stayed all night. Edd came home and helped a little with the chores and then went back and stayed all night. I was pretty tired at night."

Sun. Dec. 23: "In the morning we got up a little a late and when the boys got out to do chores

Edd & Garry had the cows all milked & nearly fed. They stayed for breakfast and done the rest of the chores and then went back down there. Hazel & Marjory & James went to church. It is a disagreeable day damp & foggy and colder before night. Will Crosier came over this afternoon."

Mon. Dec. 24: "In the morning our folks got up early and Mother & Hazel went out to Glens Falls to find Christmas things and Harrys folks went with them they didnt get home until about half past seven and Jimmie drawed manure down to the McAuley place and the rest of the boys & Edd done chores and husked some corn Edd & Jimmie brought Harrys threshing Machine up and we want to thresh Wednesday. Rob McFarland came down to see me a while this afternoon."

Tues. Dec. 25: "In the morning the children got up early to see if Santa Claus had been here and I guess he had by the noise they made and after they got the chores done Edd & Marion went down to Robert Halls to a Christmas dinner and Earl, Harold & Stanley over to have us telephone for them and they took some of their Presents home with. I didnt feel very well last night thought I was quite a lot worse but was feeling about as well today only am quite lame."

Wed. Dec. 26: "In the morning the boys got the chores done and expected to thresh. They got things ready and Harry didn't come over so Jimmie went over to see about what he was going to do and he had a sick cow and he said Edd could go over to Ralph McGeoch and get the engine. Clarence Lant came over to help thresh and him and Edd went and got the Engine and Harry & Rob Smith came over and Harry telephoned to Dr. Murray and he didn't want to thresh until tomorrow so Clarence went home and Will Crosier came over to help to but made me a call and went home. It was a grand day warm and pleasant"

Thur. Dec. 27: "In the morning the boys got the chores done so to be ready to thresh. It snowed a little in the morning but didn't amount to anything Clarence, Will Crosier, John Weir helped besides Harry and Charley came home from about 3 or 2:30 oclock and helped after he came. They got over half through and had about 64 bu of the new kind that grew behind the barn and 50 bu of the other kind. It was a pretty good day. at night we went to a Christmas supper at the church and It snowed before we came home But the going was better than I expected. I enjoyed myself and I guess the rest did saw a lot there to visit with Marion & Edd & Helen didn't go."

Fri. Dec. 28: "In the morning It began to snow harder and snowed quite a lot. There must be about 6 or 8 inches of snow but it cleared off before noon and the men came back and finished threshing the boys drew over about 11 bags of oats on there sleds in the forenoon and emptied them so to have bags enough and after they got through the boys drew over some more. It is a good job done. I didn't feel any worse for going out last night. I didn't go out today on account of the snow."

Sat. Dec. 29: "The boys done the chores and took the team and drew over the rest of the oats and got a grist ready to take to Fort Edward and in the afternoon Edd went to a Rifle contest and at night he went back to a basket ball game after the boys got the young cattle watered they put the manure boards in the Sleighs and took two loads of manure down to the lower place. I went out for a walk and went to the Horse barn."

Sun. Dec. 30: (Harvey's handwriting) "We all stayed at home & kept house it was so cold they was afraid the car would freeze up. It is a raw & cold winters day. I am not getting along very fast but gaining very slow. I think. Winter has come I guess."

Mon. Dec. 31: "In the morning Edd took the car & went with a grist out to Fort Edward & went on up to Glens Falls & got the grist when he came back & there was school to day at the Island it is a nasty day cloudy & looked like rain & did some & we have come to the close of a nother year We have had hard luck lost Harold & I am Helpless nearly so at present I had a stroke of Paryles Dec 4 the left side the ground is white & looks like winter."



Apr. 19 We began plowing first it is in grand shape

May 20 " Turned the cows out to grass at night.

May 23 " finished plowing for 1923

May 24 " began planting corn for the first.

June 5 " finished planting Potatoes 8 Acres

June 6 " began useing ice for milk in the milk House

July 25 We finished shoveling out potatoes 8 A.

Aug 4 " " mowing & Haying rather light crop

" 4 " put our Bull with the young cattle

Sept 11 " began cutting corn very good too.

O 15: " began digging potatoes very good too. 8 Acres.

" 31 " finished digging potatoes good crop 1500 bu guess

Dec. 3 topsy cow had a calf Heifer we will raise it.

Dec 4 Katie Cow had a Heifer calf and we will raise it.

Dec 6 Pansy " " " " " " " are going to raise it.

Dec 14 Winnie " " " Bull calf " later we sold it.